

The icebreaker Dikson successfully piloted the scientific vessel Akademik Primakov through the Vilkitsky Strait

On August 21, 2021, the icebreaker Dikson of FSUE "Rosmorport" successfully completed the icebreaking assistance of the scientific and research vessel Akademik Primakov through the Vilkitsky Strait to clear water in the Laptev Sea.

On August 16, 2021, Dikson sailed from the seaport of Arkhangelsk to provide services under an agreement with JSC "Sevmorneftegeofizika" for ice escort of the vessel Akademik Primakov, which was heading eastward to carry out works in the area of Wrangel Island. Since August 18, the icebreaker followed the vessel in the Kara Sea, on August 20, on the approaches to the Vilkitsky Strait, it took the vessel under the assistance in conditions of one-year ice (4 points).

During the period of icebreaking assistance in 2020-2021, from January to April, the icebreaker Dikson carried out the assistance services for vessels in the White Sea in the direction of the seaport of Arkhangelsk and provided the assistance for 168 vessels in difficult ice conditions. The icebreaking assistance routes in the White Sea in case of difficult ice conditions are up to 300 nautical miles long.

For reference:

The icebreaker Dikson was built in Finland in 1983, has an Icebreaker6 ice class and is able to move non-stop in flat ice up to 1 m thick at a speed of 1-2 knots. In clear water, the speed of the icebreaker is up to 16 knots.

In winter, the icebreaker Dikson is involved in icebreaking assistance of vessels in the White Sea, in summer it can perform icebreaking operations in the water area of the Northern Sea Route, including sea towing of vessels. The icebreaker has a license for towing operations. The pulling force of the tow winch is 250 kN, the length of the tow rope is 1000 m.

The icebreaker can carry out international voyages. Two types of cabins are used to accommodate special personnel (passengers) up to 25 people on the icebreaker: 3 single cabins and 11 double cabins. For recreation on the icebreaker, there is a main saloon, a dining room, a small dining room, a sauna and a gym.

The icebreaker operates on a regular basis in the water area of the Northern Sea Route: it provides icebreaking assistance and towing services for vessels in the water area of the Kara Sea, the Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea; ice escort for marine survey geophysical works; carries out works on icebreaking assistance for vessels in the water area of the seaport.

In August-September 2019, Dikson performed a unique towing of the floating power unit Akademik Lomonosov along the Northern Sea Route from the seaport of Murmansk to the seaport of Pevek.

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