

Final day of Russia’s Transport 2017 exhibition focuses on training of personnel

The major annual exhibition “Russia’s Transport 2017” ended on December 8, 2017. Its final day is traditionally devoted to specialized education and the workforce capacity of the transport sector.

A conference “The Sea to Children” has been held within the business program of the forum. It involved Rosmorrechflot deputy head Alexander Poshivay, Navy Deputy Commander-in-Chief Alexander Fedotenkov, rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution “Admiral S.O. Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping” Sergei Baryshnikov, rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Admiral F.F. Ushakov State Maritime University” Sergei Kondratyev, rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Admiral G.I. Nevelskiy Maritime State University” Sergei Ogay, representatives of FSUE “Rosmorport”, children’s educational and military patriotic organizations.

The participants in the conference discussed a wide range of issues. The development of extended education programs in maritime and river areas for children was the key topic of the conference. Specialists considered the best practices of the development of the programs in different Russian regions.

A socially-oriented innovation project “My Port” realized by FSUE “Rosmorport” became one of such programs.

The enterprise set the task to create an education program to contribute to patriotic education of the young generation and strengthening respect to the glorious historical past of Russia as a naval power.

The participants in the project were able to visit the best children’s centers of the country -- the Artek International Children’s Center and the Orlyonok All-Russian Children’s Center. In order to receive a prize tour, it was necessary to try out and score better in the children’s contest.

Over the two years of the projects hundreds of teenagers from throughout the country took part in the contest. The program envisages conducting researches and quests, creating models and many other things. The FSUE “Rosmorport” project helped children acquire new knowledge and skills and make new friends. During the training, children got to know maritime professions, studied to sail and read stars, cut their teeth on ship modelling. Experienced professors and recognized experts helped young sailors in all their endeavours.

Due to the high level of education and professional training in our country maritime specialties become more and more prestigious and popular year by year.

As of today one can note with pride that in 2017 over 10% of the participants in the FSUE “Rosmorport” project thought of changing their preferences in favor of maritime and port affairs. They are ready to take it into account in their education and profession.

The work on vocational guidance is a multi-year process, which helps spar the interest of the young generation in maritime affairs and educate competent highly qualified professionals, who love and value their work.

Visitors of the Russia’s Transport 2017 exhibition have an opportunity to better learn about the specifics of maritime professions. Students, who had visited the Shopping Mall on the final day of the exhibition, were able to know about the work of operators of the FSUE “Rosmorport” vessel tracking management system (VTMS).

Transport workers showed special interest in the operator display module, which allows for watching vessels movement in straits and seaports in real time.

Led by a qualified specialist, St Petersburg VTMS chief Sergei Rostopshin, children took part in training of ship management in the Strait of Kerch and in the seaport of Novorossiysk. However, the hardware and software system exhibited at the exposition demonstrated data on the water area of the seaport of Sabetta. By visiting the stand, students were told about the aspects of the VTMS operation and the history of its emergence.

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