North-Western Basin Branch News

Belgium's Ostende Seaport representative visits St Petersburg

In the context of mutual cooperation between Russia's trade mission to Belgium and Luxembourg and the Belgian province of West Flanders Wim Strube, project manager for developing the seaport of Ostende (Belgium), visited the North-Western Basin Branch on October 19, 2017.

Director of the North-Western Basin Branch Sergei Pylin and other employees of the Branch were among the participants in the meeting.

The representative of the Belgian delegation told the Russian colleagues about the particularities of the operation of the seaport of Ostende and new developments in the sphere of alternative energy sources in the seaport.

For his part, Pylin spoke about new investment projects and the Branch's achievements over the past two years, prospects for the development of cruise service in the Baltic Sea, including plans for constructing an international passenger terminal in the seaport of Kaliningrad in the area of Pionersky town.