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Far Eastern Basin Branch News

Far Eastern Basin Branch Organizes Excursion on Board Kapitan Khlebnikov Icebreaker

On May 28, 2017 the Far Eastern Basin Branch organized an excursion on the Kapitan Khlebnikov icebreaker for children of sea schools located in Ivanovka Settlement, Primorsky Territory.

During the excursion, second mate Viktor Berezin and economic aide Yuri Kubantsev presented children the pilothouse, the central station, the pilot bridge, spoke about the purposes of the vessel and explained the work of the vessel's machines. Children visited the helicopter site, the main cabin and cabins of crew members.

Captain Vladimir Boldakov also told the children about the operation of the icebreaker in ice, the life of the crew and answered all their questions.

By leaving the icebreaker children thanked the captain and the crew members for the interesting excursion and unforgettable impressions.