General news

Information about Icebreaker Escorts in the Russian Seaports as of March 17, 2017

From the beginning of the period of  icebreaker escorts conducted in 2016-2017 the icebreakers of FSUE “Rosmorport” have escorted 5573 vessels.

Arctic Basin

Icebreaker support is conducted by the Moskva and Tor icebreakers in the Sabetta Seaport waters. From the beginning of the icebreaker escorts the number of vessels escorted to the port is 85.

White Sea

At present vessel traffic is provided by five icebreakers: Dikson, Kapitan Evdokimov, Kapitan Kosolapov, Kapitan Chadaev and Novorossiisk in this area. Since the beginning of the winter navigation 326 vessels have been escorted.

The Gulf of Finland

From the beginning of navigation the icebreaker support of 1930 vessels have been conducted. 8 icebreakers of the North-Western Basin Branch are involved in the work.

The Sea of Azov

Vessels' escorts to the Azov, Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog and Yeysk Seaports were finished.

From the beginning of the winter navigation in this area 2419 vessels have been escorted.

Caspian Sea

Vessels' escorts were finished in the Volga-Caspian Seaway Canal.

650 vessels have been escorted from the beginning of the winter navigation.

Far East Basin

The Krasin icebreaker is escorting vessels to the Vanino Seaport. From the beginning of the winter navigation 106 vessels have been escorted. The Magadan icebreaker is escorting vessels in Magadan Seaport. From the beginning of the winter navigation 57 vessels have been escorted.

World’s largest diesel icebreaking fleet comprising 36 icebreakers of different capacity guarantees year-round availability of Russian seaports.