

Congratulation of the General Director of FSUE "Rosmorport" on the Day of Workers of the Maritime and River Fleet

Dear friends!

On behalf of the staff of FSUE "Rosmorport" and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on the Day of Workers of the Maritime and River Fleet!

Maritime affairs are more than just work. It becomes a calling. It becomes what you're proud of, what you tell your friends about. It becomes something you're willing to devote yourself 24/7. After all, the maritime affairs require us to be dedicated, have necessary knowledge and experience, and to be ready to make a difficult but balanced decision at any time.

Hereditary sailors and those who have just joined the industry – we are all united by the understanding that our work is important for the country. We honor traditions and always strive for development. We are moving forward, to new victories, discoveries and significant achievements. In full sail.

On this day I want to wish you a clear horizon and space for fantasy, courage and perseverance, support of friends and loved ones.

Happy holidays! Smooth sailing ahead!

General Director A.A. Smirnov

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