

FSUE “Rosmorport” deputy general director for capital construction makes working visit to Kaliningrad

FSUE “Rosmorport” Deputy General Director for Capital Construction Vladislav Rassykhin made a working visit to the Kaliningrad Directorate of the North-Western Basin Branch on January 23-24, 2019.

The priority of his working trip was to inspect the construction of an international sea terminal for receiving cruise and cargo passenger vessels in Pionersky.

A working meeting was held January 24 to discuss the construction of the facility. The meeting involved deputy director of the Rosmorrechflot Directorate for Seaports and the Development of the Infrastructure Vyacheslav Venediktov, director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch Sergei Pylin and employees of the branch, deputy director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch – head of the Kaliningrad Directorate Andrei Moshkov, as well as Volverk, LLC Director-General Sergei Petrukhin and the Research and Production Corporation “MorTransNiiProject” Gennady Litvinenko.

During the meeting, Vladislav Rassykhin stressed the need to increase the rate of construction and determine the terms for carrying out certain construction works of hydraulic facilities in 2019, auxiliary buildings, create a water area of the seaport and build a terminal in order to control the implementation of the project. Technical issues were also on the agenda of the meeting – to fix erected constructions in order to protect them from the unfavorable weather conditions. 

The project for building the international sea terminal is implemented by FSUE “Rosmorport” under the national program “The Development of the Transport System” and will allow for creating additional possibilities in the future to develop a tourist cluster in the country.

The international sea terminal in the Kaliningrad region is one of the major infrastructural projects of the North-Western Federal District. It is realized in fulfillment of Russian President Vladimir Putin Decree No Pr-2368 of October 5, 2013 and Russian Government Decree No AD-P9-7317 of October 14, 2013.

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