

Glavgosexpertiza issued a positive conclusion on the project for the construction of a coastal station of the NAVTEX service in the seaport of Dikson

Federal Autonomous Organization "Glavgosexpertiza of Russia" issued a positive conclusion for the project for the construction of a coastal station of the NAVTEX service in the seaport of Dikson, which is being implemented by the Murmansk branch of FSUE "Rosmorport".

The work on the project "Construction of facilities of the Global Emergency Marine Communication System on the Northern Sea Route. The coastal station of the NAVTEX service in the seaport of Dikson" is carried out within the framework of the federal project "Northern Sea Route" at the expense of the federal budget.

The design solutions envisage the construction of facilities and placement of equipment: the main and backup masts with a height of 40 m with SV-051 antennas, container of the automated diesel power station, container of the control room, two antennas AZSSS, carrier container for equipment and container for all-weather antennas for matching devices.

The operational range of the coastal station is 485 nautical miles. The number of abonent stations served is 200.

For reference:

NAVTEX - (NAVTEX - "NAVigational TEleX") is a system of automatic letterpress telegraph designed for distribution of navigational and meteorological warnings and urgent information for vessels with automatic printing from a special receiver.

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