

FSUE "Rosmorport" continues to prepare the Slavyanka sailing vessel as part of the "School under Sails" project

FSUE "Rosmorport" continues to prepare the Slavyanka sailing vessel for the transition from Turkey to Russia. The 32-meter sailboat, acquired by FSUE "Rosmorport" in fulfillment of the order of the President of the Russian Federation to organize the Far Eastern "School under Sails" on the basis of the Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy Maritime State University, will be included in the training flotilla. It will include two sailboats, one of which will be built in our country.

In July of this year, FSUE "Rosmorport" at its own expense, acquired a sailboat named "Slavyanka", it also carries out further equipping, and provides the supplies, necessary for a long voyage. The two-masted 32-meter sailboat named after the village in the Primorski Krai where the school will be based.

The Russian flag was raised on the vessel at the end of September 2020. The vessel will be examined for compliance with the declared class in the near future. 

The Slavyanka sailboat will have a long sea passage from Turkey to Russia (Vladivostok) through two oceans. The route length is almost 15 thousand nautical miles. According to experts, the sailing will take about six months. After the sailboat arrives at the seaport of permanent residence, Russian schoolchildren dreaming of becoming sailors will be able to take part in training voyages and sea expeditions, including those ones in the ocean areas historically significant for the Russian fleet. The capacity of the vessel after retrofitting will be up to 22 people. 

FSUE "Rosmorport" has developed a preliminary design for the second vessel (sailing-motor yacht), planned for construction at the Russian shipyard.

"School under sails" project continues to carry out the basic naval career guidance and naval patriotic education of schoolchildren, launched by previous projects "Russian sea cadets" (2018) and "School of Young Shipbuilders" (2018-2019) at the sites of the International Child Center Artek and All-Russian Child Center Okean.

In addition to the traditional activities for the development of the basics of maritime specialties and the construction of training vessels by young sailors, the "School under sails" project program includes the next stage. This is the commencement of sea passages on built training sailboats and its highest development, the participation of the best sea cadets in a circumnavigation of the world along the routes of historical expeditions of the Russian fleet.

This project is aimed to promote the revival of the historical memory of seafaring researchers and defenders of the Motherland, domestic shipbuilding and achievements of Russian sea discoverers, to organize professional (marine) education of youth, to organize primary education for children and teenagers in the field of ship construction, navigation skills and study of maritime affairs.

More than 25 thousand children and teenagers visit almost 350 marine career guidance centers and clubs for young sailors in Russia, in favor of which this project is being implemented.

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