

Veterans of the maritime and river industry were congratulated on the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory and the end of the Second World War

FSUE "Rosmorport" together with the Council of Veterans of the Maritime and River Fleet, the Ministry of Transport of Russian Federation and Rosmorrechflot held an off-site commemorative event in the Moscow Region boarding house "Moryak" in conjunction with the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. The only monument to the sailors and ships of the merchant fleet deceased in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 is located on the territory of the boarding house.

The Deputy Minister of Transport of Russian Federation Yuri Tsvetkov, the Head of Rosmorrechflot Alexander Poshivai, the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Maritime and River Fleetб and the Chairman of the Public Council at Rosmorrechflot Yuri Mikhailov, veterans and members of the Council laid wreaths at the monument, the press-service of Rosmorrechflot reported.

The guests of the event congratulated the veterans, wished them health, energy, active longevity and thanked them for their usual active participation in patriotic work with the youth.

The ceremony was followed by a concert dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory over fascist Germany and militaristic Japan, in which, as is customary, the creative team of students from the Moscow Academy of Water Transport took part.

On the same day, the veterans visited the city of military glory Mozhaisk, where they laid flowers at the memorial to the fallen defenders of the Mozhaisk defense line of the capital.

The date:

On the 3 of September the Day of Russia's Military Glory is celebrated - the Day of the end of the Second World War. On the 3 of September 1945, representatives of the Soviet Union, the USA, Chin, Great Britain, France and other allied states put their signatures under the Japanese Instrument of Surrender. This day marked the end of World War II.

The day of the end of World War II in 1945 is celebrated in Russia on the 3 September from 2020, before that date was celebrated on the 2 September.

Photos from the Rosmorrechflot official website

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