

Onego Shipyard lays down the keel of the living crab carrier for the new fleet of the Russian Crab Company Group

Onego Shipyard laid down the keel of the third crab carrier of the CCa 5712LS series (construction number 503), which is being built at the shipyard by the order of the Russian Crab Company Group. The series includes seven vessels for catching and transporting live crab.

The ceremony was attended by representatives of the government of the Republic of Karelia, the city of Petrozavodsk and the Russian Crab Company Group, as well as representatives of FSUE “Rosmorport”, who congratulated the enterprise’s staff on the completion of one of the key stages of the vessel construction.

Basic dimensions of the vessel:

Maximum length:
57.70 m
Length between perpendiculars:
55.50 m
Maximum width:
12.60 m
Number of the main engines:       
Power of main engine:
1,620 kW
Gross tonnage (estimated):
1,300 GT
Speed at draught at the summer
load waterline, at power
of power unit of 85%:     

12.3 knots

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