

FSUE “Rosmorport” starts reconstructing Berth No 2 in the seaport of Murmansk

FSUE “Rosmorport” and the Murmansk Commercial Seaport, JSC, signed an agreement on August 2, 2019 to develop working documentation and carry out construction and installation works on the facility “The Reconstruction of Berth No 2 of the First Cargo District of the Murmansk Commercial Seaport”. The price of the implementation of the project is 918.2 million rubles. The project should be implemented within the years 2019-2020.

The project is aimed at reconstructing Berth No 2, building a tie-down pawl to receive vessels of big dimensions and re-distribute cargo flow for coal transshipment from Berth No 4 due to its unsatisfactory technical condition and its subsequent reconstruction. The implementation of the project will allow for receiving and servicing bulk carriers with gross capacity of up to 75.000 tons on Berth No 2. Under the project, special attention will be paid to minimizing the negative impact on the environment of Murmansk during coal transshipment. Up-to-date coal drainage systems and sewage treatment works will be built on Berth No 2.

The project is implemented on the terms of state and private partnership within the federal project “Russian Seaports” and the comprehensive plan for modernizing and expanding the trunk infrastructure for the period till the year 2024.

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