General news

Summer Navigational Aids Have Been Installed in Rostov-on-Don

On March 5, 2017, summer navigational aids were installed in the water area of Rostov-on-Don seaport (NA).

The work on NA placement under summer regime has begun on the first of March. Fair weather conditions, such as above-zero temperature and early melting of ice, covering river section of the navigation route, made it possible to begin preparations for 2017 summer navigation 2 weeks earlier than in previous years.

At the same time, installation of aids to summer navigation in Azov and Taganrog seaports are in progress. Completion of work on placement NA under summer navigation regime is planned on March 11, 2017.

Two FSUE “Rosmorport” vessels are involved in the installation of summer buoys in the Azov Sea: the new “Yuriy Romanchenko” mark boat and the anchor handler “MZ-303”.

Aids to navigation are being prepared in 37 seaports and terminals of the Russian Federation for the summer navigation period of 2017. Completion of work on placement NA under summer navigation regime will depend on ice conditions and anticipated period of ice cover destruction.