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Far Eastern Basin Branch News

Change of the Calculation Procedure for Pilotage Dues in the Seaports of Vladivostok, Vostochny and Nakhodka

The Far Eastern Basin Branch notifies that from August 10, 2016, on the basis of Paragraph 3 of FAS of Russia Order No. 711/16 dated 06.06.2016, FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 374 dated 09.08.2016 establishes that when calculating pilotage dues charged by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Far Eastern Basin Branch for rendered pilotage services in the seaports of Vladivostok, Vostochny and Nakhodka, coefficient 0.95 is applied to the pilotage dues rates for foreign voyage.

For reference:
The Far Eastern Basin Branch renders pilotage services to vessels of all types and sizes, allowed to call at the seaport of Vladivostok (except area in the Bolshoy Kamen Bay), Vostochny (Wrangel bay), Zarubino, Nakhodka, (Nakhodka Bay) and Posiet.
More detailed information on terms and procedure for rendering the pilotage services by the Far Eastern Basin Branch can be found in section “Pilotage Services of the Far Eastern Basin Branch”.