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FSUE “Rosmorport” Quality Compliance Certificate Validity Confirmed

According to the results of the inspection of the FSUE “Rosmorport” quality management system compliance to state standard ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001:2008) requirements for the construction, reconstruction and capital repairs, making effect on safety of capital construction facilities, conducted by the enterprise, the JSC RusPromGroup Certifying Body of the TECHNOPROGRESS Voluntary Certification System decided to confirm the validity of the FSUE “Rosmorport” certificate on quality management system compliance dated 24.09.2013 No. SDS.TP.SM.03584-13 expiring on 24 September 2016.

The document certifies compliance of the FSUE “Rosmorport” quality management system to the requirements of state standard ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001:2008) and obliges its owner to maintain the specified standard of the works performed, which is confirmed by yearly inspection of the certifying body. The owner must also provide conformity of the works conducted to the requirements of the documents, which have provided the basis for the certification of the enterprise.

On the basis of the compliance certificate FSUE “Rosmorport” also received permission No. SM.R.03584-13 to use the conformity mark of the TECHNOPROGRESS Voluntary Certification System expiring on 24 September 2016.

In accordance with the terms and conditions of the permission, FSUE “Rosmorport” is eligible to place the conformity mark on enterprise’s letterheads, advertising and printing materials, as well as on contracts made by the enterprise.


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