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Far Eastern Basin Branch News

Additional Grounds for Vessels to Be Exepmt from Compulsory Pilotage in Vladivostok Seaport Cancelled

Regulation of acting Vladivostok Seaport master dated 07.02.2014 № 11 has cancelled regulation of Vladivostok Seaport master dated 16.01.2014 № 4, which had set additional grounds for vessels to be exepmt from compulsory pilotage in Vladivostok Seaport.

Thus, only the following types of vessels are exempt from compulsory pilotage in Vladivostok Seaport:
- small-sized and sport sailing vessels;
- harbor fleet vessels;
- vessels with tonnage less than 500;
- vessels performing near-shore fishing,
in accordance with the Compulsory Regulations in Vladivostok Seaport approved by Ministry of Transport of Russia order dated 02.07.2013 No. 229.

More information on the pilotage services of Vladivostok Branch in Vladivostok Seaport cis available in the section “Pilotage Services of the Vladivostok Branch”.