Pilotage Services

     General Information 
     Information on pilotage areas 
     The pilotage services terms and conditions 

     1. General Information 

     The FSUE “Rosmorport” Vyborg-Vysotsk branch provides pilotage services to all vessels calling at seaports of Vyborg and Vysotsk and to the vessels going to the Saimaa Canal en route. 
     The Anadyr branch Pilotage service employs 31 pilots: 23 high-grade pilots and 8 second-grade pilots. 
     The Vyborg-Vysotsk branch pilots are highly skilled and experienced professionals who are able to implement pilotages of any difficulty in various weather conditions to vessels of all kinds regardless of size and displacement. 
     The Anadyr branch Pilotage service has all necessary vessels and vehicles in its disposal for timely pilot delivery. 

     2. Information on pilotage areas 

     Inport and outport pilotage areas in the seaports of Vyborg and Vysotsk are set by Compulsory resolutions on sea trade ports of Vyborg and Vysotsk approved by FSE “Administration of Sea Ports of Vyborg and Vysotsk” in 2004 (as amended and supplemented). 
     Inport pilotages for vessels calling at the seaport of Vyborg take place in the navigation area from the line connecting buoys ШН 2063 and ШН 2064 on the Vyborg Marine Canal as far as the seaport of Vysotsk berths. 
     Inport pilotages in the seaport water area beyond the region indicated are considered to be outport. 
     Inport pilotages for vessels calling at the seaport of Vysotsk and to the coal terminal take place in the navigation area from the entrance gates of Vysotsk as far the Vysotsk berths. For vessels going to oil-loading terminal the inport pilotages take place in the area from the line connecting buoys ШН 1908.7 and ШН 1908.8 as far as the oil-loading terminal berths. 
     Inport pilotages in the seaport water area beyond the region indicated are considered to be outport. 

     The pilotage area 

     In the Vyborg and Vysotsk harbor waters supervision of safety navigation of all vessels and floatage, control over meeting the requirements of international acts and Russian legislation in the sphere of trade navigation, safety of human life at sea, pollution prevention, navigation management, information, pilotage, towage and icebreaking services provision are provided. The Vyborg and Vysotsk harbor waters include: 
       - seaports of Vyborg and Vysotsk water areas, which borders are set by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 14.11.2009 № 1723-Р and by the Government of the Russian Federation resolution dated 31.12.2004 № 897; 
       - the Vyborg fairway; 
       - anchoring areas on the Major and Minor Tranzund roadsteads №№ 18А, 18Б, 18В and on the roadsteads of light signs Ityapalu and Duboviy №№ 19, 20; 
       - Vyborg Marine Canal within borders from Jalkamatala bank (60° 36,15' N, 28° 31,00' E.) and further on along recommended routes as far as southern border of the seaport of Vyborg; 
       - the Saimaa fairway within the borders from the Vyborg Marine Canal and further on as far as rented region of Saimaa Canal Russian part in the Novinskiy bay; 
       - coastal fairway within the borders from the Vyborg water area north-west border and further on along the Nizkiy transit as far as Saimaa fairway 40m wide from the transit axis. 

     Pilotage area for vessels passing via seaports of Vyborg and Vysotsk to the Saimaa Canal starts from the Pilot buoy (60°34,5´N; 28°24,5´Е) and finishes at the Brusnichnoe lock. 

Information on the pilotage extent for vessels calling at the seaports of Vyborg and Vysotsk and going in the Saimaa Canal direction en route

Initial and final pilotage points Pilotage extent in nautical miles
Pilot buoy (60°34,5´N; 28°24,5´Е) – seaport of Vysotsk berths 7
Pilot buoy (60°34,5´N; 28°24,5´Е) – seaport of Vyborg berths 15
Pilot buoy (60°34,5´N; 28°24,5´Е) – Brusnichnoe lock (Saimaa Canal) 22
seaport of Vysotsk berths – seaport of Vyborg berths 8
seaport of Vyborg berths – Brusnichnoe lock (Saimaa Canal) 9
seaport of Vysotsk berths – Brusnichnoe lock (Saimaa Canal) 15

     Embarkation points for inport and outport pilotages are enlisted as follows: 
       - to the seaport of Vyborg – Pilot Buoy (60°34,5´N; 28°24,5´Е), Brusnichnoe lock (Saimaa Canal), Vysotsk berths; 
       - from the seaports of Vysotsk – on the departure berths or at anchor places; 
       - to the seaport of Vysotsk – Pilot Buoy (60°34,5´N; 28°24,5´Е), Brusnichnoe lock (Saimaa Canal), Vysotsk berths, Vyborg berths. Tankers arriving to the berths “RPK Vysotsk “Lukoil-II” embark the pilot and tankers following from the berths “RPK Vysotsk “Lukoil-II” debark him in the region of the “Hally, ШН 1871” buoy (60° 24,5' N, 28° 05,0' E); 
       - from the seaport of Vysotsk – on the departure berths or at anchor places. Loading tankers at the berths of “RPK Vysotsk “Lukoil-II” in the seaport of Vysotsk embark the pilot on the departure berths; 
       - vessels and tankers of “river-sea” type going to the seaports of Vyborg and Vysotsk and to the Saimaa Canal en route with captains who has Pilotage Exemption Certificates (CPE) and independent navigation in the sector “Hally Iceland – Entrance buoy”, and going from the sea or via Bjorke-Sund channel, embarks the pilot at the Pilot Buoy (60° 34,50′ N 28° 24,45′ E.). During heavy weather conditions embarkation and debarkation are executed to the east from Vikhrevoi island. 

     3. The pilotage services terms and conditions

     In accordance with Compulsory resolutions on the seaports of Vyborg and Vysotsk approved by FSE “Administration of Seaports of Vyborg and Vysotsk” as revised in 2004 (as amended and supplemented), inport and outport pilotage for vessels calling at the seaports of Vyborg and Vysotsk and for transit vessels going to the Saimaa Canal (From the Saimaa Canal) is obligatory. 
     The following vessels are exempted from the obligatory pilotage: 
       - vessels and ships of Russian Navy, Border Service of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation as advised by the appropriate authority; 
       - small craft and fishing vessels, captains and shift assistants of port and technical fleet vessels, who has sufficient work experience in command duty and passed qualification examination of the captain of the seaports of Vyborg and Vysotsk; 
       - vessels with captains constantly working within the obligatory pilotage area and who has acquired the Pilotage Exemption Certificate in the established order. 

     The seaports of Vyborg and Vysotsk pilots provide round-o-clock pilotage to vessels calling at the seaports of Vyborg and Vysotsk and for transit vessels going to the Saimaa Canal (from the Saimaa Canal) in accordance with the requirements of the Compulsory resolutions on the seaports of Vyborg and Vysotsk approved by FSE “Administration of Seaports of Vyborg and Vysotsk” as revised in 2004 (as amended and supplemented). 

     Vessels are provided with the Vyborg and Vysotsk pilots in accordance with written requests of shipowners/marine agents filed to the Pilotage service control office of the Vyborg-Vysotsk branch by fax (+7 (81378) 334-49) and to the FSE “ Administration of Greater Port Saint Petersburg ”navigation control station in the seaports of Vyborg and Vysotsk by fax (+7 (81378) 322-83) or by e-mail puds@pgf.ru

     The pilotage requests are filed for the following vessels: 
       - vessels arriving at the seaports of Vyborg and Vysotsk from the sea or passing en route to the Saimaa Canal – concurrently with the information about the approach to the Pilot buoy and for tankers – to the Hally buoy; 
       - vessels leaving the seaports or intending to change anchoring area – 2 hours before the departure (start of the operation). The requests are specified no later than an hour and a half before the departure (start of the operation). 
       - vessels following from the Saimaa Canal – 2 hours before the arrival at the Brusnichnoe lock.
Shipowners/marine agents can specify the embarkation time in the Pilot service control office of the Vyborg-Vysotsk by phone number +7 (81378) 334-49 (24h). 

     The Vyborg-Vysotsk branch pilot serving vessels calling at the seaport of Anadyr must have a receipt confirming his right to implement the pilotage of the vessel where the fact of the pilotage and possible commentaries are put. The receipts, filled in and signed, are the grounds for the pilotage fare calculation. 

     The Pilotage service is not responsible for the possible delay in cases when the vessel’s captain/shipowner/marine agent failed to meet the requirements on provision of necessary approach information or when the navigation is aborted due to the weather conditions. 
     In case when, by some reason, the vessel cannot be prepared at the departure moment, revocation of the pilotage request or postponement of the operation must be executed to later than an hour before stated time. 
     In case of captain’s refusal to pilotage after the pilot’s embarkation a false call is drawn, which is paid in the established for the pilotage dues order. 

     The Vyborg and Vysotsk branch pilotage services are charged by the pilotage dues. The information about pilotage dues and their collection can be found in subsection “The Vyborg and Vysotsk branch Harbor Dues and Tariffs”. 

     4. Statistics 

     Information on the number of the pilotages implemented by the Vyborg and Vysotsk branch to vessels calling at the seaports of Vyborg and Vysotsk and in the Saimaa Canal direction en route.

Seaport of Vyborg

Inport steerings Outport steerings

Number of
Total length
of steerings
in nautical

Number of
Total length
of steerings
in nautical
2007 1 220 1 250 1 195 17 900
2008 1 140 1 170 1 125 16 800
2009 990 1 020 954 14 300

Seaport of Vysotsk

Inport steerings Outport steerings

Number of
Total length
of steerings
in nautical

Number of
Total length
of steerings
in nautical
2007 760 730 726 5 080
2008 650 620 624 4 370
2009 990 960 979 6 850

Saimaa Canal

Year Number of
Total length
of steerings
in nautical
2007 1 910 38 000
2008 2 020 40 000
2009 915 20 000

     5. Contacts 

     For any additional reference information about pilotage services provided by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Vyborg-Vysotsk branch please, contact: 
       - telephone: 
         +7 (81378) 334-49 (24h) – Vyborg-Vysotsk branch Pilotage service control office; 
         +7 (81378) 204-81 (working days 08:30 - 17:00 GMT+3) – head of the Vyborg-Vysotsk branch Pilotage service; 
       - fax: +7 (81378) 204-81; 
       - e-mail: MVysochansky@vbg.rosmorport.ru, MVysochansky@vbg.rosmorport.ru.