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North-Eastern Basin Branch News

Information about the seaport Sovetskaya Gavan in the Register of seaports of the Russian Federation changed

In accordance with the order of Rosmorrechflot No. ZD-374-r of September 1, 2020, changes have been introduced to the information about the seaport Sovetskaya Gavan in the Register of seaports of the Russian Federation.

The corrections are connected with reduction of the number of berths in the seaport to 10 berths. Information on berths No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 located in Kuriksha Bay, berth No. 35A in Mayachnaya Bay, and passenger berth in Okocha Bay has been excluded from the register due to their decommissioning. Accordingly, the length of the quay wall of all berths in the seaport after reducing the number of berths is just over 1.9 km.

In addition, the register has changed the maximum dimensions of vessels that can call at the seaport Sovetskaya Gavan. In accordance with the corrections made, vessels with length up to 200 meters and width up to 29 meters will now be able to enter the seaport. This became possible thanks to the calculations made to justify the technical possibility of placing vessels with large dimensions to berth No. 1 in the bay Egge of Sovetskaya Gavan seaport.

Rosmorrechflot's order also specified the areas of open warehouses, names of individual operators of sea terminals, and lists of services provided by them in the seaport Sovetskaya Gavan.