North-Western Basin Branch News

Range markers handed over to the North-Western Basin Branch in the seaport of Vyborg

Pursuant to Resolution No 130-r issued by Russia’s Agency for State Property Management Interregional Territorial Administration for St Petersburg and the Leningrad Region on April 20, 2017, the following range markers have been assigned to FSUE “Rosmorport”:
- the front ranger marker “Maly Vysotsky – Southern Standard No 821”,

- the back range marker “Maly Vysotsky – Southern Standard No 822”,

- the front range marker “Khumallakhti Standard No 826”,

- the back range marker “Khumallakhti Standard No 827”,

- the front range marker “Maly Vysotsky – Northern Standard No 831”,

- the back range marker “Maly Vysotsky – Northern Standard No 832”,

- the back range marker “Protective Standard No 878”,

- the front range marker “Pikarluoto Standard No 877”,

- the back range marker “Saimensky Standard No 898” have been assigned to FSUE “Rosmorport”. Under FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 177 of May 18, 2017 the range markers have been assigned to the North-Western Basin Branch under the right of economic management.

The range markers provide navigation in the intended direction, pilotage of vessels on straight sections of the Vyborg Seaway Canal.

Particularly, the range markers “Maly Vysotsky – Southern Standard No 821” and “Maly Vysotsky – Southern Standard No 822” of five meters high, which are located on the southernmost tip of Maly Vysotsky Island, are used by navigators while piloting vessels on the third elbow of the Vyborg Seaway Canal.

The range markers “Khumallakhti Standard No 826” and “Khumallakhti Standard No 827” of five meters high, which are located in the north-western part of Maly Vysotsky Island, are used by navigators while piloting vessels on the fifth elbow of the Vyborg Seaway Canal.

The range markers “Maly Vysotsky – Northern Standard No 831” and “Maly Vysotsky – Northern Standard No 832” of five meters high, which are located in the middle part of Maly Vysotsky Island, are used by navigators while piloting on the sixth elbow of the Vyborg Seaway Canal.

The range marker “Protective Standard No 878” of 5.4 meters high, which are located on Zashchitny Island, and the range marker “Pikarluoto Standard No 877” of 2.65 meters high, which are located on the northern part of Pikarluoto Island, are used by navigators while piloting vessels on the twelfth elbow of the Vyborg Seaway Canal.

The front range marker “Saimensky Standard No 898” of 3.72 meters high, which are located on the cliff of the northern part of Pikarluoto Island, and assigned to the enterprise jointly with the back range marker “Vyborg – Northern Standard No 899” (used by the Hydrographic Service of Russia’s Defense Ministry), are used by navigators while piloting vessels on the eleventh elbow of the Vyborg Seaway Canal. 

At the time of transmission the range markers have been in satisfactory condition, except for the front range marker “Saimensky Standard No 898”, which is currently in disrepair.

Earlier, the range markers were used by the Hydrographic Service of Russia’s Defense Ministry. Due to the fact that navigation and survey support for sea routes in water areas of seaports and on the approaches toward them has been given under the jurisdiction of Rosmorrechflot, at present, relevant facilities of aids to navigation are given to FSUE “Rosmorport” under economic management and assigned to the enterprise. Earlier, the facilities were under operating control of the Federal State Institution “The North-Western Territorial Property Relations Administration” of Russia’s Defense Ministry.