Federal Bodies of Executive Powers Territorial Departments
North-Western Department of State Marine and River Oversight of Federal Service for the Oversight of Transport
Ministry of Property Relations of the Russian Federation Territorial Department for Saint-Petersburg
Federal State Property Management Agency. Territorial Department in Kaliningrad Region
Federal Registration Service Territorial Department for Leningrad Region
Federal Registration Service Territorial Department for Saint-Petersburg
North-Western Territorial Department for Fishery
Nevsko-Ladozhskoye Basin Water Service of Federal Water Resources Agency
North-Western Depatment of Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources
North-Western Department of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision
Federal Veterinary And Phytosanitary Monitoring Service Department for Kaliningrad Region
Federal Agency of Supervision in Sphere of Consumers' Rights Protection and Welfare Territorial Department for Leningrad Region
Federal Agency of Supervision in Sphere of Consumers' Rights Protection and Welfare Territorial Department for Saint-Petersburg
Federal Agency of Supervision in Sphere of Consumers' Rights Protection and Welfare Territorial Department for Kaliningrad
Federal Oversight Service for Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media, Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad Region Department
Transport DIrectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the North-Western Federal District
North-Western Customs Administration
Kaliningrad Regional Customs Service
Regional and Local Administrative Authorities
Saint Petersburg Administration
Marine Council at the Government of Saint Petersburg
Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture at the Government of Saint Petersburg
Kaliningrad Regional Government
Kaliningrad City Administration
Administration of munincipal entity
Kingisepp municipal district
Administration of munincipal entity Vyborg District
Vyborg City Administration
Federal State Establishments
FSBI “Administration of the Baltic Sea Seaports”
Other Organizations
SUE “City Administration for Inventory and Estate Appraisal”
Russian Maritime Register of Shipping Baltic Branch
SUE “Lenoblinventarizatsiya”
Mass Media
“PortNews” Information and Analytics Agency
“Kaliningradskaya pravda” newspaper
“Vyborg” newspaper
“Vostochny bereg” newspaper