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Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Anapa area, Black sea coast (44°54’ N 37°18’ E)
Government of Russia Regulation dated 24.02.2009 No. 235-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 08.04.2014 No. 551-r

In accordance with the article 32 of federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ

Seaport area size:
3.0777 hectares;
Seaport water area size:
2.09 sq. km;
Number of berths:
6 units;
Berth wall length:
828 m;
Cargo terminals total flow capacity:
374 thous. tons per year;
– dry cargo: 350 thous. tons per year;
– container cargo: 2,000 TEU per year;
Passenger terminals flow capacity: 670 thousand passengers per year;
Maximum dimensions of vessels
calling at the seaport:
– draught: 3.6 m;
– length:
117.5 m;
– width:
28 m;
Covered warehouses area size:
0.35 thous. sq. m;
Open warehouses area size:
0.97 thous. sq. m
Chernomorskiye skorostnye linii, LLC
Rosneft, JSC
Chernomorskiye skorostnye linii, LLC
Sanchistka Municipal Unitary Enterprise of the Anapa resort city
Briz Advertising and production company
Novomorsnab, LLC
Sole Proprietor Atanov Yu.A.
Chernomorskiye skorostnye linii, LLC

Chernomorskiye skorostnye linii, LLC<br>

All year round
  • Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation dated 30.04.1999 No. 81-FZ
  • Federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ "On seaports of Russian federation and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 20.08.2009 No. 140 “On approval of the General rules for navigation and mooring of ships in the seaports of the Russian Federation and on the approaches to them”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 04.12.2013 No. 373 “On approval of the lists of seaports included in the relevant seaport administrations”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 19.05.2017 No. 191 “On approval of the Rules for the state registration of vessels, rights to them and transactions with them in seaports and of centralized accounting of registered vessels”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 26.10.2017 No. 463 “On approval of the General rules for navigation and mooring of vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation and on the approaches to them”

Compulsory regulations in the seaport of Anapa approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 25.12.2012 No. 446

Scheme of the boundaries of the seaport of Anapa

Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Black Sea coast, Geledzhik Bay (44°34’ N 38°03’ E)

Government of Russia Regulation dated 24.02.2010 No. 199-r

In accordance with the article 32 of federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ

Seaport area size:
6.7261 hectares;
Seaport water area size:
10.70036 sq. km;
Number of berths:
9 units;
Berth wall length:
795.75 m;
Cargo terminals total flow capacity:
250 thous. tons of dry cargo per year;
Passenger terminals flow capacity: 185 thous. passengers per year;
Maximum dimensions of vessels
calling at the seaport:
– draught: 3.8 m;
– length:
114 m;
– width:
14 m;
Covered warehouses area size:
2.178 thous. sq. m;
Open warehouses area size:
35.071 thous. sq. m
Era, LLC
Novorossiyskaya toplivnaya companiya, LLC
Gelendzhiksky Morskoy Port, CJSC
Komandor, LLC

Sanchistka Municipal Unitary Enterprise of the Gelendzhik resort city<br>

Gelendzhiksky Morskoy Port, CJSC
Komandor, LLC
Orlan, LLC
Antares, LLC
TransGroupHolding, LLC
Mortransservis, LLC
Gelendzhiksky Morskoy Port, CJSC
ROSTEK - Gelendzhik branch – ROSTEK – Novorossiysk, CJSC
Era, LLC
Yugsnab, LLC
Novorosmorsnab, LLC
Trade Logistic Kompany, LLC
Gelendzhiksky Morskoy Port, CJSC
Komandor, LLC
All year round
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 03.06.2011 No. 442 "On definition of the Russian Federation state border checkpoints designed for the import of goods, chemical, biological, and radioactive substances, wastes, and other cargo hazardous for human, and also articles of food to the Russian Federation"
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 07.07.2011 No. 557 "On definition of the Russian Federation state border checkpoints designed for import of animals, products of animal origin, feedstuff, feed supplements, ailments for animals and quarantined products (quarantined material, quarantined cargo)"
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 27.06.2016 No. 583 “On the determination of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation, located in the Southern Federal District, for the arrival in the Russian Federation and the departure from the Russian Federation of certain categories of goods”
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 06.10.1992 No. 1826-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 02.08.1997 No. 1081-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 20.11.2008 No. 1724-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 29.11.2017 No. 2665-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 28.12.2018 No. 2978-r
  • Rosgranitsa Order dated 24.07.2013 No. 169-OD "On approval of boundaries of the maritime cargo-and-passenger permanent multilateral checkpoint through the state border of the Russian Federation in Gelendzhik Seaport (Krasnodar Territory)"
  • Rosgranitsa Order dated 02.09.2014 No. 177-OD “On the reconstruction of the sea cargo-passenger permanent multilateral checkpoint across the state border of the Russian Federation in the seaport of Gelendzhik (Krasnodar Territory)”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 04.08.1998 No. 97 “On the opening of a checkpoint across the state border of the Russian Federation in the seaport of Gelendzhik”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 16.08.2016 No. 243 “On creation of the administrations of the checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 31.03.2022 No. 107 “On approval of the Regime Rules at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation”
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Food Order dated 06.05.1999 No. 349 “On organization of border control veterinary checkpoints in the seaports of Gelendzhik and Temryuk of the Krasnodar Territory”
  • Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation dated 30.04.1999 No. 81-FZ
  • Federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ "On seaports of Russian federation and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 26.10.2017 No. 463 “On approval of the General rules for navigation and mooring of vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation and on the approaches to them”
  • Compulsory regulations in the seaport of Gelendzhik, approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 25.12.2012 No. 448

Compulsory regulations in the seaport of Gelendzhik, approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 25.12.2012 No. 448

Scheme of the boundaries of the seaport of Gelendzhik

Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Eysk district, Taganrog Bay of the Azov sea (46°44’ N 38°16’ E)

Government of Russia Regulation dated 22.04.2009 No. 549-r

In accordance with the article 32 of federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ
Seaport area size:
68.61 hectares;
Seaport water area size:
0.87 sq. km;
Number of berths:
15 units;
Berth wall length:
2,346.2 m;
Cargo terminals total flow capacity:
6,800 thous. tons per year;
– liquid cargo: 1,200 thous. tons per year;
– dry cargo: 5,600 thous. tons per year;
Maximum dimensions of vessels
calling at the seaport:
– draught: 4.5 m;
– length:
150 m;
– width:
22 m;
Covered warehouses area size:
37.99 thous. sq. m;
Open warehouses area size:
107.38 thous. sq. m
Capacity of containers for the storage of grain cargo:
77.4 thous. tons
Azovskaya sudoremontnaya kompaniya, CJSC
Eysk-port-Vista, LLC
Eysk-Priazovie-Port, LLC
Eysky Morskoy Port, JSC
Eysky portovy elevator, JSC
Directoriya – Novy morskoy port, LLC
Zavod metallokonstruktsiy, LLC
FSUE “Baltiyskoe BASU” Azovo-Chernomorsky branch
Kovcheg, LLC
Akva, LLC
Laktan, LLC
Ekoflotservis, LLC
Yug Bunker Servis-Eysk, LLC
Inflot-MA, LLC
Laktan, LLC
Marship-Kuban, LLC
Solna, LLC
SSK “Moragent”, LLC
Shiptrans Plus, LLC
Ekspo-Line-Plus, LLC
Eksposervis, LLC
Alyans morskoe agentstvo, LLC
Noragent-Ex, LLC
Level, LLC
Si Star, LLC
Inflot-MA, LLC
Laktan, LLC
Marship-Kuban, LLC
Solna, LLC
SSK “Moragent”, LLC
Shiptrans Plus, LLC
Ekspo-Line-Plus, LLC
Eksposervis, LLC
Alyans morskoe agentstvo, LLC
Noragent-Ex, LLC
Level, LLC
Si Star, LLC
Newsurvey ru, LLC
Baltic Control, LLC
Marship-Kuban, LLC
Solna, LLC
Ekspo-Line, LLC
Marship-Kuban, LLC
Eksposervis, LLC
Yugeksport, LLC
Inflot-MA, LLC
Laktan, LLC
Solna, LLC
SSK “Moragent”, LLC
Shiptrans Plus, LLC
Ekspo-Line-Plus, LLC
Alyans morskoe agentstvo, LLC
Noragent-Ex, LLC
Level, LLC
Si Star, LLC
Azov-Effect, LLC
Garant, LLC
Novik-Servis, LLC
All year round
  • Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation dated 30.04.1999 No. 81-FZ
  • Federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ "On seaports of Russian federation and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 31.05.2018 No. 1082-r
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 12.04.2010 No. 86 “On establishing areas for optional and compulsory pilotage of vessels”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 04.12.2013 No. 373 “On approval of the lists of seaports included in the relevant seaport administrations”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 05.08.2014 No. 219 “On determining anchorage areas for detained or arrested vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 19.05.2017 No. 191 “On approval of the Rules for the state registration of vessels, rights to them and transactions with them in seaports and of centralized accounting of registered vessels”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 26.10.2017 No. 463 “On approval of the General rules for navigation and mooring of vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation and on the approaches to them”

Compulsory regulations in the seaport of Eysk, approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 21.08.2012 No. 324

Eysk seaport scheme

Eysk seaport scheme

Eysk seaport scheme (sea terminal Primorsko-Akhtarsk)

Azov Sea, Kerch Strait, Krasnodar Territory, Chushka village (45°20’ N 36°40’ E)

Government of Russia Regulation dated 12.08.2009 No. 1150-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 18.08.2011 No. 1460-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 29.06.2012 No. 1118-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 02.08.2014 No. 1460-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 27.10.2017 No. 2372-r
In accordance with the article 32 of federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ
Seaport area size:
46.5 hectares;
Seaport water area size:
36.3016 sq. km;
Number of berths:
10 units;
Berth wall length:
1,347.3 m;
Cargo terminals total flow capacity:
27,559.3 thous. tons per year;
– liquid cargo: 13,443.58 thous. tons per year;
– dry cargo: 14,115.72 thous. tons per year;
Passenger terminals flow capacity: 5 000 000 passengers per year;
Maximum dimensions of vessels
calling at the seaport:
– draught: 5.3 m;
– length:
150 m;
– width:
22 m;
On raid:
– draught: 16 m;
– length:
242 m;
Covered warehouses area size:
2.94 thous. sq. m;
Open warehouses area size:
33.4 thous. sq. m;
Capacity of containers for the storage:
- oil products:
96.6 thous. tons;
- chemical cargo:
10 thous. tons;
- grain cargo:
90 thous. tons;
- food bulk cargo:
20 thous. tons
Taman Department of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch
EuroTek-Universal, LLC
SVL Marin Transit Services, LLC
Gazpromneft Shipping, LLC
Donbunker (Lukoil), LLC
KavkazMorServis, LLC
Novorossiyskaya toplivnaya kompania, LLC
Transbunker-Novo, LLC
YugBunkerServis Kavkaz, LLC
Era, LLC,
Transbunker, LLC
Inspectorat R, CJSC
Inkolab Servises Russia, LLC
Intertek Testing Servises-Novorossiysk, NFP LLC
Novorossiysk branch of Kotekna Inspekshn (Vostok), LLC
Navigator Taman, LLC
Nezavisimaya surveyerskaya kompaniya, LLC
Russky Registr, CJSC
Novorossiysk branch of Petroleum Analists, CJSC
SZHZ Vostok Limited, CJSC
Yugsurvey, LLC
Karo, LLC
Sole Proprietor Orlova O.L.
Provian-STAR, LLC
Sole Proprietor Pechenkina L.N.
Sole Proprietor Pechenkin A.I.
Sole Proprietor Stayno E.N.
LUKOIL-Chernomorye, CJSC
Obscherossiysky tamozhenny broker, LLC
Electrospetsservis, LLC
Servis plus, LLC
Novorossiysk branch of FSU “Federal center for assessing the safety and quality of grain and products of its processing”
LUKOIL-Chernomorye, CJSC
Obscherossiysky tamozhenny broker, LLC
Electrospetsservis, LLC
Servis plus, LLC
Novorossiysk branch of FSU “Federal center for assessing the safety and quality of grain and products of its processing”
All year round
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 09.12.2003 No. 743 “On the establishment of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation for the arrival of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products in the Russian Federation”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 15.07.2010 No. 521 “On definition of the Russian Federation sate border checkpoints for the departure of certain types of goods from the territory of the Russian Federation”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 07.07.2011 No. 557 "On definition of the Russian Federation state border checkpoints designed for import of animals, products of animal origin, feedstuff, feed supplements, ailments for animals and quarantined products (quarantined material, quarantined cargo)"
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 03.06.2011 No. 442 "On definition of the Russian Federation state border checkpoints designed for the import of goods, chemical, biological, and radioactive substances, wastes, and other cargo hazardous for human, and also articles of food to the Russian Federation"
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 15.02.2011 No. 75 "On definition of the Russian Federation sate border checkpoints for arrival to the Russian Federation and departure from the Russian Federation of nuclear materials, and goods containing them"
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 12.12.2018 No. 1512 “On approval of the list of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation, which allow the sale of goods to individuals arriving in the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union by air and water transport”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 20.11.2021 No. 1988 "On definition of the Russian Federation state border checkpoints for the departure from the territory of the Russian Federation outside the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of certain goods classified in headings 3102 and 3105 of the Common Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union"
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 19.12.1994 No. 1977-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 20.11.2008 No. 1724-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 29.09.2014 No. 1912-r
  • Rosgranitsa Order dated 18.05.2010 No. 241-OD “On opening of the sea cargo-passenger permanent multilateral checkpoint across the state border of the Russian Federation in the seaport of Kavkaz”
  • Rosgranitsa Order dated 29.01.2010 No. 14-OD “On reconstruction of the sea cargo-passenger permanent multilateral checkpoint across the state border of the Russian Federation in the seaport of Kavkaz”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 27.12.2007 No. 200 “On reconstruction of the checkpoint across the state border of the Russian Federation in the seaport of Kavkaz”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 26.12.2019 No. 429 “On approval of boundaries of the maritime cargo-and-passenger permanent multilateral checkpoint through the state border of the Russian Federation in Kavkaz Seaport (Krasnodar Territory)”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 31.03.2022 No. 107 “On approval of the Regime Rules at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation”
  • Note of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia dated 15.02.2011 No. 1213/2dsng
  • Rosselkhoznadzor Letter dated 20.03.2012 No. FS-AS-3/3506
  • Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation dated 30.04.1999 No. 81-FZ
  • Federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ "On seaports of Russian federation and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 14.10.2003 No. 1491-r
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 12.04.2010 No. 86 “On establishing areas for optional and compulsory pilotage of vessels”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 04.12.2013 No. 373 “On approval of the lists of seaports included in the relevant seaport administrations”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 19.05.2017 No. 191 “On approval of the Rules for the state registration of vessels, rights to them and transactions with them in seaports and of centralized accounting of registered vessels”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 26.10.2017 No. 463 “On approval of the General rules for navigation and mooring of vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation and on the approaches to them”

Compulsory regulations in the seaport of Kavkaz, approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 29.05.2013 No. 190

Boundaries of the seaport of Kavkaz by 29.05.2013

Scheme of the approaches boundaries of the seaport of Kavkaz

Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Black Sea coast, Novorossiysk (Tsemes) Bay (44°37’ N 37°47’ E)

Government of Russia Regulation dated 12.08.2009 No. 1161-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 30.12.2012 No. 2623-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 23.04.2013 No. 668-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 15.07.2013 No. 1230-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 22.12.2015 No. 2638-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 13.10.2017 No. 2229-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 27.11.2020 No. 3141-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 03.02.2022 No. 154-r

In accordance with the article 32 of federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ

Seaport area size:
279.62 hectares;
Seaport water area size:
344 sq. km;
Number of berths:
87 units;
Berth wall length:
16,286 m;
Cargo terminals total flow capacity:
222,847 thous. tons per year;
– liquid cargo: 165,124 thous. tons per year;
– dry cargo: 44,355 thous. tons per year;
– container cargo: 1,114 thous. TEU per year;
Passenger terminals flow capacity: 738 000 passengers per year;
Maximum dimensions of vessels
calling at the seaport:
– draught: to 19 m;
– in the inner harbour:
draught no more than 13.1 m, length no more than 295.2 m, width no more than 45.04 m;
to the berths of remote receiving devices KTK-1, KTK-2 and KTK-3: no limit on draught, length no more than 324 m, width no more than 58 m;
Covered warehouses area size:
85.22 thous. sq. m;
Open warehouses area size:
787.15 thous. sq. m
Capacity of containers for the storage of oil and oil products, chemical cargo, food bulk cargo and grain cargo:
716.15 thous. tons
Transneft-service, LLC
SK Delo, LLC
FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch
Interservis, LLC
Raid Master, LLC
Novorossiysky morskoy torgovy port, PJSC
Novoecoservis, LLC
Marin Konsulting, LLC
Mortansservis-NHB, LLC
Alfamarin, LLC
Trans Oil Servis, LLC
Balt-marin, LLC
Transbunker-Novo, LLC
Novorossiyskaya toplivnaya kompania, LLC
Komplektservis, LLC
Era, LLC
Gazpromneft Marine Bunker, LLC
RN-Bunker, LLC
Aleksandria, LLC
Almar, LLC
Agmar Novorossiysk, LLC
Ai El Es, LLC
Balt Marin, LLC
Akvaspas, LLC
Gardirika, LLC
Barvil, LLC
Meridian, LLC
Marinekspo, LLC
Komandor, LLC
A-konsalting, LLC
Novomortechflot, LLC
Chernomorservis, LLC
Orlan, LLC
Infotech-Novo, LLC
MK Trans, LLC
Delo, LLC
Novoropr Agency, LLC
Portovy agent, LLC
Srvmortrans, LLC
Solid-Yug, LLC
Skat Universal, LLC
TSMA “Rus” , LLC
Si Shipping, LLC
Farko, LLC
Flagman, LLC
Uniservis, LLC
Transagent, LLC
Transneft-Servis, LLC
Chernomorservis, LLC
Technoservis, LLC
Ocean Line, LLC
Yugmorsnab, LLC
Glavmorsnab, LLC
Novosilend, LLC
Grin Gate, LLC
Veles Forvarding, LLC
Absolut Logistik, LLC
Ineksa Logistic grupp, LLC
RusLogistic, LLC
TransServis Grupp, LLC
Formag Forvarding, LLC
Ruskon-Broker, LLC
VTS-Trans, LLC
Novorossiysky sudoremontny zavod, JSC
Baza technicheskogo obsluzhivaniya flota, LLC
Sudoverf-Aleksino, LLC
FSUE “Morspassluzhba”
Novotranskom, LLC
Botrans, LLC
Seybolt, LLC
Si Line, LLC
Yugsurvey, LLC
Sitran Konsalting, LLC
Icube, LLC
Morskoe Servisnoe Buro - Novorossiysk, LLC
Trans-Biznes – Broker Yug, LLC
Sapa Shipping, LLC
Transportno-ekspeditorskaya kompania “Trastservis” , LLC
Trast-Servis, LLC
Novokont, LLC
Novorossiyskaya transportnaya ekspeditsionnaya kompaniya, LLC
Ruskon-Broker, LLC
Kompaniya “NOVOTEK plus” , LLC
SEZ-Servis, LLC
D2D Logistika, LLC
TP “Rusta-Broker” , LLC
All year round 
  • USSR Council of Ministers Decree dated 06.11.1951 No. 4393-1972c
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 09.12.2003 No. 743 “On the establishment of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation for the arrival of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products in the Russian Federation”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 07.05.2009 No. 397 "On rules of stay in the Russian Federation of foreigners and persons without a citizenship arriving to the Russian Federation for tourism purposes on ferries, which have authorization for passenger shipping"
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 15.07.2010 No. 521 “On definition of the Russian Federation sate border checkpoints for the departure of certain types of goods from the territory of the Russian Federation”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 03.06.2011 No. 442 "On definition of the Russian Federation state border checkpoints designed for the import of goods, chemical, biological, and radioactive substances, wastes, and other cargo hazardous for human, and also articles of food to the Russian Federation"
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 07.07.2011 No. 557 "On definition of the Russian Federation state border checkpoints designed for import of animals, products of animal origin, feedstuff, feed supplements, ailments for animals and quarantined products (quarantined material, quarantined cargo)"
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 06.07.2012 No. 687 “On the determination of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation, which allow the arrival of ozone-depleting substances into the territory of the Russian Federation”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 12.12.2018 No. 1512 “On approval of the list of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation, which allow the sale of goods to individuals arriving in the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union by air and water transport”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 20.11.2021 No. 1988 “On definition of the Russian Federation state border checkpoints for the departure from the territory of the Russian Federation outside the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of certain goods classified in headings 3102 and 3105 of the Common Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 02.09.2022 No. 1552 “On establishing the case in which goods may arrive in the Russian Federation and depart from the Russian Federation in places that are not places of movement of goods in accordance with the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union”
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 14.03.2002 No. 297-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 20.11.2008 No. 1724-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 29.09.2014 No. 1912-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 19.06.2021 No. 1667-r
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 17.10.2022 No. 415 “On approval of boundaries of the maritime cargo-and-passenger permanent multilateral checkpoint through the state border of the Russian Federation in Novorossiysk Seaport (Krasnodar Territory)”
  • Rosselkhoznadzor Letter dated 20.03.2012 No. FS-AS-3/3506
  • Technological scheme on organizing the passage through the state border of the Russian Federation of persons, vehicles, cargo, goods and animals at the Novorossiysk sea checkpoint
  • Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation dated 30.04.1999 No. 81-FZ
  • Federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ "On seaports of Russian federation and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 25.04.2006 No. 583-r (with amendments) “On approval of the list of commercial seaports, the captains of which register ships in the Russian International Register of Ships”
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 02.09.2006 No. 1226-r (with amendments) “On approval of the attached traffic separation schemes in the territorial sea of the Russian Federation”
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 20.03.2018 458-r
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 01.10.2001 No. 147 “On establishment of the area of compulsory pilotage of vessels in the area of the Yuzhnaya Ozereevka village”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 13.06.2013 No. 210 “On approval of the list of federal state institutions and captains of seaports entitled to preparing and issuing seaman’s identity cards”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 04.12.2013 No. 373 “On approval of the lists of seaports included in the relevant seaport administrations”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 05.08.2014 No. 219 “On determining anchorage areas for detained or arrested vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 19.05.2017 No. 191 “On approval of the Rules for the state registration of vessels, rights to them and transactions with them in seaports and of centralized accounting of registered vessels”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 26.10.2017 No. 463 “On approval of the General rules for navigation and mooring of vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation and on the approaches to them”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 04.05.2018 No. 181 “On approval of the list of seaports in which diplomas and qualification certificates are issued to ship crew members”

Compulsory regulations in the seaport of Novorossiysk, approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 30.11.2017 No. 503

Boundaries of the seaport of Novorossiysk

Boundaries of the territory of the seaport of Novorossiysk

Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Sochi area (43°35’ northern latitude 39°43’ eastern longitude)
In accordance with the Article 32 of the Federal Law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ
Seaport area size: 24.7368 hectares
Seaport water area size: 17.6516 sq. km
Number of berths: 40 berths и 2 shoreline stabilization structures
Berth wall length: 4,332.86 m
Cargo terminals capacity:
overall: 5,010 thous. tons per year
     - dry cargo: 
4,353 thous. tons per year
     - containters: 54.75 thous. units of twenty-foot equivalent per year
• passenger terminals capacity:
1,637,800 passengers per year
Maximum dimensions of vessels calling at the seaport:
     - draught: 8.8 m
     - length: 311 m
     - width: 38.6 m
Covered warehouses area size: 2.88 thous. sq. m
Open warehouses area size: 34 thous. sq. m
Sochinsky Morskoy Torgovy Port, CJSC
Sochinsky Morskoy Torgovy Port, CJSC
Sochinsky Morskoy Torgovy Port, CJSC
Sochinsky Morskoy Torgovy Port, CJSC
Parki FT, MBI
Dubrovka. LLC
ArtWay Logistic, LLC
IP Kusaev A.O.
BG “Consulting”, LLC
Barmalini, LLC
Sochinsky Morskoy Torgovy Port, CJSC
Sochinsky Morskoy Torgovy Port, CJSC
IP Seveonyshkin A.V.
Global Grupp, LLC
Sochi Port Servis, LLC
  • USSR Council of Ministers Decree dated 23.06.1969 No. 1268-rs
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 03.06.2011 No. 442 “On definition of the Russian Federation state border checkpoints designed for the import of goods, chemical, biological, and radioactive substances, wastes, and other cargo hazardous for human, and also articles of food to the Russian Federation”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 12.12.2018 No. 1512 “On approval of the list of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation, which allow the sale of goods to individuals arriving in the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union by air and water transport”
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 20.11.2008 No.1724-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 23.10.2020 No. 2741-r
  • Rosgranitsa Order dated 11.09.2009 No.127
  • Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 30.05.2017 No. 202 “On approval of the rules of regime in the sea cargo-passenger permanent multilateral checkpoint through the state border of the Russian Federation in Sochi Seaport (Krasnodar Territory)”
  • Mintrans of Russia Order dated 09.04.2019 No. 98 “On approval of the limits of the sea cargo-passenger permanent multilateral checkpoint across the state border of the Russian Federation in the seaport of Sochi (Krasnodar Territory)”
  • Mintrans of Russia Order dated 31.03.2022 No. 107 “On approval of the Regime Rules at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation”
  • Rosselkhoznadzor Letter dated 20.03.2012 No. FS-AS-3/3506
  • Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation dated 30.04.1999 No. 81-FZ
  • Federal Law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ “On seaports of Russian federation and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”
  • Government of Russia Degree dated 20.03.2018 No. 458-r
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 04.12.2013 No. 373 “On approval of the lists of seaports included in the relevant seaport administrations”
  • Mintrans of Russia Order dated 05.08.2014 No. 219 “On determination of anchorage areas for detained or arrested vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 19.05.2017 No. 191 “On approval of the Rules for the state registration of vessels, rights to them and transactions with them in seaports and of centralized accounting of registered vessels”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 26.10.2017 No. 463 “On approval of the General rules for navigation and mooring of vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation and on the approaches to them”
  • Mintrans of Russia Order dated 03.10.2017 No. 404 “On approval of Obligatory Decrees for the sea port of Sochi”
  • Order of the captain of the seaport of Sochi dated 24.01.2022 No. VR-1-r “On declaring the depths and maximum allowable draft of vessels at berths and at anchorages in the water area of the seaport of Sochi”

     The history of the Sochi seaport dates back to 1872 when the “Russkoe obshchestvo parokhodstva i torgovli” ("Russian Society for Shipping and Trade") agency was organized in Sochi, which acted as the passengers receiving and sending center.

     In 1899-1901, the harbour was built on the place where the “Kavkazskaya riviera” (Caucasian Riviera) spa resort was situated.

     In 1923, the harbour deteriorated and was demolished.

     In 1924, after the establishment of Soviet system the “Sovtorgflot” Sochi maritime agency was organized in Sochi.

     In 1930, the Sochi maritime agency was subordinated to the port of Tuapse and the Sochi harbour became the attached point of the Tuapse Seaport.

     In 1934, by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR order dated 31.03.1934 № 698 the Sochi department of the Navy as an independent shipping company was established, and the Sochi attached point was converted to the third digit port. The port of Sochi included the following attached points: Matsesta, Khosta, Adler, Pitsunda, Gagra, Gudauty, Psirtskha. The Sochi Sea Shipping Company district of activity was fixed from Anapa to Batumi. With the development of Sochi spa resort local passenger services were rapidly developing, they were carried out by the local passenger fleet on the lines of suburban and local posts: Sochi-Sukhumi, Gagra-Sochi, Tuapse-Novorossiysk, Anapa-Novorossiysk, Riviera-Sochi- Khosta. Therefore, in the same year a marine station and a quay in Khosta and Kurpark were built in the Sochi Seaport, as well as a quay on Matsesta.

     In the period from 1935 to 1938, at the place of the today’s building of the marine station, the boathouse was organized for lifting boats for the wintering anchorage, as well as the ship repair building and cargo warehouse building. At the origin of the Voykov Street the passenger pavilion temporary wooden building was built.

     In 1938 the technical design of the port of Sochi was drafted and approved. The total cost of all of the port constructions (not including the station) was 32.2 million rubles. In the same year the Port Administration residence was built.

     In 1941 with the outbreak of World War II the construction was stopped. The Seaport of Sochi was immediately adapted to provide transport for people going to the front, as well as ammunition, weapons, equipment, supplies and repair of military ships.
     In 1942 the Sochi Sea Shipping Company was liquidated and its functions were transferred to the port of Sochi.

     In 1946, by the Minmorflot of the USSR order dated 10.06.1946 No. 257 the Sochi Sea Shipping Company activity was restored with the direct subordination to the Ministry of the Navy of the USSR, which included on base of the internal cost accounting the Sochi port and the attached points from Lazarevskoe to Adler inclusive.

     In 1947, construction of the port of Sochi was resumed.

     In 1948, construction of the cargo and the ship repair berths, which began before the war, was completed.

     In 1949, the shallow gliders and bunker berths were commissioned.

     In 1950, construction of the passenger berth No. 2 was completed.

     In 1952, the berths for boats and gliders were built.

     In 1953, by the Minmorflot of the USSR order dated 26.05.1953 No. 196-pr the Sochi Shipping Company was reorganized into the Chernomorsky State Shipping Company Agency in Sochi directly subordinated to the Chernomorsky State Shipping Company. In the same year further construction of the North and South piers was carried out.

     In 1954, the Chernomorsky State Shipping Company Agency in Sochi was reorganized in the Sochi Seaport.

     In 1955, under the project of K. Alabyan, academician of architecture, L. Karlik, architect, and A. Kuzmin, engineer, construction of a unique marine passenger station building was finished. Every year it received more than 600,000 passengers on line and cruise Soviet and foreign vessels.

     In 1965, the volume of passenger traffic totaled nearly 1.8 million people, and by the mid-70's the port of Sochi, with 18 vessels of the Kometa type, had become the main basis for the development of high-speed passenger lines on the Azov-Black Sea basin.

     In 1967, the Sochi Seaport became a member of the Novorossiysk Shipping Company. About 1 thousand people worked on it. Passenger traffic reached 2 million people, which allowed the Sochi Seaport to abandon the state subsidies.

     In 1969, by the Council of Ministers of the USSR order dated 23.06.1969 No. 1268-rs the Minmorflot of the USSR proposal on the opening of the Sochi Seaport for foreign vessels was adopted.

     In the period from 1980 to 1991, the main activity of the Sochi Seaport was the carriage of passengers on suburban and local traffic routes, maintenance of passenger vessels of the Chernomorsky Shipping Company and foreign cruise vessels with foreign tourists, repair of the harbor vessels, piers, terminals, port facilities and cargo handling.

     In 1992, the Sochi Seaport was privatized as a part of the privatized property of the OJSC “Novorossiysk Shipping Company” and became known as the branch of the OJSC “Novorossiysk Shipping Company".

     In 1994, in the Seaport of Sochi for the implementation of state port supervision the State Institution “Sochi Seaport Marine Administration” was created which acted as the port authorities.

     In 1997, by the Ministry of Transport of Russia order dated 26.11.1997 No. 147 the State Institution “Sochi Seaport Marine Administration” was reorganized by joining the State Institution “Novorossiysk Seaport Marine Administration” as its branch.

     In 1997, a branch of the OJSC “Novoship” in the Seaport of Sochi was reorganized by separating into the OJSC “Sochi Sea Commercial Port".

     In September 2003, in connection with the establishment of the FSUE “Rosmorport” in accordance with the Government of Russia decision dated 25.09.2002 No. 705 “On improvement of public administration system of the maritime trade and specialized ports” in the Seaport of Sochi by the FSUE “Rosmorport” order dated 01.09.2003 No. 15/OD the FSUE “Rosmorport” Sochi Branch was formed.

     In November 2003, the OJSC “Sochi Sea Commercial Port” became a member of the “MedSruise” International Association of Mediterranean Cruise Ports as the representative of the Seaport of Sochi.

     In 2004, the FSUE “Rosmorport” Sochi Branch began its business operations.

     In 2008, by the Russian Government order dated 20.11.2008 No. 1724-r in the Seaport of Sochi the cargo and passenger permanent multilateral checkpoint over the state border of the Russian Federation was opened.

     In March 2009, by the Government of Russia order dated 30.03.2009 No. 393-r the Seaport of Sochi borders were set.

     In November 2009, by the Rosmorrechflot order dated 27.11.2009 No. AD-246-R information on the Seaport of Sochi has been recorded in the Register of the seaports of the Russian Federation.

     In December 2009, in order to prepare for the 2014 Winter Olympics and the for the development of Sochi as a mountain resort by the Government of Russia decree dated 29.12.2009 No. 991 the program of Olympic venues construction and development of Sochi as a mountain resort was approved. As part of its implementation the FSUE “Rosmorport” Sochi Branch exercises the functions of the developer for the construction of the following facilities:
     - Seaport of Sochi (design and survey work, reconstruction, construction of hydraulic structures);
    - 8 marine terminals in the Seaport of Sochi (Imeretinka, Adler, Kurgorodok, Hosta, Matsesta, Dagomys, Loo, Lasarevskoye) (design and survey work, reconstruction, construction of hydraulic structures);
     - the Seaport of Sochi cargo area in the Mzymta river mouth (design and survey work, construction of hydraulic structures).

     In February 2011, by the Government of Russia order dated 25.02.2011 No. 286-r due to the inclusion of the anchorage area No. 407 near the Mzymta river mouth the borders of the Seaport of Sochi were amended.

     In May 2011, by the Rosgranitsa order dated 05.05.2011 No. 80-PP the borders of the maritime cargo-passenger permanent multilateral checkpoint over the state border of the Russian Federation in the Seaport of Sochi were approved.

     In June 2014 by Ministry of Transport of Russia order dated 27.06.2014 No. 170 it was decided to reorganize FSE “Administration of the Black Sea Seaports” by means of inclusion of FSE “Administration of Tuapse Seaport”.

     In August 2014 by Mintrans of Russia Order dated 5.08.2014 No. 219 anchorage areas for detained or arrested vessels were determined in Sochi Seaport.

     In September 2014 by Government of Russia Regulation dated 29.09.2014 No. 1912-r Sochi Seaport was included into the least of seaports open for foreign vessels.


     In May 2017 by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 30.05.2017 No. 202the rules of regime in the sea cargo-passenger permanent multilateral checkpoint through the state border of the Russian Federation in Sochi Seaport (Krasnodar Territory) were approved.

     Prospects for the development of the Seaport of Sochi are coming from the implementation of the Program for the Construction of Olympic Venues and Development of Sochi as a mountain resort, and with the active promotion of the Seaport of Sochi on the market of the world tourism industry, by reviving the regular maritime passenger traffic and cruise tourism on the Black Sea coast of Russia.

Seaport of Sochi boundaries

Russia, Rostov Oblast, Taganrog, Taganrog Bay of the Azov Sea (47°12’ N 38°57’ E)

Government of Russia Regulation dated 19.01.2010 No. 33-r

In accordance with the article 32 of federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ

Seaport area size:
53.99 hectares;
Seaport water area size:
9.76 sq. km;
Number of berths:
11 units;
Berth wall length:
1,835.3 m;
Cargo terminals total flow capacity:
4,920 thous. tons per year;
– liquid cargo: 1,700 thous. tons per year;
– dry cargo: 2,620 thous. tons per year;
– container cargo: 50 thous. TEU per year;
Passenger terminals flow capacity: 70 000 passengers per year;
Maximum dimensions of vessels
calling at the seaport:
– draught: 4.7 m;
– length:
149 m;
– width:
18 m;
Covered warehouses area size:
11.85 thous. sq. m;
Open warehouses area size:
51.2 thous. sq. m
Capacity of containers for the storage:
- oil products:
28.6 thous. tons;
- grain cargo:
33 thous. tons;
FSUE "Rosmorport" Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch
FSUE "Rosmorport" Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch
FSUE "Rosmorport" Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch
FSUE "Rosmorport" Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch
FSUE "Rosmorport" Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch
Taganrogsky morskoy torgovy port, JSC

FSUE "Rosmorport" Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch
FSUE "Rosmorport" Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch
YugBunkerServis, LLC
Dorado, LLC
Alyans, LLC
SA Delta, LLC
Grinway, LLC
Transagent, LLC
Universalny expeditor, LLC
Yugsurvey, LLC
RusYug Inspection, LLC
SZHS Vostok Limited, JSC
Inkolab Servises Rasha, LLC
Asiter Inspection, LLC
Agrocontrol, LLC

FSUE "Rosmorport" Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch

Sole Proprietor Grishanov S.A.
VED Servis, LLC
Dorado, LLC
Transagent, LLC
Marshall, LLC
Transtradequolity, LLC
Universalny expeditor, LLC
FSUE "Rosmorport" Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch
FSUE "Rosmorport" Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch
FSUE "Rosmorport" Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch
FSUE "Rosmorport" Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch
All year round 
  • USSR Council of Ministers Decree dated 01.03.1991 No. 135r
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 09.12.2003 No. 743 “On the establishment of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation for the arrival of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products in the Russian Federation”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 15.07.2010 No. 521 “On definition of the Russian Federation sate border checkpoints for the departure of certain types of goods from the territory of the Russian Federation”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 15.02.2011 No. 75 "On definition of the Russian Federation sate border checkpoints for arrival to the Russian Federation and departure from the Russian Federation of nuclear materials, and goods containing them"
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 03.06.2011 No. 442 "On definition of the Russian Federation state border checkpoints designed for the import of goods, chemical, biological, and radioactive substances, wastes, and other cargo hazardous for human, and also articles of food to the Russian Federation"
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 20.11.2021 No. 1988 “On definition of the Russian Federation state border checkpoints for the departure from the territory of the Russian Federation outside the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of certain goods classified in headings 3102 and 3105 of the Common Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union”
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 20.11.2008 No. 1724-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 29.09.2014 No. 1912-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 29.11.2017 No. 2665-r
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 11.02.2008 No. 25 “On opening of the checkpoint through the state border of the Russian Federation in Taganrog Seaport”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 21.07.2016 No. 205 “On approval of boundaries of the maritime cargo permanent multilateral checkpoint through the state border of the Russian Federation in Taganrog Seaport (Rostov Oblast)”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 31.03.2022 No. 107 “On approval of the Regime Rules at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation”
  • Rosselkhoznadzor Letter dated 01.06.2010 No. FS-AS-3/5325
  • Rosselkhoznadzor Letter dated 20.03.2012 No. FS-AS-3/3506
  • Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation dated 30.04.1999 No. 81-FZ
  • Federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ "On seaports of Russian federation and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 14.10.2003 No. 1491-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 25.04.2006 No. 583-r 
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 20.03.2018 458-r
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 12.04.2010 No. 86 “On establishing areas for optional and compulsory pilotage of vessels”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 05.05.2012 No. 134 “On approving List of seaports under jurisdiction of the Russian Federation where emissions of volatile organic components are regulated”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 13.06.2013 No. 210 “On approval of the list of federal state institutions and captains of seaports entitled to preparing and issuing seaman’s identity cards”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 04.12.2013 No. 373 “On approval of the lists of seaports included in the relevant seaport administrations”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 05.08.2014 No. 219 “On determining anchorage areas for detained or arrested vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 19.05.2017 No. 191 “On approval of the Rules for the state registration of vessels, rights to them and transactions with them in seaports and of centralized accounting of registered vessels”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 12.11.2021 No. 395 “On approval of the General rules for navigation and mooring of ships in the seaports of the Russian Federation and on the approaches to them”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 04.05.2018 No. 181 “On approval of the list of seaports in which diplomas and qualification certificates are issued to ship crew members”

Compulsory regulations in the seaport of Taganrog, approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 13.12.2012 No. 429

Water area scheme of the seaport of Taganrog

Territory scheme of the seaport of Taganrog

Territory scheme of the seaport of Taganrog

Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Taman
Peninsula, Zhelezny Rog cape, Black Sea coast (45°09’ N 36°42’ E)
Government of Russia Regulation dated 08.12.2008 No. 1837-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 22.11.2013 No. 2165-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 27.10.2017 No. 2374-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 19.02.2024 No. 377-r
Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 23.09.2009 No. 169 “On opening the seaport of Taman for providing services”
Seaport area size:
41.14 hectares;
Seaport water area size:
99.22 sq. km;
Number of berths:
13 units;
Berth wall length:
4,333.5 m;
Cargo terminals total flow capacity:
63.1 mln tons per year;
– liquid cargo: 22.4 mln tons per year;
– dry cargo: 40.7 mln tons per year;
Maximum dimensions of vessels
calling at the seaport:
– draught: 18.5 m;
– length:
300 m;
– width:
50 m;
Covered warehouses area size:
17 thous. sq. m;
Open warehouses area size:
276 thous. sq. m
Capacity of containers for the storage:
- food bulk cargo:
95.5 thous. tons
- grain cargo:
193.6 thous. tons;
- oil bulk products:
619.15 thous. tons;
- LPG bulk products:
15.84 thous. tons;
OTEKO Terminal, LLC
OTEKO Terminal, LLC
OTEKO Terminal, LLC
Asko, LLC
MK trans, LLC
Morskaya transportnaya kompaniya Taman, LLC
Ekonomu, LLC
Ship Trans Servis, LLC
Agentstvo Skat, LLC
Solid Yug, LLC
Valrus Global Shipping, LLC
Taman agent, LLC
Taman-Servis, LLC
UBS-Kavkaz, LLC
G A C Shipping, LLC
Era, LLC
PortGidroServis, LLC
Gazpromneft Shipping, LLC
Donbunker (Lukoil), LLC
KavkazMorServis, LLC
Lierma, LLC
Novorossiyskaya toplivnaya kompaniya, LLC
Rosmortrans-Temryuk, LLC
Transbunker-Novo, LLC
YugBunkerServis Kavkaz, LLC
Gazpromneft Marin Bunker, LLC
Inspectorat R, CJSC
Inkolab Servises Rasha, LLC
Intertek Testing Servis-Centr, NFP LLC
Kotekna Inspection (Vostok), LLC Novorossiysk branch
Navigator Taman, LLC
Nezavisimaya surveyerskaya kompaniya, LLC
Russky Registr, JSC
Petroleum Analists, CJSC Novorossiysk branch
SZHS Vostok limited, CJSC
Yugsurvey, LLC
Karo, LLC
Sole Proprietor Orlova O.L.
Provian-STAR, LLC
Sole Proprietor Pechenkina L.N.
Sole Proprietor Pechenkin A.I.
Sole Proprietor Stayno E.N.
LUKOIL-Chernomorye, CJSC
Obscherossiysky tamozhenny broker, LLC
Electrospetsservis, LLC
Servis plus, LLC
FSI “Centre of Quality Assurance for Grain” Novorossiysk branch
LUKOIL-Chernomorye, CJSC
Obscherossiysky tamozhenny broker, LLC
Electrospetsservis, LLC
Servis plus, LLC
FSI “Centre of Quality Assurance for Grain” Novorossiysk branch
All year round 
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 03.06.2011 No. 442 "On definition of the Russian Federation state border checkpoints designed for the import of goods, chemical, biological, and radioactive substances, wastes, and other cargo hazardous for human, and also articles of food to the Russian Federation"
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 15.08.2008 No. 1196-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 20.11.2008 No. 1724-r
  • Rosgranitsa Order dated 22.11.2010 No. 418-OD “On reconstruction of the sea cargo permanent multilateral checkpoint across the state border of the Russian Federation in the seaport of Taman”
  • Rosgranitsa Order dated 04.05.2011 No. 78-PP “On opening of the sea cargo permanent multilateral checkpoint across the state border of the Russian Federation in the seaport of Taman”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 31.03.2022 No. 107 “On approval of the Regime Rules at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation”
  • Rosselkhoznadzor Letter dated 20.03.2012 No. FS-AS-3/3506
  • Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation dated 30.04.1999 No. 81-FZ
  • Federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ "On seaports of Russian federation and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 19.05.2017 No. 191 “On approval of the Rules for the state registration of vessels, rights to them and transactions with them in seaports and of centralized accounting of registered vessels”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 26.10.2017 No. 463 “On approval of the General rules for navigation and mooring of vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation and on the approaches to them”

Compulsory regulations in the seaport of Taman, approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 22.01.2014 No. 16

Scheme of the boundaries of the seaport of Taman territory

Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Taman Peninsula, Temryuk Bay of the Azov Sea coast (45°19’ N 37°23’ E)

Government of Russia Regulation dated 15.07.2009 No. 925-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 15.02.2011 No. 216-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 29.07.2023 No. 2033-r

in accordance with the article 32 of federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ

Seaport area size:
229.2 hectares;
Seaport water area size:
22.68 sq. km;
Number of berths:
20 units;
Berth wall length:
2,502.08 m;
Cargo terminals total flow capacity:
9,400  thous. tons per year;
– liquid cargo: 3,480 thous. tons per year;
– dry cargo: 5,800 thous. tons per year;
– container cargo: 10 thous. TEU per year;
– trailer cargo: 130 thous. units per year;
Maximum dimensions of vessels
calling at the seaport:
– draught: 4.6 m;
– length:
140 m;
– width:
17.5 m;
Covered warehouses area size:
13.96 thous. sq. m;
Open warehouses area size:
228.59 thous. sq. m;
Capacity of containers for the storage:
- food bulk cargo:
6.5 thous. tons;
- LPG bulk products:
2.6 thous. tons;
- oil bulk products:
0.27 thous. tons
Gazpromneft Shipping, LLC
Donbunker (Lukoil), LLC
KavkazMorServis, LLC
Lierma, LLC
Novorossiyskaya toplivnaya kompaniya, LLC
Rosmortrans-Temryuk, LLC
Transbunker-Novo, LLC
YugBunkerServis Kavkaz, LLC
Gazpromneft Marin Bunker, LLC
Inspectorat R, CJSC
Inkolab Servises Rasha, LLC
Intertek Testing Servis-Centr, NFP LLC
Kotekna Inspection (Vostok), LLC Novorossiysk branch
Navigator Taman, LLC
Nezavisimaya surveyerskaya kompaniya, LLC
Russky Registr, JSC
Petroleum Analists, CJSC Novorossiysk branch
SZHS Vostok limited, CJSC
Yugsurvey, LLC
Karo, LLC
Sole Proprietor Orlova O.L.
Provian-STAR, LLC
Sole Proprietor Pechenkina L.N.
Sole Proprietor Pechenkin A.I.
Sole Proprietor Stayno E.N.
LUKOIL-Chernomorye, CJSC
Obscherossiysky tamozhenny broker, LLC
Electrospetsservis, LLC
Servis plus, LLC
FSI “Centre of Quality Assurance for Grain” Novorossiysk branch
LUKOIL-Chernomorye, CJSC
Obscherossiysky tamozhenny broker, LLC
Electrospetsservis, LLC
Servis plus, LLC
FSI “Centre of Quality Assurance for Grain” Novorossiysk branch
Temryuksky sudoremontny zavod, CJSC
Centr sudoremonta “Zvezdochka” 5 sudoremontny zavod, OJSC
All year round 
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 09.12.2003 No. 743 “On the establishment of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation for the arrival of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products in the Russian Federation”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 15.07.2010 No. 521 “On definition of the Russian Federation sate border checkpoints for the departure of certain types of goods from the territory of the Russian Federation”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 03.06.2011 No. 442 "On definition of the Russian Federation state border checkpoints designed for the import of goods, chemical, biological, and radioactive substances, wastes, and other cargo hazardous for human, and also articles of food to the Russian Federation"
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 12.12.2018 No. 1512 “On approval of the list of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation, which allow the sale of goods to individuals arriving in the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union by air and water transport”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 20.11.2021 No. 1988 "On definition of the Russian Federation state border checkpoints for the departure from the territory of the Russian Federation outside the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of certain goods classified in headings 3102 and 3105 of the Common Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union"
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 28.05.1998 No. 625-r
  • Rosgranitsa Order dated 27.02.2010 No. 92-OD “On reconstruction of the sea cargo-passenger permanent multilateral checkpoint across the state border of the Russian Federation in the seaport of Temryuk”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 09.06.1999 No. 33 “On opening of the checkpoint across the state border of the Russian Federation in the seaport of Temryuk”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 31.07.2017 No. 285 “On opening of the sea cargo-passenger permanent multilateral checkpoint across the state border of the Russian Federation in the seaport of Temryuk (Krasnodar Territory)”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 31.03.2022 No. 107 “On approval of the Regime Rules at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 19.07.2022 No. 270 “On approval of boundaries of the maritime cargo-passenger permanent multilateral checkpoint through the state border of the Russian Federation in Temryuk Seaport (Krasnodar Territory)”
  • Rosselkhoznadzor Letter dated 20.03.2012 No. FS-AS-3/3506
  • Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation dated 30.04.1999 No. 81-FZ
  • Federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ "On seaports of Russian federation and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 20.03.2018 458-r
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 12.04.2010 No. 86 “On establishing areas for optional and compulsory pilotage of vessels”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 19.05.2017 No. 191 “On approval of the Rules for the state registration of vessels, rights to them and transactions with them in seaports and of centralized accounting of registered vessels”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 26.10.2017 No. 463 “On approval of the General rules for navigation and mooring of vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation and on the approaches to them”

Compulsory regulations in the seaport of Temryuk, approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 24.06.2013 No. 218

Scheme of the water area and territory boundaries of the seaport of Temryuk

Scheme of the seaport of Temryuk

Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Black Sea coast, Tuapse Bay, south-east of Kadosh Cape (44°05’ N 39°04’ E)

Government of Russia Regulation dated 28.08.2009 No. 1243-r (with amendments on 06.04.2011)

in accordance with the article 32 of federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ

Seaport area size:
37.75 hectares;
Seaport water area size:
25.18 sq. km;
Number of berths:
36 units;
Berth wall length:
5,877.12 m;
Cargo terminals total flow capacity:
38,490  thous. tons per year;
– liquid cargo: 27,000 thous. tons per year;
– dry cargo: 11,490 thous. tons per year;
Passenger terminals flow capacity: 15,314 passengers per year;
Maximum dimensions of vessels
calling at the seaport:
– draught: 15 m;
– length:
250 m;
– width:
45 m;
Covered warehouses area size:
23.43 thous. sq. m;
Open warehouses area size:
50.6 thous. sq. m;
Capacity of containers for the grain cargo:
106.7 thous. tons;
Capacity of containers for the oil and oil products:
430 thous. tons
Tuapsinsky morskoy torgovy port, OJSC
Rosnefteflot, JSC
Gazpromneft Marin Bunker, LLC
RN-Bunker, LLC
Tuapsinskaya bulkernaya kompaniya, LLC
Transbunker Novo, CJSC
Tuapsinsky morskoy torgovy port, OJSC
Tuapsinsky morskoy torgovy port, OJSC
Tuapse sector of the Azovo-Chernomorsky branch of FSUE “Baltiyskoe basseinovoe avariyno-spasatelnoe upravlenie”
Tuapse separate subdivision “Yuzhny regionalny centr avariyno-spasatelnyh i ecologicheskyh operatsiy”, OJSC
Tuapse Department of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch
Tuapsinsky morskoy torgovy port, JSC
Predpriyatie Tuapsinsky morskoy kommerchesky port, LLC
Tuapsinsky sudoremontny zavod, OJSC
Universalny ekspeditor, LLC
Veresk, LLC
Morskoe agentstvo Novotorik, CJSC
VF Siline, LLC
Infotek Yug, LLC
Tanker Servis, LLC
Tuapsinsky bulkerny terminal, LLC
Morskoe agentstvo “Shelf-Flot”, LLC
Tuapsinskaya bunkermaya kompania, LLC
Blacksy Marin Servis, LLC
Sogsa, LLC
Kyullus, LLC
Rybprom, LLC
Tuapsinsky morskoy torgovy port, JSC
Tuapsinskaya torgovo-promyshlennaya palata
Repre sentation of the SZHS Vostok Limited, CJSC in Tuapse
Uniservis-Tuapse, LLC
Tuapsinsky morskoy torgovy port, JSC
Tuapsinsky zernovoy terminal, JSC
Uniservis-Tuapse, LLC
All year round 
  • Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation dated 30.04.1999 No. 81-FZ
  • Federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ "On seaports of Russian federation and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 25.04.2006 No. 583-r “On approval of the list of commercial seaports, the captains of which register ships in the Russian International Register of Ships” (with amendments)
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 20.03.2018 458-r
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 11.01.2011 No. 7 “On establishing areas for compulsory pilotage of vessels in the seaport of Tuapse”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 13.06.2013 No. 210 “On approval of the list of federal state institutions and captains of seaports entitled to preparing and issuing seaman’s identity cards”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 04.12.2013 No. 373 “On approval of the lists of seaports included in the relevant seaport administrations”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 05.08.2014 No. 219 “On determining anchorage areas for detained or arrested vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 19.05.2017 No. 191 “On approval of the Rules for the state registration of vessels, rights to them and transactions with them in seaports and of centralized accounting of registered vessels”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 26.10.2017 No. 463 “On approval of the General rules for navigation and mooring of vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation and on the approaches to them”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 04.05.2018 No. 181 “On approval of the list of seaports in which diplomas and qualification certificates are issued to ship crew members”

Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 06.07.2012 No. 197 “On approval of the Compulsory Regulations in the seaport of Tuapse”

Scheme of the water area of the seaport of Tuapse

Scheme of the territory of the seaport of Tuapse