

FSUE “Rosmorport” legendary sailing ships take part in celebrations marking Navy Day

The celebrations marking the Navy Day were held in Sevastopol and Vladivostok on Sunday, July 28, 2019. By good tradition the FSUE “Rosmorport” training sailing ships – the Khersones and the Nadezhda took part in the parade jointly with warships. At present, cadets of the industry’s educational institutions undergo training aboard the frigates and participation in the parade is the reason for them to be proud.

Vladivostok was the first city that had marked the Navy Day. The demonstrative maneuvers and the parade were held in the city. The Nadezhda sailing ship that opened the festivities was the decoration of the water area of the Amur Bay. The holiday has special significance for residents of Primorye: Vladivostok is the main eastern base of Russia’s marine forces. Today sailors of the Pacific Fleet continue to be on duty on sea boundaries remaining faithful to the St. Andrews’ flag and the fleet traditions.

The Navy Day is also the most important holiday for Sevastopol. The event involved warships and boats of the Black Sea Fleet. The Khersones frigate called at the Sevastopol Bay in full sail and opened the holiday. The sailing ship took part in an historical action: aboard it the actors performing the roles of Catherine the Great and His Serene Highness Prince Potemkin-Tauricheski greeted the guests and residents of the Russian glorious city. These historic personalities laid the foundation for the development of the southern forward stronghold of the Russian empire. The military and sportive holiday ended in a lyrical atmosphere: captains of tugboats showed miracles of maneuvering so that the ships moved synchronically and musically.

Dozens of thousands of people watched the parade. During the festivities, concerts were held. Ships were opened for visitors, open days were organized in naval museums.

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