

FSUE “Rosmorport” celebrates 15th anniversary!

Dear colleagues!

I congratulate you on the 15th anniversary of FSUE “Rosmorport” from the bottom of my heart!

This day, May 15, 2003, is the official date when the enterprise was created. Since that day, a lot of work has been done, and we can be proud of the results.

FSUE “Rosmorport” is one of the leading enterprises of the industry. It involves 15 branches that carry out their activities in 65 seaports located in 24 Russian regions. 

For 15 years we have been implementing projects, which are aimed at meeting the needs of the Russian economy and external trade, cargo transshipment and passenger transportation in the seaports, increasing the ports’ capacity and their competitiveness, as well as realizing Russia’s transit potential.

We carry out one of the major missions of the enterprise with all our responsibility: we ensure navigation safety in water areas of seaports.

Our achievements are based on daily teamwork. The utmost efforts in the work taken by FSUE “Rosmorport” employees and their high responsibility provide the solid foundation to implement major projects of the enterprise.

Dear colleagues!

I thank you for your conscientious work and your team efforts! You make invaluable contribution to improving the development of the maritime transport industry.

I’m sure that the enterprise will show the high level of the development of the port infrastructure and prove its status as the industry’s leader.

I wish you good health, happiness and all the best! I wish you new achievements and victories!  

 General Director of FSUE “Rosmorport”                                                                             Andrey Lavrishchev


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