The history of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch has started on the 23rd of September 2003, when by the order of FSUE “Rosmorport” dated 01.09.2003 № 14/ОД a FSUE “Rosmorport” Novorossiysk branch was established and certificate of the branch registration by the Novorossiysk Tax Service Inspection was acquired.
By the decision of Ministry of Property Relations of the Russian Federation № 1244-r dated 30.03.2004 all federal property located in the seaports of Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik and Anapa and assigned to Sea Administration of the Port of Novorossiysk was transferred to “Rosmorport”. The above mentioned property was assigned to the FSUE “Rosmorport” Novorossiysk branch by the FSUE “Rosmorport” order № 718/OD dated 30.04.2004.
In accordance with the order of Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation № VR-4-r dated 29.04.2004, for maintenance and development of port infrastructure facilities ensuring navigation safety, as well as performance of the powers of administrative authority and in line with RF Governmental regulation № 705 dated 25.09.2002 “On the Improvement of State Administration System in the Sphere of Commercial and Specialized Seaports Management”, the FSUE “Rosmorport” Novorossiysk branch began collection of port dues from May 1, 2004, thus beginning its business activity in the seaports of Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik and Anapa.
A new revision of the Statute for the FSUE “Rosmorport” Novorossiysk branch was approved in May, 2004 by the FSUE “Rosmorport” order № 81/OD dated 31.05.2004.
Evgeniy Gennadievich Trunin was appointed director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Novorossiysk branch by the FSUE “Rosmorport” order № 156/k dated 30.04.2004.
In July, 2005 in accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport” order № 320/OD dated 27.07.2005, to reorganize the administration system of the FSUE “Rosmorport” branches and in line with the order of Federal Agency for Marine and River Transport № VR-195-r dated 20.07.2005, the Azov-Black Sea branch of FSUE “Rosmorport” was set up on the basis of Novorossiysk and Sochi branches, and the Statute for the FSUE "Rosmorport" Azov-Black Sea branch were approved. From the territory perspective, the authority of the new branch encompassed the seaports of Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik, Sochi and Anapa. Evgeniy Gennadievich Trunin was appointed deputy General director — director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azov-Black Sea branch by the FSUE “Rosmorport” order № 255/OD dated 16.06.2005.
In August, 2005 the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch received notification on tax registration in the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the city of Novorossiysk due to renaming of the branch.
In April, 2006 the position of deputy General director — director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azov-Black Sea branch was annulled by FSUE “Rosmorport” order № 161/OD dated 11.04.2006, and the position of director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azov-Black Sea branch was introduced by the same order. Alexander Petrovich Chernykh was appointed director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azov-Black Sea branch by the FSUE “Rosmorport” order № 92/k dated 12.04.2006.
From November, 2007 Oleg Alexandrovich Boichenko, chief engineer of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azov-Black Sea branch, became the director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azov-Black Sea branch by the FSUE “Rosmorport”order № 1568/k dated 15.11.2007.
Oleg Alexandrovich Boichenko has been holding the position of director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Novorossiysk branch since June, 2008, when he was appointed director by the FSUE “Rosmorport” order № 188/k dated 23.06.2008.
In August 2008, in line with the order of Federal Agency for Marine and River Transport № IZ-120-r, dated 18.06.2008 and FSUE “Rosmorport” order № 357 dated 12.08.2008, the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azov-Black Sea branch was named as Novorossiysk branch and the Statute for the FSUE “Rosmorport” Novorossiysk branch was approved.
In November, 2008 the detached subdivision of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Novorossiysk branch in Sochi was annulled and a separate branch — the FSUE “Rosmorport” Sochi branch — was set up on its base by the FSUE “Rosmorport” order № 504 dated 17.11.2008.
In January, 2011, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 8 dated 17.01.2011 movable and immovable property of the Yeysk, Taman and Tuapse branches of FSUE “Rosmorport” was transferred to the economic managing of the Novorossiysk branch of FSUE “Rosmorport” in connection with termination of their activities, for the implementation by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Novorossiysk Branch of statutory activities of the enterprise in the seaports of Yeysk, Kavkaz, Taman, Tuapse and Temryuk.
In February, 2011, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 61 dated 08.02.2016 amendments were introduced to Regulations on the Novorossiysk Branch, related to clarification of legal status of the branch, as well as expansion of the territorial limits of carrying out of authorized activities of the Novorossiysk Branch. Along with the transfer of assets of the liquidated Yeysk, Taman and Tuapse branches, the Novorossiysk Branch started carrying out its economic activities in the seaports of Yeysk, Temryuk, Kavkaz, Taman, Tuapse and the approaches to them.
In March, 2011 in accordance with Rosmorrechflot Decree No. AD-20-r dated 04.02.2011, by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Charter and on the basis of certificate the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow on entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on 10.03.2011 under state registration number 6117746458615, by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 159 dated 22.03.2011 the FSUE “Rosmorport” Novorossiysk Branch was renamed into the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch and also the Regulations on the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin were approved. In the same month, by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 116 dated 03.03.2011 13 port navigation marks were transferred to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch in order to ensure safe navigation of vessels in water areas and on the approaches to the seaports of Anapa, Gelendzhik and Novorossiysk.
In April 2011 by the FSUE “Rosmorport” order dated 23.03.2011 № 165 in the structure of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Yeysk, Taman and Tuapse departments were established in order to perform activity in the seaport of Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik, Anapa, Yeysk, Temruk, Taman, Kavkaz and Tuapse. In the same month, on the basis of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch order dated 29.03.2011 No. 0040, separate subdivisions were created from April 1, 2011: Yeysk Department, Taman Department and Tuapse Department as part of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch, and regulations on these departments were approved. Besides, in April 2011, the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch received notifications:
- on registration at the location of a separate division – Yeysk Department of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch - in the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 2 for the Krasnodar Territory;
- of registration at the location of a separate division – Taman Department of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch – in the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Temryuk district of the Krasnodar Territory;
- on registration at the location of a separate division – Tuapse Department of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch – in the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 6 for the Krasnodar Territory.
Besides, Konstantin Geroldovich Rudenko was appointed the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch director by the FSUE “Rosmorport” order dated 13.04.2011 № 129/к. Former Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch director O.A. Boychenko was transferred to the position of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch deputy director by the FSUE “Rosmorport” order dated от 13.04.2011 № 128/к.
In October 2011, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Order No. 0223 dated 12.10.2011 a working group on the organization of ferry line on the route Novorossiysk–Sochi– Novorossiysk was created on the basis of the Department for Ferry Traffic Ensuring of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch.
In November, 2011 the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch started carrying out transportation of cargo for the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi on the sea cargo ferry line Novorossiysk-Sochi-Novorossiysk with the use of Ulusoy-1, Ulusoy-2 and Ulusoy-6 chartered ferries.
In December, 2011 in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 852 dated 07.12.2011, amendments were introduced into Regulations on the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch related to the organization of the branch’s activity to ensure operation of the ferry line between Sochi and Novorossiysk seaports in order to deliver cargo for the construction of Olympic facilities.
In May 2012 by order of FSUE “Rosmorport” №138/к dated May, 16, 2012, Oleg Boichenko, Director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch, was released from his position upon mutual agreement of the parties. By order of FSUE “Rosmorport” №140/k dated May, 16, 2012, Anna Fomenko, Deputy director for economics of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch was appointed Acting Director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch.
In July, 2012 by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 464 dated 27.07.2012 the revised Regulations on the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch were approved. In the same month the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch received notification on tax registration in the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the city of Novorossiysk due to renaming of the branch.
In August, 2012 by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 530 dated 22.08.2012 the Tamanets multipurpose boat of RTM-14 project was transferred to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch for the provision of services for delivery and removal of pilots in seaports of Kavkaz, Taman, Temryuk.
In October, 2012 by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 594 dated 12.09.2012 the Marlin multipurpose boat was transferred to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch for the provision of services for delivery and removal of pilots in seaport of Tuapse.
In December 2012 by FSUE "Rosmorport" order dated 03.12.2012 № 391-К Valery Filippov was appointed Acting Director of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch. In the same month, by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 782 dated 05.12.2012 the Bora multipurpose boat was transferred to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch for the provision of services for delivery and removal of pilots in seaport of Novorossiysk.
In February 2013 by FSUE "Rosmorport" order dated 07.02.2013 № 40/k Valery Filippov was transferred to the position of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch director.
In July, 2013 by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 359 dated 26.07.2013 the constructed by the branch and commissioned in August 2013 “Vityazevo” passenger berth was transferred to the branch management for servicing marine vessels of local passenger lines.
In August, 2013 by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 460 dated 12.09.2013 the Sargan boat was transferred to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch for performing surveying works in the water area of the seaports of Novorossiysk and Tuapse.
In December, 2013 the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch’s activity on cargo transportation by sea ferry on the route Novorossiysk – Sochi – Novorossiysk was stopped. In the same month under Order of Territorial Administration of Rosimushchestvo in the Krasnodar Territory No. 667-r dated 18.12.2013 the Mekhmasterskikh Berth in the seaport of Tuapse was assigned to FSUE “Rosmorport” and transferred by FSUE “Rosmorport” No. 657 dated 27.12.2013 to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch economic management for using for stay and laying-up of vessels of the port and technical fleet.
In January 2014 by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 12 dated 22.01.2014 the Lana boat later renamed into Elbrus was transferred to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch management, for the purpose of delivery of members of state commissions, crews, pilots of the branch on vessels, maintenance of floating aids to navigation in the seaport of Novorossiysk and participating in search and rescue operations at sea.
In February 2014 in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 110 dated 24.02.2014 Elbrus crew boat was transferred to the FSUE “Rosmorport” Sochi Branch management for further use according to its designation.
In April 2014 by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 210/k dated 18.03.2014 V.B. Filippov was relieved of his duties by agreement of the parties. By FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 287/k dated 14.04.2014 the position of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch director was assigned to A.A. Fomenko. In the same month in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” orders No. 144 dated 17.04.2014, No. 152 dated 29.04.2014 and No. 149 dated 23.04.2014 the Sochi-1 and Shochi-2 motor ships were transferred to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch for sea passenger transportation along the seaport of Anapa-seaports of the Republic of Crimea route. Besides Lotsman-4 boat, designed for delivery and removal of pilots in seaport of Temryuk, was transferred to the branch.
In June 2014 by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 307 dated 25.07.2014 the Regulations of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch were amended, in accordance with the amendments, the list of permitted activities of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch has been complemented by six new activities envisaging:
a) implementation by the branch of activity in the field of use of ionizing radiation sources (generating);
b) organization by the branch of repair, technical and general maintenance and supply vessels;
c) participation of the branch in activities ensuring transport safety of seaports water areas;
d) maintaining in good condition, organization of technical maintenance, repair, renovation and new construction of technical means to ensure transport safety of seaports water areas, performed by the branch;
e) participation of the branch in creation and operation of objects of sea areas A1, A2, A3, A4 of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System, including A3/A4 sea areas in the water area of the Northern Sea Route;
f) execution by branch of a NAVAREA coordinator functions in NAVAREA XX and XXI geographical areas;
In November 2014 by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 508 dated 28.11.2014, 4 tugboats were transferred to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch: Admiral Lazarev, Admiral Serebryakov, General Raevsky for the provision of towing services in the seaport of Gelendzhik, and Irbis tugboat for performance of marine towing, as well as performing maintenance of navigation ensuring systems in the seaports of the Azov and Black Sea coastline.
In the same month, on the basis of Rosmorrechflot order No. AD-433-r dated 17.11.2014, Complex of engineering and technical means to ensure transport safety of water area of transport infrastructure objects in the seaports of Anapa, Gelendzhik and Novorossiysk, comprising radar equipment, thermal imaging and television monitoring equipment intended for monitoring surface situation in established sectors of the seaport of Anapa, Gelendzhik and Novorossiysk water area, was assigned to the enterprise and under FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 472 dated 13.11.2014 it was transferred to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch economic management.
In January 2015 in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 44 dated 29.01.2015, Gals vessel was transferred to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch economic management, in order to perform surveying works in the seaports of Novorossiysk and Tuapse, and also in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 36 dated 27.01.2015 Severnaya dredger, Bolgradskaya mud boat and Priliv multicat were transferred in order to perform maintenance dredging in the seaports of Kavkaz and Temryuk. In the same month in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 24 dated 24.01.2015 the previously dismantled “Kosa” berths in the seaport of Novorossiysk were removed from economic management, as well as “Bunker fuel and lubricant storage berth” and “Staryi Pirs” berth in the seaport of Gelendzhik, due to their inoperable (emergency) technical condition.
In February 2015 in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 62 dated 09.02.2015 the Platan boat was transferred from the Sochi Branch to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch economic management in order to perform work on delivery of branch pilots to vessels in the seaport of Kavkaz. In the same month in accordance with Rosmorrechflot Order No. AD-23-r dated 217.02.2015, Complex of engineering and technical means of transport security ensuring in the seaport Kavkaz water area, comprising radar equipment, thermal imaging and television monitoring equipment intended for monitoring surface situation in the established sectors of the seaport Caucasus water area, was assigned to the enterprise and under FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 77 dated 13.02.2015 it was transferred to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch economic management.
In June 2015 by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 380 dated 22.06.2015 the Regulations of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch were amended. In accordance with the amendments, the list of permitted activities of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch has been complemented by four new activities envisaging:
a) assessment of vulnerability of transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles;
b) development of plans to ensure transport safety of transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles;
c) carrying out activities on water supply and sanitation;
d) carrying out heat supply activities.
In the same month, according to the results of an auction Mekhanik Bolshunov and Deputat Usov vessels were sold by the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch due to the unprofitability of their further operation directly by the branch. Besides, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 382 dated 02.06.2015 the Kapitan Sokolov, Platan and Zaliv vessels were transferred to the Crimea Basin Branch economic management to use them for their intended purpose in the seaport of Kerch. In addition, in June 2015, the FSUE "Rosmorport" had the right of economic management for the newly constructed building of special checkpoint No. 2 with an area of 171.7 sq. m, located in the seaport of Kavkaz within the Russian Federation border crossing point at the railway ferry crossing, intended for passengers waiting for boarding vessels.
In July 2015 the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch started rendering infrastructure services related to operation of facilities of engineering and technical means for ensuring navigation safety of the seaports of Anapa, Gelendzhik, Kavkaz, Novorossiysk, Taman, and Temryuk.
In September 2015 by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 529 dated 11.09.2015 clarifying adjustments were introduced to Regulations on the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch, defining the rights of the branch for the implementation of authorized activities, carrying out of which, in accordance with the Russian legislation, requires obtaining special permits, licenses and certificates.
In October 2015 in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 566 dated 02.10.2015 the Urengoy self-propelled dredger was transferred to the Astrakhan Branch economic management for use of vessel according to its designation.
In November 2015 in accordance with Order of Rosimushchestvo Territorial Department in the Krasnodar Teritory No. 670-r dated 16.10.2015 underwater hydraulic structures: “Taman Oil Terminal” approach canal and “Taman LPG base” approach canal designed to ensure safe passage of vessels with length of up to 252 meters, width of up to 44 meters and draft with cargo of up to 14 meters, as well as operational water area at berths No. 5 and No. 6, intended for safe shipping and maneuvering of vessels near berth, were assigned to the enterprise and by FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 636 dated 09.11.2015 were transferred to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch economic management in order to ensure maintenance by the Branch of the required navigation depths at the given port infrastructure facilities.
In December 2015 the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch started providing infrastructure services related to operation of facilities of the engineering and technical means of transport security of the seaport in the seaport of Tuapse. In the same month, by order of FSUE “Rosmorport” No. 682 dated 01.12.2015 the Truzhenik and Kapitan Zadorozhny tugboats were transferred from the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch to the Sevastopol Branch for use in accordance with their designation in the seaport of Sevastopol.
In February 2016 the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch purchased an administrative building with a ground floor and a loft for accommodation of workers of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Taman Department, as well as an auxiliary building, for storing heating equipment of the administrative building.
In March 2016 the “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch started providing infrastructure services related to operation of facilities of the engineering and technical means of transport security of the seaport in the seaport of Eysk. In the same month, in accordance with Order of Rosimushchestvo Territorial Department in the Krasnodar Teritory No. 176-r dated 03.03.2016 a “Liter C” warehouse for temporary storage, previously assigned to the FSUE “Rostek”, was assigned to the enterprise and by FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 125 dated 17.03.2016 transferred to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch economic management in order to use it directly by the branch for placing and storage of aids to navigation, vessel property, spare parts, lubricants.
In April 2016 by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 173 dated 14.04.2016 the Lauver hopper dredger and Aleksandr Shatalov mud boat were transferred to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch economic management for the Branch to conduct dredging in the water areas of the seaports in the Black and Azov Seas. In the same month, by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 179 dated 18.04.2016 Katran boat of Nautilus-800 project was transferred to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch economic management for the Branch to conduct surveying works in the seaport of Kavkaz and Temryuk.
In June 2016 the “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch stopped providing services on passenger transportation by maritime transport.
In July 2016, in accordance with order of FSUE “Rosmorport” No. 166 dated 11.04.2016 (as amended on 16.05.2016) the Ligatne dump scow, previously operated by the Azov Basin Branch, was transferred to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch economic management for the Branch to conduct dredging in the seaports the Azov and Black Sea basin. Based on Order No. 502-r of the Territorial Directorate of the Federal Agency for State Property Management in the Krasnodar Krai dated 28.06.2016 and in accordance with the Order of FSUE “Rosmorport” dated 27.07.2016 No. 356 during the same month the Sochi-2 passenger boat was passed over to the Federal State-Funded Educational Institution “International Child Center “Artek” to use it in accordance with the intended purpose. Besides, in July 2016 the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch stopped rendering berth assignment services in the seaport of Anapa, due to the fact that all berths of the Branch had been let out for lease to marine terminal operators.
In October 2016 based on Order No. 502-r of the Territorial Directorate of the Federal Agency for State Property Management in the Krasnodar Krai dated 28.06.2016 and according to the Fixed Assets Transfer and Acceptance Act dated 25.10.2016 the Sochi-1 passenger boat was passed over to the Federal State-Funded Educational Institution “All-Russian Child Center “Orlyonok” to use it in accordance with its intended purpose.
In November 2016 according to Order No. 578 of FSUE “Rosmorport” dated 29.11.2016 the newly constructed Bata workboat, which was designed for the Branch’s pilots to be delivered and displaced to vessels in the seaports of Kavkaz, Taman and Temryuk, was handed under the operational control of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch. According to the Order No. 542 of FSUE “Rosmorport” dated 01.11.2016 during the same month the Patrulniy Kater vessel that was earlier used by the Yeysk Directorate of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch was written-off and disposed due to its physical depreciation. Besides, in November 2016 based on the Regulation No.822-r of the Territorial Directorate of the Federal Agency for State Property Management in the Krasnodar Krai dated 25.10.2016 three nonresidential buildings designed to be used according to their intended purpose were assigned to the enterprise on the basis of the right of economic management and then were passed over to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch according to Order No. 576-DSP of the FSUE “Rosmorport” dated 22.11.2016.
In December 2016 according to the Order No. 603 of FSUE “Rosmorport” dated 06.12.2016 the newly constructed Kadosh dredging vessel designed to extract ground coat of all categories with the help of hauling drag head and with the use of clampshell-type device, to ship extracted soil to the place of discharge, and to discharge soil to the seashore through bottom doors and from the hold, to the shore discharge pipe through the nose joint in Tuapse Seaport was handed under the operational control of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch. During the same month based on the Order of the FSUE “Rosmorport” dated 27.07.2016 No. 354 and according to the Fixed Assets Write-Off Act dated 01.12.2016 the Azovets pilot boat and the Aleksandr Lunev inshore tug that were earlier used in the Taman Directorate of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch were written-off and disposed due to their physical depreciation.
In February 2017 by Order of FSUE “Rosmorport” No. 53 of February 16, 2017 three assets of real property of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch comprising the dry cargo complex at Shirokiy (Wide) Bulwark were united in order to bring the accounting books of the enterprise into conformity with the Unified State Registry of Real Property. The three assets include: port territories at the existing bulwark, formation of the territories of the dry cargo bulwark and dry cargo area.
In March 2017 under Order No 111 of FSUE “Rosmorport” dated March 31, 2017 the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Regulations were amended, and the list of the Branch's authorized activities was expanded in the fields of:
– carrying out functions of a builder customer in designing, constructing (reconstructing) and equipping (technically equipping) buildings, premises and facilities to ensure border, customs and other control in the seaports that is exercised at the Russian border checkpoints;
– protecting facilities of the transport infrastructure and vehicles from acts of unlawful interference.
In April 2017 pursuant to Resolution of Rosimushchestvo Territorial Division in Moscow City No 572-r of March 23, 2017 and under Order of FSUE “Rosmorport” No 132 of April 17, 2017 four facilities of aids to navigation in the seaports of Anapa and Tuapse were assigned to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch for economic management. The facilities include the Anapa front marine light and the Anapa backing marine light in the seaport of Anapa, the marine light and the regular marine light of the Southern breakwater in the seaport of Tuapse, and are designed for ensuring navigation safety in the appropriate seaports.
In June 2017 on the basis of Regulation of Rosimushchestvo Territorial Department in Moscow No. 476 of May 19, 2017, two coastal protective structures and a motor road located in the Bolshoy Utrish village, Anapa District, Krasnodar Territory, were assigned to FSUE “Rosmorport” and transferred to the operational management of Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch by enterprise's Order No. 225 of June 15, 2017. The structures are designed for protection of the Ustrichnaya (Oyster) Lagoon bank. The motor toad is designed for approach of motor vehicles to the Sooruzheniye (Structure) coastal protective structure and Utrish Beacon. Also in that month by Order of FSUE “Rosmorport” No. 215 of June 8, 2017 the Bospor new workboat was transferred to the economic management of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch. The boat is designed for delivery/removal of pilots and/or pilotage support of vessels heading to the seaport of Novorossiysk.
In August 2017 under Resolution No 1735-r of August 11, 2017 issued by the Federal Agency for State Property Management Territorial Administration for the Rostov region and FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 333 of August 28, 2017, a marine light of eight meters high, a fire tower of 40 meters high and a fire tower of 17.5 meters high designed for ensuring navigation safety of vessels in the Kerch Strait were assigned to the enterprise and given to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch.
In September 2017 by agreement with Rosmorrechflot and pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 389 of September 22, 2017 a decision was taken to decommission the PS searchlight tower in the seaport of Yeisk due to its defectiveness and unfitness for further usage.
In November 2017 under Resolution No 1445 of November 22, 2017 issued by the Federal Agency for State Property Management Territorial Administration for Moscow and under FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 568 of December 12, 2017, non-residential premises of 43.3 square meters located in Temryuk and designed for housing personnel were given to the Federal State Budgetary Institution “The Administration of Seaports of the Sea of Azov” for its use subject to the designated purpose.
In December 2017 pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 544 of December 18, 2017 in order to bring in line accounting data of the enterprise with data of the Unified State Register of Immovable Property a decision was taken to divide a property unit “The Chernomor recreational center” in seven separate property units, i.e. the Chernomor recreational center, two revetment walls, a revetment wall (balconies), two stairs and a guest house that are designed for accommodating tourists. The same year based on Resolution No 444-r of December 22, 2017 taken by Russia’s Federal Agency for Property Management Interregional Territorial Administration for Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygeya and in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 577 of December 26, 2017 the VERES dry cargo designed for carrying bulk cargoes has been assigned for FSUE “Rosmorport” and placed under economic management of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch.
In January 2018 subject to the Rosmorrechflot approval (Letter No KS-27/724 of January 25, 2018) and pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Letter No OB-25/683-17 of January 30, 2018 a decision was taken to transform five property units (safety shields, sewage treatment facilities, sewerage, the water supply system and a building site) in the seaport of Kavkaz into articles of movable property.
In February 2018 subject to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 68 of February 07, 2018 a decision was taken to convey the Redut dredger to the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch. The dredger is designed for using it in order to carry out dredging operations in the seaports of Kavkaz, Novorossiysk, Taman and Temryuk.
In June 2018 based on Resolution No 414-r of June 05, 2018 issued by Russia’s Federal Agency for Property Management Interregional Territorial Administration for Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygeya and under FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 285 of June 18, 2018 the Bulk Pier Berth Reconstruction hydraulic facility in the seaport of Anapa was placed under economic management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch. The facility is designed for transshipping heavy-weight cargoes of up to 150 tons, including for raising small vessels for their maintenance in docks and storage on piers. According to the established order the facility has been rented out to operators of sea terminals.
In July 2018 pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 364 of July 31, 2018 the amendments have been made to the Regulations on the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch under which on behalf of FSUE “Rosmorport” the Branch carries out the activities in the seaport of Sochi and on the approaches toward it. In the same month under Azovo-Chernormorsky Basin Branch Order No 0278 of August 31, 2018 the Sochi Directorate has been created in the structure of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch. The Sochi Directorate functions within the Azovo-Chernomorsky Branch in the seaport of Sochi. The Regulations on the Sochi Directorate of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernormosrky Basin Branch have been approved.
In August 2018, pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 365 of August 02, 2018 the Briz pilot boat, which was earlier operated by the FSUE Rosmorport Arkhangelsk Basin Branch, was placed under economic management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch. The boat is intended to be used by the branch to embark pilots aboard vessels in the seaport of Kavkaz. In the same month subject to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 416 of August 29, 2016 two property units – the Bulk Pier and the Bulk Pier berth reconstruction in the seaport of Anapa were joined into one property unit “the Pier Bulk” designed for moving and anchoring of small vessels with the light mass of up to 150 tons for the purpose of seasonal storage and ensuring safe mooring of vessels. The property unit was leased out to an operator of the sea terminal in the seaport of Anapa in accordance with the standard procedure.
In September 2018 pursuant to Resolution No. 1220 of September 05, 2018 of the Russia’s Federal Agency for Property Management Territorial Administration in Moscow and FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 451 of September 14, 2018 three non-domestic buildings were withdrawn from economic management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch and transferred to municipal ownership of the city of Novorossiysk. In the same month under Order No. 0278 of August 31, 2018 of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch the Sochi Directorate was establishedin the seaport of Sochi within the structure of the “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch, and the Regulations on the Sochi Directorate of the “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch were approved. Besides, in September 2018, FSUE “Rosmorport” received notification of the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia № 7 in Krasnodar Region dated 28.09.2018 No. 476426843 on registration of the separate subdivision – the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Sochi Department – at the tax body.
In October 2018 pursuant to the Rosmorrechflot endorsement (Letter No. KS-27/11180 of October 10, 2018) and FSUE “Rosmorport” Letter No. OB-25/8651 of October 12, 2018 a property unit – luminous marine light in the Temryuk district of Krasnodar Territory was transferred into a category of movable property.
In November 2018 pursuant to the act of acceptance and delivery of November 27, 2018 the Trudovaya self-propelled hopper built by the FSUE “Rosmorport” order was placed under economic management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch. The hopper is intended to be used by the branch to transport soil, which is extracted in the water areas of the seaports of Kavkaz and Temryuk during dredging operations, to the sites of unloading it to underwater stock dumps.
In December 2018 pursuant to the purchase and sale agreement concluded upon competitive procedures the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch realized the Veres vessel due to not using it for the intended purpose.
In March 2019, in accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch order dated 17.03.2019 No. 0071, amendments were made to the Regulations on the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Taman Department, related to the change in the location of the department.
In July 2019 pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 228 of June 19, 2017, Order No. 391 of August 16, 2018 and Order No. 421 of August 31, 2018 and the certificate of unserviceability of July 18, 2019 the tVeteran, the Reidovy and the Baikal tugs were decommissioned and disposed of due to their full depreciation.
In August 2019 pursuant to Resolution No. 536-r of August 15, 2019 of the Russia’s Federal Agency for Property Management Interdistrict Territorial Administration in Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygeya a unit with an area of 537.4 square meters in an administrative building of FSBI “The Administration of the Black Sea” in the seaport of Novorossiysk was assigned to the enterprise and placed under economic management of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch under FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 343 of August 22, 2019. The building is designed for deploying personnel and equipment of the Novorossiysk VTS center. In the same month pursuant to the purchase and sale agreement the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch sold the Fenix towing roadster due to being unable to use it for the intended purpose.
In September 2019 pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 274 of June 15, 2016 and the certificate of userviceability of September 15, 2019 the MB-26 tugboat was decommissioned and disposed of due to its full depreciation.
In October 2019 pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 409 of October 18, 2019 the Rabochaya self-propelled mud boat, which was earlier operated by the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch, was placed under economic management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch for its further use by the branch in dredging operations in the seaports of Kavkaz and Temryuk. In the same month by FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 427 of October 28, 2019 twelve property unitы, i.e. a building of the vessel tracking management center, the Takil automated radar post, an antenna tower, a radar post intended to be used by the branch to render navigation services for vessels in the Kerch Strait, a boiler room, a gas supply system, a transformer sewage pumping station, the KTP-234 transformer substation, a motor road and pavement, a protecting structure and a headwall intended to be used by the branch to service facilities of Kerch VTS, as well as four vessels, i.e. the Zaliv motor ship, the Agat crew boat, the Kapitan Cheremnykh workboat and the Platan workboat intended to be used by the branch for the intended purpose in the seaports of Kavkaz, Taman and Temryuk, were transferred to the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch.
In November 2019 pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 469 of November 29, 2019 Regulations of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch were amended in relation to to expanding the area of the branch’s activities, where the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch carries them out on behalf of FSUE “Rosmorport”, to the seaport of Kerch and the approaches toward it.
In December 2019 pursuant to Resolution No. 23-779-r of November 28, 2019 of the Russia’s Federal Agency for Property Management Interdistrict Territorial Administration in Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygeya underwater improvement works with an area of 0.528 square meters within the boundaries of the section of the water area of the seaport – the Inner Harbor of the seaport of Eysk was assigned to the enterprise and placed under economic management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 503 of December 12, 2019. The improvement works are designed for ensuring safe mooring, navigation and maneuvering of vessels moving to the berths of the seaport that are adjacent to the Inner Harbor of the seaport.
In January 2020 pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 427 of October 28, 2019 the Kapitan Sokolov tugboat, which had been earlier used by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Crimean Branch, was transferred to the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch for using it for its intended purpose in the seaport of Kerch.
In May 2020, on the basis of the approval of Rosmorrechflot (letter dated April 27, 2020 No. KS-27/4696) and in accordance with FSUE "Rosmorport" order No. 177 dated May 7, 2020, a decision was made to write off the Besstrashny motor vessel due to its complete physical wear.
In August 2020, on the basis of the order of the Interregional Territorial Administration of the Federal Property Management Agency in the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea dated 12.08.2020 No. 23-553-r, the enterprise was assigned and in accordance with the order of FSUE "Rosmorport" dated 18.08.2020 No. 334 transferred to the economic management of FSUE "Rosmorport" Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch a storage building in the seaport of Kavkaz with an area of 705.2 sq. m, located in the village of Chushka of the port of Kavkaz, designed to accommodate passengers waiting for the ferry of the Kerch ferry crossing. In the same month, in accordance with the sale and purchase agreement of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch, 5 tugboats were acquired: “Botik”, “Bulbash”, “Dokovets”, “Protey” and “Khokhol”, intended for use by the branch for the purpose of tug support in the seaports of Eysk and Temryuk. Also in August 2020, in accordance with the order of FSUE “Rosmorport” No. 330 of 12.08.2020, a decision has been made to dispose of the self-unloading hauler Ligatne due to its complete physical deterioration. In addition, in August 2020, the FSUE "Rosmorport" Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch stopped providing berths for mooring vessels in the seaport of Eysk, due to the lack of mooring facilities in the branch in the specified seaport, which can be used for these purposes.
In September 2020, in accordance with the order of Rosmorrechflot No. KS-396-r of 08.09.2020 and in agreement with FSUE “Rosmorport”, in accordance with the order of FSUE “Rosmorport” No. 397 of 21.09.2020, the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch of FSUE “Rosmorport” transferred the multi-purpose boats Bora and Marlin to the operational management of FBI “Administration of the Volga-Baltic Basin of Inland Waterways” to be used for their intended purpose.
In November 2020, by the order of FSUE "Rosmorport" No. 519 of November 25, 2020 the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Statute has been approved as amended.
In December 2020 according to the act of acceptance and delivery of December 2, 2020 the Morskaya self-propelled mud boat, intended to be used by the branch to transport soil extracted in the water areas of the seaports of Kavkaz and Temryuk during dredging operations to the sites of unloading it to underwater stock dumps, was placed under economic management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch.
In April 2021, in accordance with the FSUE "Rosmorport" order dated 08.05.2020 No. 180 in agreement with Rosmorrechflot (letter dated 29.04.2020 No. KS-27/4856), the Kalmar motor vessel was decommissioned and disposed of due to its complete physical deterioration.
In June 2021, in accordance with the orders of FSUE "Rosmorport" dated 13.03.2020 No. 81, dated 07.05.2020 No. 175 and dated 14.05.2020 No. 184 in agreement with Rosmorrechflot (letters dated 04.03.2020 No. KS-27/2215, dated 27.04.2020 No. KS-27/4718 and from 07.05.2020 No. KS-27/5074) the motor vessels Kapitan Zinchenko and Taifun, as well as the tugboat Kapitan Sokolov were decommissioned and disposed of due to their complete physical deterioration.
In August 2021, the FSUE "Rosmorport" Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch purchased a pilot boat Mechta intended for use by the branch for the delivery of pilots in the seaport of Kavkaz. In the same month, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 316 dated 06.08.2021, the vessel Irbis, operated by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch, was transferred to the management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Sakhalin Branch for its subsequent use for the intended purpose.
In September 2021, in agreement with Rosmorrechflot (letter dated 07.06.2021 No. ZD-27/6143) and on the basis of the decision of the Rosreestr Office for the Krasnodar Territory to remove the real estate from the cadastral register, the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch of FSUE "Rosmorport" transferred the real estate object - the fence on Cape Doob, located on Cape Doob (Gelendzhik), from the category of immovable property to movable property with the subsequent use of this property by the FSUE "Rosmorport" Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch according to its intended purpose.
In October 2021, the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch, in accordance with the sale contract, purchased 19 real estate facilities: 10 buildings and premises with a total area of 2,242.4 square meters located in the seaport of Kavkaz, designed for the operation of the road and railway complex consisting of two office buildings, diesel building, non-residential premises (building of an electrical control room), non-residential premises (building of a compressor station), transformer substations building, latrine building, fire pump building, fuel storage building, and a cabin car; 8 facilities (4 railroad tracks, 2 power lines and a drinking water pipeline) located at the seaport of Kavkaz, designed to ensure the operation of the road and railway complex, as well as the vessel NM-Ponton No. 1 (non-self-propelled floating structure (pontoon bridge) designed for use by the Taman department of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch for loading and unloading of vehicles on ferries from/to the berth of the road and railway complex in the seaport of Kavkaz. In the same month, under the order of FSUE “Rosmorport” No. 171 dated October 8, 2021, an anchor carrier MZ 303, the vessel that had previously been operated by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azov Basin Branch, was transferred to the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch. The vessel is intended for use by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch to perform anchor-handling operations on the dredger Severnaya during dredging operations. Besides, in agreement with Rosmorrechflot (letter No. KS-27/1308 of 13.02.2020) and in accordance with the decree of FSUE “Rosmorport” No. 55 of 20.02.2020, under decommissioning certificate dated 11.10.2021, the motorboat Priliv was written off and scrapped due to complete physical deterioration of the vessel. In October 2021, on the basis of FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 246 dated June 21, 2021, the Azovskaya dredger and the Bolgradskaya dredger scow, previously operated by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch, were transferred to the management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Astrakhan Branch for their subsequent use for their intended purpose. Also in October 2021, the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch terminated the provision of services for the installation and maintenance of navigational equipment in the water area of the seaport of Novorossiysk and in other seaports of the Black Sea region due to the lack of the necessary technical equipment to provide the relevant services.
In November 2021, in agreement with
Rosmorrechflot (letter No. ZD-27/12013 of 20.10.2021), under the
order of FSUE “Rosmorport” No. 463
of 19.11.2021, in accordance with the decommissioning act dated 19.11.2021, the berth Sukko in the seaport of Anapa
was written off and scrapped due to its complete destruction and the inability
to use for its intended purpose.
In April 2022, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 166 dated April 14, 2022, an amendment was made to the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Regulations, concerning the clarification of one of the permitted activities of the branch.
In June 2022, based on the decision taken by FSUE “Rosmorport” (letter No. SP-25/5666-17 dated May 31, 2022) and taking into account the approval of Rosmorrechflot (letter No. ZD-27/6448 dated May 26, 2022), 31 real estate objects: "Illuminated navigation sign No. 2103", "Navigational port sign No. 2083", "Navigational port sign No. 2111", "Navigational port sign No. 2082.5", "Illuminated navigation sign No. 2076", "Navigational port sign No. 2112", "Sign luminous navigational sign No. 2106”, “luminous navigational sign No. 2073”, “luminous navigational sign No. 2104”, “Navigational port sign No. 2095”, “luminous navigational sign No. 2100”, “luminous navigational sign No. 2072”, “Navigational port sign No. 2096”, “Luminous navigational sign No. 2086”, “Luminous navigational sign No. 2084”, “Luminous navigational sign No. 2084.1”, “Luminous navigational sign No. 2084.2”, “Navigational port sign No. 2151”, “Luminous navigational sign No. 2147 "," Luminous navigational sign No. 2046 .1", "Illuminated navigational sign No. 2046", "Illuminated navigational sign No. 2085 of the Western Pier", "Navigational port sign No. 2090", "Navigational port sign No. 2124", "Illuminated navigational sign No. 2120", "Illuminated navigational sign Breakwater”, “Southwestern No. 2083.2”, “Navigational port sign No. 2061”, “Navigational port sign No. 2132”, “Navigational port sign No. 2135”, “Navigational port sign No. 2062” and “Luminous navigation sign No. 2083.3”, located in the seaport of Novorossiysk, was transferred to movable property for further use by the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch for their intended purpose.
In July 2022 on the basis of the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Krasnodar Territory of March 03, 2022 in case No. A32-48355/2021, the three objects of the real estate: “Fenced stage for maintenance and inspection”, “Metal structure (canopy)”, “Household construction”, located in Yuzhnaya Ozereevka village, Primorsky district, Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Territory, were transferred into the moveable property for further use by the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch according to their intended purpose.
In November 2022, with the approval of Rosmorrechflot (letter No. ZD-27/8537 dated June 28, 2022), in accordance with the public auction procedure, the FSUE "Rosmorport" Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch sold the RBT-16 tug due to the lack of need for its further operation as part of the fleet of the branch.
In February 2023, in accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport” order dated 01.02.2023 No. 35 in agreement with Rosmorrechflot (letter No. BT-27/684 dated 24.01.2023) a decision was taken to divide a federal property unit “Eastern dam”, located in the seaport of Eysk and operated by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch, in two federal property units: “Eastern dam with a length of 180 meters” and “Eastern dam with a length of 638 meters”. The units are intended for use by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch according to their intended purpose to protect the water area of the Eysk seaport from waves.
In March 2023, in accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport” order dated 10.03.2023 No. 89, an action plan was approved for joining the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azov Basin Branch, undergoing the procedure of winding up, to the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch. In the same month, in accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport” order dated 17.03.2023 No. 86/sh, the management structure and staffing of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch were approved. Besides, in accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport” order dated 17.03.2023 No. 96, an amendment was made to the Regulations on the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch due to the expansion of the area for the activities of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch in the seaports of Azov, Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog and on the approaches to them. In addition, in March 2023, FSUE “Rosmorport” received notification of the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia № 24 in Rostov Region dated 20.03.2023 No. 686998937 on registration of the separate subdivision – the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Azov Department – at the tax body. In March 2023, in accordance with the minutes of the FSUE "Rosmorport" central office Commission meeting for awarding titles dated March 13, 2023 No. 10, based on the results of work for 2022, the FSUE "Rosmorport" Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch was recognized as the winner in the title "Best Branch of FSUE "Rosmorport". In the same month, based on the consent of Rosmorrechflot (letter dated 26.03.2021 No. ZD-27/2964) and the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Krasnodar Territory dated 10.03.2022, real estate objects: navigation sign No. 2314 (project 5A) and navigation sign No. 2315, located in the seaport of Sochi, were transferred to movable property for their subsequent use by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch of the for their intended purpose.
In May 2023, in agreement with Rosmorrechflot (letter of 02.06.2023 No. BT-27/7713), the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch sold the Dispatcher Kryshtopa vessel as a result of an open auction, regarding the lack of technical need for its further operation as part of the branch’s fleet. In the same month, in agreement with Rosmorrechflot (letter dated 14.06.2023 No. BT-27/8333), the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch, based on the results of an auction, sold the Botik tugboat due to the lack of need for its further use in economic activities of the branch.
In June 2023, in accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch order dated 01.06.2023 No 05/256, a separate subdivision was created from June 1, 2023: Azov Department as part of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch, operating in the seaports of Azov, Yeysk, Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog, and the regulation on this department was approved. In the same month, in accordance with the action plan for the integration of the liquidated Azov Basin Branch of FSUE “Rosmorport” with the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch of FSUE “Rosmorport”, procedures for the transfer to the branch of 143 real estate assets, including 38 hydraulic structures, 2 underwater hydraulic structures, 30 buildings and premises, 47 structures and 26 fleet units, to be used by the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch of FSUE “Rosmorport” for its intended purpose, were completed.
In July 2023, in accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch order dated 24.07.2023 No. 05/395, Regulations on the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Yeysk Department was declared invalid. In the same month, in accordance with the order of Rosmorrechflot dated 27.07.2023 No. BT-291-r and in agreement with the FSUE “Rosmorport” (letter dated 09.06.2023 No. SP-24/5362-18), the Dokovets tugboat was removed from service of FSUE “Rosmorport” and assigned the right of economic management to the FSUE “Research and Design Institute of Testing Machines, Instruments and Mass Measuring Instruments” for its subsequent use by the enterprise for its intended purpose.
In August 2023, the FSUE "Rosmorport" Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch stopped providing services in the area of optional pilotage of vessels in the Azov Sea from the Kerch Strait to the seaport of Taganrog and to the receiving buoy of the Azov-Don Sea Canal due to its lack of demand by shipowners. In the same month, in accordance with the order of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Property Management Agency in the Rostov region dated 12.07.2023 No. 61-301-r/dsp and in agreement with the FSUE “Rosmorport” (letter dated 03.04.2023 No. SP-32/2971-17) the object real estate “House of the builders of track post No. 1” was withdrawn from the economic management of FSUE “Rosmorport” and assigned the right of economic management to the FSUE “Rostov-on-Don Scientific Research Institute of Radio Communications” for the further use of the object by the enterprise for its intended purpose.
In September 2023, in accordance with the Rosmorrechflot order dated 15.09.2023 No. BT-357-r and in agreement with the FSUE “Rosmorport” (dated 15.09.2023 No. SP-24/8679-17), the Temryuk dredger was removed from economic management FSUE “Rosmorport” and assigned the right of economic management to the FSUE “Research and Design Institute of Testing Machines, Instruments and Mass Measuring Instruments” for its subsequent use by the enterprise for its intended purpose.
In October 2023, in accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport” order dated 21.05.2021 No. 199 and upon agreement with Rosmorrechflot (letter dated 29.04.2021 No. ZD-27/4701), the Agat crew boat was decommissioned and disposed of due to its complete physical wear and tear. In the same month, in accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport” order dated 24.11.2021 No. 472 and upon agreement with Rosmorrechflot (letter dated 05.09.2021 No. ZD-27/8752), the Berkut fast supply vessel was decommissioned and disposed of due to its complete physical wear and tear. In addition, in accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport” order dated 05.10.2023 No. 409 and upon agreement with Rosmorrechflot (letter dated 21.09.2023 No. BT-27/13706), it was decided to merge two real estate facilities – non-residential premises with an area of 1,133.8 square meters and non-residential premises with an area of 375.1 square meters located at the address: seaport of Kavkaz, building 2, Chushka village, Zaporozhye rural settlement, Temryuk municipal district, Krasnodar Territory, and intended to accommodate administrative personnel – into one federal real estate facility: the vessel traffic system center building, intended for use by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch to accommodate the branch's administrative personnel and technological equipment.
In December 2023, in accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport”
order dated 29.05.2023 No. 203, the Kalmar surveying boat, previously used
by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch, was transferred to
the management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Astrakhan Branch to be used for its
intended purpose. In the same month, in accordance with the order of the
Federal Property Management Agency Interregional Territorial Department in Krasnodar
Territory and Republic of Adygea dated 08.12.2023 No. 23-509-r and upon agreement
with FSUE “Rosmorport” (letter dated 13.09.2023 No. SP-32/8615-17), it was
decided to withdraw from the enterprise’s economic management and transfer to
the operational management of the FSBI “Utrish National Nature Reserve”
three federal real estate facilities – a building with an area of 781.8 square
meters designed to protect the coastline from failure, a coast protection with
an area of 352 square meters designed to protect the coastline from failure,
and access roads with an area of 1,585 square meters intended for the
passage of vehicles, – for their subsequent use by the institution for its
intended purpose.
In January 2024, upon agreement with Rosmorrechflot (letter dated 29.01.2024 No. BT-27/1269), the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch, following an open auction, sold the tugboat Protei due to the lack of technical need for its further operation as part of the branch's fleet.
In March 2024, upon agreement with Rosmorrechflot (letter dated 26.05.2023 No. BT-27/7346), as part of the implementation of the project for the construction of a multifunctional recreational complex in the seaport of Gelendzhik, two federal real estate facilities were demolished and disposed of in the seaport of Gelendzhik: the cargo pier on Cape Tonkiy and light beacon No. 2188. In the same month, based on the order of Rosmorrechflot dated 27.02.2024 No. BT-54-r, Almaz и LK-88 crew boats, withdrawn from the economic management of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research and Design Institute of Testing Machines, Instruments and Mass Measuring Instruments, and assigned the right of economic management to FSUE “Rosmorport”, were transferred to the economic management of the Azovo-Chernmorsky Basin Branch of FSUE “Rosmorport” for their further use by the branch for the delivery of branch pilots to vessels calling at the seaports of Kavkaz and Temryuk.
Today the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch is a key transport enterprise in the South of Russia and in Krasnodar Territory. Using federal property, the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch ensures a year-round uninterrupted functioning of the seaport of Novorossiysk, Russia’s strategic port, as well as the seaports of Azov, Anapa, Gelendzhik, Yeysk, Kavkaz, Rostov-on-Don, Sochi, Taganrog, Taman, Temryuk and Tuapse. The staff of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch, almost 2.2 thousand employees, using all the capacities of the branch available in seaports under its authority, render a full scale of services ensuring safe navigation in the port water areas and on harbor approaches.