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Discovery magazine wrote an article about the FSUE "Rosmorport" sailboat Khersones

How to get on a sailing vessel? Is it possible to increase knowledge of the maritime business in a couple of months? How to start learning yachting? All of this you can find in the latest issue of Discovery magazine. The correspondent of the magazine spent several days aboard the sailing training vessel Khersones and revealed all the secrets of life under sails.

"All rigging on the board is in working condition. Each gear has its own purpose, and the first thing that cadets must do is pass the test of their knowledge of the rigging, the total length of which is 70 kilometers, and the area of ​sails is almost 3000 square meters. To facilitate the theoretical part, some of the rigging is highlighted in different colors: brails are red, gantlines are yellow, and sheets are blue. "If you learn gears, the next tests will be easier", says Yuri Sidorov. — "In two months, if you wake up one of our cadets in the middle of the night, he will answer any question without hesitation. Having learned the basics here, the cadets get a pass to the world of seafaring — after working on a sailboat, they will be able to work anywhere, including icebreakers and container vessels".

The material is available in full by the link or in Discovery magazine No. 7 (142) as of July 2021.

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