Icebreaking Services

1. General information

2. Information on the icebreaking assistance area

3. Icebreaking assistance terms and conditions

4. Statistics

5. Contacts


     1. General information 

    The FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Eastern Basin Branch renders icebreaking services for vessels as a part of a caravan and individual icebreaker assistance for vessels making calls to the seaports of Magadan and Vanino.

     The icebreaker assistance is carried out using the Moskva icebreaker, the Kapitan Khlebnikov icebreaker and the Magadan icebreaker of the Far Eastern Basin branch.

     Characteristics of all North-Eastern Basin Branch icebreakers comply with the conditions in the northern part of the Japanese Sea and Okhotsk sea during winter navigation. 

Main technical characteristics of the seaport of Vanino Icebreakers


Vessel name

Kapitan Khlebnikov


Class of the Russian Maritime Regisrty of Shipping

KM(*) LL3[2] AUT2 passenger ship

KM(*) LL4[1] AUT2

Length, m



Width, m



Depth, m



Draught, m



Tonnage, tons



Power, kWt



Main technical characteristics of the seaport of Magadan Icebreakers

Moskva icebreaker

Class of the Russian Maritime Regisrty of Shipping

KM(*) Icebreaker6 [2] UT1 FF1 EPP

Length, m


Width, m


Depth, m


Draught, m


Tonnage, tons


Power, kWt



     2. Information on the icebreaking assistance area

     Icebreaking assistance areas in the seaport of Vanino

     The seaport of Vanino winter navigation is usually opened on January, 1 and closed on March, 31. Depending on weather conditions the captain of the Vanino seaport can change the date of opening of winter navigation and its duration. The winter navigation opening/closure is announced in the coastal messages. The average duration of winter navigation is 90 days.

     Ice breaking assistance is provided by the North-Eastern Basin Branch to vessels calling at the Vanino seaport, within its water area, or within the Vanino VTS coverage area. Ice breaking assistance is performed from the actual ice edge to the Vanino seaport berths.
     In order to provide navigation safety during winter navigation, when the easterly winds get stronger, to vessels heading for the Vanino seaport, it is recommended to lie to drift to the east from the 140º30’E meridian, and wait for the wind direction to change to westerly or north-westerly, to prevent the vessel getting into an “ice river” – a natural phenomenon appearing between the Datta Cape and the Krasny Partisan Cape due to the drifting ice of up to 10-ball density. 

     Icebreaking assistance areas in the seaport of Magadan

     Winter navigation in the seaport of Magadan starts in November-December with the beginning of ice formation and lasts until ice breaking in May-June. The start and the end of icebreaker support for vessels in the seaport water area are announced by the captain of the seaport of Magadan. Depending on the weather conditions the captain of the seaport of Magadan can adjust the term of the winter navigation.
     Average ice season duration is 200 days and 184 with motionless ice (November-May).

     3. Icebreaking assistance terms and conditions 


    Icebreaker support for vessels in the seaports of Magadan and Vanino is provided by the North-Eastern Basin Branch pursuant to the requirements of:

     - the General Rules of Navigation and Vessel Mooring in the Seaports of the Russian Federation and on the Approaches Toward Them. The Rules were approved under Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 395 of 12.11.2021;

     - the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Vanino, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 431 of 13.12.2012 in terms of organizing ice navigation of vessels in the seaport of Vanino;

     - the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Magadan, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 160 of 05.05.2015;

     - the recommendations of the Basin Commission of FSBI “Administration of Seaports of Sea of Okhotsk and Tatar Strait” for organization of icebreaker escorts of vessels in the seaports of Vanino, Sovetskaya Gavan, De Kastri and on the approaches toward them;

     - the resolutions taken by the Basin Commission regarding organization of icebreaking escort of vessels going to the seaport of Magadan from the point of formation of the caravan and back, which includes representatives of the Magadan Department of the North-Eastern Basin Branch (FSBI “Administration of Seaports of Sea of Okhotsk and Tatar Strait” Order No. 287/A of 05.12.2023.

     - the resolutions taken by the captains of the seaports of Magadan and Vanino in terms of organizing ice navigation of vessels in the seaport of Magadan and Vanino.

     During the 2023-2024 winter navigation, the captains of the seaports of Magadan and Vanino issued:

     - instruction of the captain of the seaport of Vanino No. 22/KMP of 18.12.2023 “On Declaring Period of Icebreaker Assistance in the Seaport of Vanino and on approaches to it and Imposing Restrictions concerning the Order of Ice Navigation”;

     - instruction of the captain of the seaport of Vanino No. 25/KMP of 28.12.2023 “On Imposing Restrictions concerning the order of Ice Navigation in the Seaport of Vanino and on approaches to it”;

     - instruction of the captain of the seaport of Magadan No. 26 of 01.12.2023 “On Declaring Period of Icebreaker Assistance 2023-2024 in the Seaport of Magadan and on approaches to it”;

     - instruction of the captain of the seaport of Magadan No. 2 of 16.01.2024 “On Imposing Restrictions concerning the order of Ice Navigation in the Period of Icebreaker Assistance in the Seaport of Magadan and on approaches to it”.

     Procedure for the provision of icebreaking services in the seaport of Vanino as part of a caravan

     Pilotage of vessels heading for /from the seaport of Vanino is performed by icebreakers of the North-Eastern Basin Branch when a vessel moves as part of an ice convoy from/to the convoy meeting point (hereinafter referred to as the CMP) to/from the place of anchoring of vessels or to the berth. Information on a vessel's approach toward the CMP is given 72 hours before and confirmed 24 hours before the expected arrival at the CMP by sending it to the captain of the seaport of Vanino on

     The time and the order of vessels' movement through the ice, as well as the number of vessels piloted simultaneously are determined by the captain of the seaport of Vanino and transmitted to vessels at 11:00 a.m., 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. (local time).

     Depending on the forecast ice situation in the water area of the seaport of Vanino the captain of the seaport of Vanino imposes restrictions on the regime of ice navigation and determines the CMP location. Notifications of the restrictions on ice navigation and the CMP location are placed on the Internet website 14 days before the supposed date of imposing restrictions on ice navigation and the CMP location.

     At the time of conducting pilotage, when there is eastern wind and sailing ice, vessels should wait for mooring easterly of the longitude 140o300,00'E or in the Bay of Vanino and the Gulf of Sovetskaya Gavan.

     In case there is ice in the water area of the seaport of Vanino, vessels' anchoring and drifting are banned between the lines connecting Cape Toki, Cape Burnyi, Cape Veselyi and the longitude 140o300,00'E with the wind direction of 0-180 degrees.

     With the wind direction of 0-180 degrees and fast in ice on the line of Cape Datta – Cape Burnyi – Cape Krasnyi Partisan vessels' mooring to Berth No 5 in the seaport of Vanino is not allowed.

     The restrictions on ice navigation under the Compulsory Regulations in the seaport of Vanino are not imposed upon vessels aged not older than 15 years with the gross capacity of over 30000 and corresponding to the respective requirements set by the rules of the Russian Maritime Registry of Shipping in part of possible free ice navigation and ice navigation supported by an icebreaker. In this case the restrictions on ice navigation imposed by the rules of the Russian Maritime register of Shipping are applied to such vessels.


     The convoy is formed by the captain of the seaport of Vanino based upon:

     - the time of a vessel's approach toward to the CMP;

     - the time of receipt of a request to call at the seaport or to leave the seaport;

     - the sequence of vessels' traffic in accordance with the General Rules for the Navigation and Mooring of Vessels in the Seaports of the Russian Federation and on the Approaches Toward Them. The Rules were approved by Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 395 of 12.11.2021;

     - the restrictions on ice navigation for vessels.


     By approaching the CMP a vessel establishes radio contact with an icebreaker on VHF Channel 16 (an icebreaker's call signal within the CMP) and operates on the grounds of its instructions. If necessary, VTS Vanino helps to establish radio communication between the vessel and the icebreaker.

     With due regard to the real ice situation in the water area of the seaport of Vanino and on the approaches toward it vessels with ice class higher than the one specified by the restrictions on ice navigation can move to / leave the seaport of Vanino independently along the route based on the recommendations of VTS Vanino.

     Vessels moving independently should inform VTS Vanino about the passage of designated control points of the recommended route and inform the operator of VTS Vanino about the ice situation on the way of a vessel's movement.

     Reserves of fuel, food and water on a vessel should provide a vessel's endurance of no less than 10 days from the date of the vessel's approach toward the CMP to allow the vessel to call at the seaport of Vanino. When a vessel stays in the area of icebreaker support for more than 10 days as from a vessel's approach toward the CMP the captain of the seaport of Vanino takes immediate measures to ensure pilotage of the vessel to the seaport.

     The North-Eastern Basin Branch charges ice breaking dues for providing ice breaking services. Information on ice breaking dues rates and terms and conditions of its charging is available in the section “Harbour Dues and Tariffs of the North-Eastern Basin Branch”.

     Procedure for the provision of icebreaking services in the seaport of Magadan as part of a caravan

     Pilotage of vessels heading for /from the seaport of Magadan is performed by icebreakers of the North-Eastern Basin Branch when a vessel moves as part of an ice caravan from/to the caravan meeting point (hereinafter referred to as the CMP) to/from the place of anchoring No. 1-12 of the seaport of Magadan. In case of the impossibility of moving in an icebreaker caravan, a vessel can ask for individual icebreaker support, which is provided by the North-Eastern Basin Branch icebreakers not involved in providing icebreaker support for caravan. 

     Information on a vessel's approach toward the CMP is given 72 hours before and confirmed 24 hours before the expected arrival at the CMP by sending it through the web interface of the Port State Control Information System: Module “Registration of vessel entries and departures in the seaports of the Russian Federation” at the address on the Internet: and during radio communication sessions with the headquarters of icebreaking assistance. 

     Radio communication sessions between the headquarters of icebreaking assistance with the icebreaker and the vessels in the Okhotsk sea are made daily at 2:00 and 9:00 (Moscow time) on Channel 3730 kHz (stand-by 8779 kHz), call sign “Magadan-Radio-5”. 

     The CMP location, time and the order of vessels' movement through the ice, as well as the number of vessels piloted simultaneously are determined by the captain of the seaport of Magadan and transmitted to vessels within radio communication sessions. 

     Depending on the forecast ice situation in the water area of the seaport of Magadan the captain of the seaport of Magadan imposes restrictions on the regime of ice navigation in accordance with the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Magadan. Notifications of the restrictions on ice navigation and the CMP location are placed on the Internet website of the seaport of Magadan Administration 14 days before the supposed date of imposing restrictions on ice navigation and the CMP location. 

     The caravan is formed by the captain of the seaport of Magadan based upon: 

     - the time of a vessel's approach toward to the CMP; 

     - the time of receipt of a request to call at the seaport or to leave the seaport; – the sequence of vessels' traffic in accordance with the General Regulations on Navigation and Mooring of Vessels in Russian Seaports and on the Approaches Toward Them

     - the restrictions on ice navigation for vessels; 

     - ice and meteorological conditions. 

     Vessels departing from the seaport of Magadan, shall wait for caravan formation at anchorage. Vessels included in the ice caravan, switch to the VHF communication channel indicated by the performing icebreaker by its command and keep radio watch until the icebreaker announces the end of the assistance. 

     Considering the actual ice conditions, the category of ice reinforcement and the vessels technical characteristics, the vessels can follow the route independently using the recommendations of the icebreaker and the headquarters of icebreaking operations. 

     Vessels moving independently should inform headquarters of icebreaking operations about the passage of designated control points of the recommended route and inform about the ice situation on the way of a vessel's movement. 

     The North-Eastern Basin Branch charges ice breaking dues for providing ice breaking services. Information on ice breaking dues rates and terms and conditions of its charging is available in the section “Harbour Dues and Tariffs of the North-Eastern Basin Branch”.

     Procedure for provision of individual icebreaker assistance for vessels following to the seaport of Vanino

     During the winter navigation period, the North-Eastern Basin Branch provides additional services for individual icebreaker assistance for vessels making calls to the Vanino seaport and on approaches to it, including cases if it is impossible for the vessel to independently follow to the point of formation of an ice caravan or as part of a caravan.
     North-Eastern Basin Branch provides additional icebreaking services in accordance with the terms of the contractual order and the Regulations on individual icebreaking assistance by icebreakers of the FSUE “Rosmorport” in the seaport of Vanino and on approaches to it in the Tatar Strait, approved by Order of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Eastern Basin Branch No. 144 of 27.04.2023, upon receipt of a written permission from the captain of the seaport of Vanino.

     In accordance with the terms of the contractual order and the regulations on individual icebreaking assistance, the customer have to obtain written permission from the captain of the seaport of Vanino in order to receive the individual icebreaker assistance for his vessel.
      In order to obtain the written permission for the individual icebreaker assistance for his vessel from the captain of the seaport of Vanino, the customer have to send an application to the captain of the seaport of Vanino by fax: + 7 (42137) 7-67-75 or by e-mail:
      In order to conclude the contract, the customer sends a signed and sealed contractual order to the North-Eastern Basin Branch in a scanned form after obtaining the written permission of the captain of the seaport of Vanino at the following e-mail: a day before the planned individual icebreaker assistance. The application will be considered within 24 hours, and in accordance with the results of the review by the North-Eastern Basin Branch and according to the contact data specified in the contractual order, the customer will be sent a confirmation of the possibility of providing the declared services and the contractual order signed by the North-Eastern Basin Branch or a reasoned refusal due to technical limitations.
     The customer sends the signed contractual order to the dispatcher of the North-Eastern Basin Branch at after obtaining the written permission from the captain of the seaport of Vanino on the request submitted and receipt of confirmation from the North-Eastern Basin Branch of the possibility of providing the declared services and the signed contractual order. Within two hours the dispatcher informs the customer of the date and time when the icebreaker reaches the vessel location.

     The start of individual icebreaker assistance is considered to be the moment when the icebreaker reaches the location of the vessel to be assisted. The end of individual icebreaker assistance is considered to be the moment when the icebreaker completes the icebreaker assistance of the vessel according to the joint decision of the icebreaker captain and the captain of the vessel to be assisted. The time of starting and ending of individual icebreaker assistance, the time of suspension and continuation of icebreaker assistance, as well as all issues related to it, is recorded in the watch logs of the icebreaker and the vessel to be assisted. The time of providing services for individual icebreaker assistance includes the time of transition of the icebreaker from its location to the vessel to be assisted; the time of preparation of the vessel for individual icebreaker assistance (vessel scabbing, forging, tugboats, if necessary, etc.); the time when the vessel is directly assisted by the icebreaker to the place indicated in the application; time of the icebreaker travelling to the place established by the Basin Commission.
     The decision on the method (behind the icebreaker's hull, in tow, behind the icebreaker in the caravan of another icebreaker, etc.) and the route of individual icebreaker assistance is made by the captain of the icebreaker who took the vessel for individual icebreaker assistance.
      Individual icebreaker assistance can be suspended (temporarily terminated) and then resumed:
     - to assist vessels conforming to the restrictions imposed by the captain of the seaport of Vanino stuck on the route due to deteriorating ice conditions;
     - to rescue people when declaring a rescue operation by the captain of the seaport of Vanino;
     - if further icebreaker operation is not effective due to ice conditions and meteorological conditions, there is no movement of the vessel along the route of icebreaker assistance and it is necessary to wait for favorable weather or another more powerful icebreaker in order to continue providing individual icebreaker assistance.
     The captain of the icebreaker may suspend (complete) the individual icebreaker assistance at the request of the captain of the vessel under assistance, with an appropriate entry in the watch log of the vessel. The stopping and abandonment of the vessel at a given location on the route of icebreaker assistance is carried out upon condition that this does not endanger the safety of the vessel, its cargo, and crew.
     If, at the request of the captain of the vessel under assistance, it is necessary to locate the icebreaker in the place of the vessel anchorage, then these actions of the icebreaker is regarded as performing individual icebreaker assistance. If the vessel under assistance has stopped to eliminate technical problems, the icebreaker may be withdrawn and, once the fault has been resolved, the individual icebreaker assistance will be resumed.
     In accordance with the received information from the captain of the icebreaker on the actual time of individual icebreaker assistance, the dispatching department of the North-Eastern Basin Branch within one working day from the date of completion of individual icebreaker assistance issues a work completion certificate regarding individual icebreaker assistance, which is signed by the customer no later than 2 (two) calendar days from the date of its receipt. Under the signed work completion certificate, the North-Eastern Basin Branch shall issue the invoice and the commercial invoice to the customer, which should be paid within 7 calendar days from the invoice date.
      If the captain of the vessel fails to provide the necessary information with confirmation of the time details of the icebreaking assistance within 12 hours from the end of the individual icebreaking assistance, the information of the captain of the icebreaker will serve as the confirmation of the individual icebreaking assistance completion. The work completion certificate for the individual icebreaker assistance will be drawn up under the information of the icebreaker captain, and must be signed by the customer no later than 2 (two) calendar days from the date of its receipt. Under the signed work completion certificate, the North-Eastern Basin Branch shall issue the invoice and the commercial invoice to the customer, which should be paid within 7 calendar days from the invoice date.

     Information on the tariffs of the North-Eastern Basin Branch for the provision of services for individual icebreaker assistance is provided in the section "Harbour Dues and Tariffs of the North-Eastern Basin Branch".

     Procedure for provision of individual icebreaker assistance for vessels following to the seaport of Magadan

     During the winter navigation period, the North-Eastern Basin Branch provides additional services for individual icebreaker assistance with the terms of the contractual order on the basis of ship owners’ requests, upon permission from the captain of the seaport of Magadan and in in case of technical availability.

     North-Eastern Basin Branch renders additional services on custom icebreaking assistance to vessels. The services are rendered in accordance with the contract for custom icebreaking assistance (further referred to as – Contract).

     To make a Contract for custom icebreaking assistance, the customer shall file an application, approved by the captain of the seaport of Magadan, to the Magadan Department of the North-Eastern basin Branch by fax: +7 (4132) 63-09-56 or its scan by e-mail: , with sending or courier delivery to the address: Portovoye road, 211, room 1, Magadan, municipal district “City of Magadan”, Magadan Region, 685000, Russia.

     The application shall be reviewed by the Magadan Department within three working days. After its acceptance and if it is technically possible to provide the requested services, the Contract shall be signed. Magadan Department of the North-Eastern Basin Branch sends two copies of a white Contract for custom icebreaking assistance to the customer for signing. The customer shall send the signed Contract to the Magadan Department of the North-Eastern Basin Branch.

     Additional information on the procedure for signing Contract can be obtained by telephone +7 (4132) 69-21-86 (Monday to Friday, from 8:30 till 17:30 Magadan time, lunch break from 13:00 till 14:00).

     Information on the tariffs of the North-Eastern Basin Branch for the provision of services for individual icebreaker assistance is provided in the section “Harbour Dues and Tariffs of the North-Eastern Basin Branch”.

     4. Statistics

     Information on the number of vessels provided with ice escorts during port calls and exits to/from the Vanino seaport

Ice breaking assistance
Number of operations Number of vesels provided with ice escorts during winter navigation Average length of the ice breaking routes in
sea miles
2009-2020 ⇲
2009–2010 12 16 3
2010–2011 19 14 3
2011–2012 234 225 4
2012–2013 48 74 4
2013–2014 11 7 3
2014–2015 13 10 3
2015–2016 58 61 4
2016–2017 133 135 4
2017-2018 75 114 19.7
2018-2019 121 146 17.3
2019-2020 161 190 44.8
2020-2021 26 27 20.7
2021-2022 93 78 17
2022-2023 152 88 14

     Information on the number of ice escorts by the Magadan Branch icebreakers during winter navigation
Winter navigation
Number of steerings Average length of
in nautical miles
2008-2020 ⇲
2008-2009 119 267
2009-2010 127 275
2010-2011 120 256
2011-2012 162 263
2012-2013 126 220
2013-2014 126 200
2014-2015 110 126
2015-2016 95 170
2016-2017 113 211
2017-2018 128 120
2018-2019 126 140
2019-2020 129 128
2020-2021 117 246
2021-2022 36 101
2022-2023 40 95

     Information on the number of individual ice assistance of vessels of the North-Eastern Basin Branch

Winter navigation
Seaport of
Seaport of
2019-2020 2 -
2020-2021 3 -
2021-2022 8 -
2022-2023 6 -

     5. Contacts

     For additional information on terms and conditions of the North-Eastern Basin Branch ice breaking services in the saeports of Magadan and Vanino, please contact: 

     In the seaport of Vanino:

    +7 (42137) 775-94 (24 hours a day),
     or send a request by fax: +7 (42137) 775-94 or e-mail:

     In the seaport of Magadan:

     +7 (4132) 63-09-56 (24 hours a day);
     +7 (4132) 63-05-08 (Monday to Friday, from 8:30 till 17:30 Magadan time, lunch break from 13:00 till 14:00),
     or send a request by fax: +7 (4132) 63-09-56 or e-mail: