

FSUE “Rosmorport” gives presents to children

New Year’s Eve is a time of joyful surprises, holiday spirit and the fulfillment of wishes! Every year workers of the FSUE “Rosmorport” central office visit the ASTARTA Ruza Social Rehabilitation Center for minors.

On December 27, 2018 FSUE “Rosmorport” employees visited the children and gave them useful and necessary gifts: a screen for a video projector, Christmas tree decorations, comfortable and colorful rucksacks. Children put on warms gloves and socks and don’t need to fear the cold. Now they will be able to lark about outdoors, play snowballs and build a snowman. New draperies decorate bedroom suites and a musical hall of the center. The enterprise did not forget about candies and fruits. No child was left without attention and support.

Children and the guests did a circle dance around the New Year tree. The ward read poetry, performed songs and dances. Many kind words and wishes were said, joy and fun prevailed. Children presented hand-made Christmas tree decorations to the guests to the memory of the meeting.

This day the eyes of girls and boys radiated joy and happiness and this was the best gift for grown-ups.

In acknowledgement of rendered support, the administration of the social rehabilitation center expressed gratitude to the enterprise.

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