

FSUE "Rosmorport" launched the project of construction and reconstruction of infrastructure facilities in the seaport of Vanino

On November 7, 2018, FSUE "Rosmorport" and BaltMorStroy, LLC signed a state contract for the development of work documentation and carrying out works regarding construction and reconstruction of infrastructure and federal property facilities in the seaport of Vanino (Stage 1).

Construction is carried out within the framework of the project for creation of transport and transshipping complex for coal transshipment on the north bank of Muchke Bay of the seaport of Vanino with a capacity of 24 million tons per year for full development.

The project is implemented in accordance with the Russia’s state program "Transport system development" on the terms of public-private partnership involving private investor VaninoTransCoal, JSC.

The complex will include a sea terminal and maritime area with a berth, Russian border checkpoint, coast-protecting hydraulic constructions, objects of the navigation equipment system, auxiliary buildings and structures.

Within the framework of the state contract, work is being carried out on the formation of maritime area and installation of aids to navigation and other equipment. The volume of planned dredging works for the first stage will amount up to 908.9 thousand sq. m.

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