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Far Eastern Basin Branch News

Additional Grounds for Vessels to Be Exepmt from Compulsory Pilotage in Vladivostok Seaport

Vladivostok Seaport ship master in his regulation dated 16.01.2014 No. 4 has defined grounds for the vessels to be exempt from compulsory pilotage in Vladivostok Seaport, in addition to the ones stipulated by Compulsory Regulations in Vladivostok Seaport approved by Ministry of Transport of Russia order dated 02.07.2013 No. 229.

In accordance with the regulation, all vessels with tonnage of more than 1 000, which are registered in Vladivostok Seaport, and all rescue vesses with tonnage of more than 1 500 are allowed to sail without a pilot, if the ship master was certified by the Vladivostok ship master certifying committee on the grounds of the ship owner application for certification stipulating the ship master job record, which should include at least a year at the vessel.
For information:

The Vladivostok Branch provided pilotage services to 4 593 vessels in 2013, which is 30% more, than in 2012.

Additional information on the terms and conditions of pilotage services provided by the Vladivostok Branch can be found in the section “Pilotage Services of the Vladivostok Branch”.