

FSUE “Rosmorport” takes part in 2nd day of Transport of Russia – 2019 exhibition

The 13th international exhibition “Transport of Russia – 2019” continues in Moscow. A delegation of FSUE “Rosmorport” led by General Director Andrey Lavrishchev took part in a business program of the 2nd day of the exhibition on November 20, 2019.

The Governmental Commission on Transport has gathered for a session in the morning. It summed up preliminary results of the implementation of projects of the Comprehensive Plan for Modernizing and Expanding the Trunk Infrastructure for the period till 2024. The participants in the session also discussed the upcoming events to implement federal projects. One should recall that FSUE “Rosmorport” takes part in 29 events for building facilities of the port infrastructure and nine vessels under the Russian Seaports federal project. Moreover, under the Northern Sea Route federal project the enterprise will hold an event for building facilities of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System.

A plenary discussion “Transport is the Base for Eurasian Integration” became the major event of the second day. Russian presidential special envoy for environmental activity, ecology and transport Sergei Ivanov addressed the audience. He read out Russian President Vladimir Putin’s address and wished fruitful work to the participants in the forum. The discussion focused on integration of member-countries of the Eurasian Economic Union and the transport logistic infrastructure.

General Director Andrey Lavrishchev gave an interview to RBC TV on the sidelines of the forum. On the FSUE “Rosmorport” stand designed to resemble a dredging vessel he spoke about the activities of the enterprise. He paid much attention to ensuring safe navigation.

One of the major conditions for safe navigation is to ensure navigation depths in water areas of seaports and on the approach canals. This season dredging operations have been practically completed. The operations carried out by the enterprise will amount to nine million cubic meters of bottom that is 16% more than last year.

The General Director mentioned that the icebreaker fleet was ready for the winter navigation. A total of 36 icebreakers and icebreaker tugs will provide support in 15 freezing Russian seaports.

In the late afternoon within the framework of the exhibition the Coordination Transport Conference of CIS Member-States gathered for the XXXIX session led by Russian Transport Minister Yevgeny Ditrikh. The session focused on transport cooperation between the CIS countries till the year 2030. The session involved the transport ministers and heads of transport agencies of Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, representatives of Tajikistan, the associated members of the Coordination Transport Conference of CIS Member-States, business communities, international and public organizations in the sphere of transport.

Video RBC TV

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