Harbour Dues and Tariffs

I. Harbor Dues

     1. Harbor dues rates for vessels in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya

     2. Terms of application of harbor dues charged by FSUE “Rosmorport” from vessels in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya

     3. Procedure of Harbour Dues Payment to the FSUE “Rosmorport” Astrakhan Branch

II. Tariffs for other services rendered by the Astrakhan Branch in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya

III. Contact information


I. Harbor Dues


1. Harbor dues rates for vessels in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya

     In accordance with Mintrans of Russia Order No. 387 dated 31.10.2012 “On approval of the list of harbor dues in the Russian Federation seaports” in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya the following dues are charged:


     Seaport of Astrakhan


tonnage dues

FSI “Administration of seaports of the Caspian basin”

canal dues

FSUE “Rosmorport” (Astrakhan Branch)

pilotage dues

FSUE “Rosmorport” (Astrakhan Branch)

icebreaker dues

FSUE “Rosmorport” (Astrakhan Branch)

navigation dues

FSUE “Rosmorport” (Astrakhan Branch)

lighthouse dues

FSUE “Rosmorport” (Astrakhan Branch)

ecological dues

FSUE “Rosmorport” (Astrakhan Branch)

seaport water area

transport security dues  

FSUE “Rosmorport” (Astrakhan Branch)


     Seaport of Olya


tonnage dues

FSI “Administration of seaports of the Caspian basin”

canal dues

FSUE “Rosmorport” (Astrakhan Branch)

pilotage dues

FSUE “Rosmorport” (Astrakhan Branch)

icebreaker dues

FSUE “Rosmorport” (Astrakhan Branch)

navigation dues

FSUE “Rosmorport” (Astrakhan Branch)

lighthouse dues

FSUE “Rosmorport” (Astrakhan Branch)

seaport water area

transport security dues  

FSUE “Rosmorport” (Astrakhan Branch)

     The following rates of harbor dues have been approved for the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya under Russian Federal Tariff Service Order No. 522-t/1 of 20.12.2007 “On approval of harbor dues and application rules in seaports of Russian Federation” (with changes and amendments), Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service Order on 04.08.2023 No. 524/23 "On Approving Harbor Dues Rates for Services Rendered by FSUE “Rosmorport” in Seaports of the Russian Federation, and the rules for their application", Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service Order No. 1588/19 of December 3, 2019 “On approving of the rates of harbor dues for the seaport water area transport security services rendered by FSUE "Rosmorport” in the seaports of the Russian Federation", as well as under FSUE “Rosmorport” Orders No. 555 of 15.12.2020 (amended on 16.12.2021, on 08.06.2022, on 16.12.2022, on 14.06.2023, on 18.12.2023, on 18.06.2024) “On Approving Pilotage Dues Rates for Services to Provide Pilotage of Vessels Rendered by FSUE 'Rosmorport' in the Seaports of the Russian Federation”, FSUE "Rosmorport" Order on 12.12.2023 No. 537 "On approving of the rates of lighthouse dues for services rendered by FSUE “Rosmorport” in the seaport of Olya" and No. 546 of December 27, 2019 (amended on 15.12.2020, on 16.12.2021, on 08.06.2022, on 16.12.2022, on 14.06.2023) “On approving of the rates of transport security dues for the seaport water area transport security services rendered by FSUE "Rosmorport” in the seaports of the Russian Federation":


Seaport of Astrakhan

Foreign traffic rates

Dues name

Rate, RUB/1 GT

all vessels, except ro-ro,

container and tanker vessels

ro-ro, floating and


tanker vessels

Tonnage dues




Canal dues




Pilotage dues



per operation




per each mile




Lighthouse dues




Navigation dues




including VTS




Icebreaking dues




summer rate
from March 1 to November 30




winter rate
from December1 to February 28(29)




Seaport water area 

transport security dues





Coastal voyage rates

Dues name

Rate, RUB/1 GT

all vessels, except ro-ro,

container and tanker vessels

ro-ro, floating and


tanker vessels

Tonnage dues




Canal dues




Pilotage dues




per operation




per each mile




Lighthouse dues




Navigation dues




including VTS




Icebreaking dues




summer rate
from March 1 to November 30




winter rate
from December 1 to February 28(29)




Seaport water area
transport security dues





Seaport of Olya

Foreign traffic rates

Dues name

Rate, RUB/1 GT

all vessels, except ro-ro,

container and tanker vessels

ro-ro, floating and


tanker vessels

Tonnage dues




Canal dues




Pilotage dues




per operation




per each mile




Lighthouse dues


Navigation dues




including VTS




Icebreaking dues



summer rate
from March 1 to November 30




winter rate
from December 1 to February 28(29)




Seaport water area

transport security dues




Coastal voyage rates

Dues name

Rate, RUB/1 GT

all vessels, except ro-ro,

container and tanker vessels

ro-ro, floating and


tanker vessels

Tonnage dues




Canal dues




Pilotage dues




per operation




per each mile




Lighthouse dues


Navigation dues




including VTS




Icebreaking dues




summer rate
from March 1 to November 30




winter rate
from December1 to February 28(29)




Seaport water area
transport security dues





2. Terms of application of harbor dues charged by FSUE “Rosmorport” from vessels in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya

     Terms of application of harbor dues in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya are established by Order of the FAS of Russia No. 223/16 dated 10.03.2016 with the specifications established by Order of the FAS of Russia No. 524/23 on August 4, 2023, FAS of Russia Order No. 1588/19 of December 3, 2019, as well as Orders of FSUE “Rosmorport” No. 555 of December 15, 2020 (amended on 16.12.2021, on 08.06.2022, on 16.12.2022, on 14.06.2023on 18.12.2023, on 18.06.2024) and No. 546 of December 27, 2019 (amended on 15.12.2020, on 16.12.2021, on 08.06.2022, on 16.12.2022, on 14.06.2023).

     Harbor dues rates are applied for payments for services provided by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Astrakhan Branch, for the use of the certain seaport infrastructure facilities, ensuring safety of navigation in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya, and approaches to them.

     Harbor dues are paid by Russian and foreign shipowners or their authorized persons for vessels port calls at the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya, departure from the seaports, as well as transiting through the corresponding seaports.

     Harbor dues in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya are established for Russian vessels navigating under the state flag of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - Russian vessels) and vessels navigating under the flags of foreign states (hereinafter - foreign vessels).

     Harbor dues rates in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya are established for Russian vessels in foreign voyage and foreign vessels, as well as for Russian vessels in coastal navigation, and are differentiated according to the types of vessels:

  • all vessels, except ro-ro ships, dry-cargo ships, container ships and tankers;
  • ro-ro ships, dry-cargo ships and container ships;
  • tankers.

     Foreign vessels carrying out coastal voyages, pay harbor dues at the rates established for foreign vessels in foreign traffic.

     Flag and type of vessel are determined by the vessel's documents.

     For the purposes of applying the harbor dues rates, flag of tug and tow is determined by the flag on the self-propelled part.

     Harbor dues rates are established per unit of gross tonnage indicated in the Rating Certificate.

     Calculation of harbor dues for tankers with isolated ballast tanks is made without taking into account the gross tonnage of isolated ballast tanks indicated in Rating Certificate.

     In the absence of information in the Rating Certificate about gross tonnage of the isolated ballast tanks and on reduced gross tonnage of the tanker, harbor dues are calculated with a coefficient of 0.9.

     For the calculation of harbor dues, a passenger vessel with gross tonnage more than 40,000 is considered to be equal to gross tonnage of 40,000.

     Harbor dues for vessels without Rating Certificate are calculated according to conditional vessel volumetric capacity, estimated in cubic meters, by multiplying three vessel's dimensions - overall length, overall breadth and depth overall indicated in vessel's documents, with coefficient 0.35.

     When a vessel calls at the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya, harbor dues are paid for the voyage on which the vessel called at the corresponding seaport. When a vessel departures from the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya, harbor dues are paid for the voyage in which the vessel leaves the seaport. 

     Vessel calling at the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya without cargo, shall pay harbor dues for the voyage during which it entered the port. A vessel, departing from the respective seaport without cargo, pays harbor dues for the voyage on which it called at the seaport.

     Vessel calling at the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya without carrying out cargo and passenger operations, as well as transiting through the water area, pay harbor dues at rates of the current voyage (foreign or coastal).

     Harbor dues rates (except pilotage dues and navigation dues rates regarding vessel traffic control system (hereinafter - VTS)) for vessels calling at the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya without carrying out operations with cargo and servicing of passengers, transiting through the relevant seaport water area, except cases stipulated by in paragraphs 1.12, 1.14, of Order of FAS Russia No. 223/16 dated 10.03.2016 are applied with coefficient 0.5.

     Gross tonnage of tug and tows, convoys and other composite floating objects (including rafts) when calculating harbor dues (except ecological dues) is defined as the sum of gross tonnage of all the constituent elements of floating objects. If separate objects of tug and tow are of different types, harbor dues are calculated separately for each part of the composite floating object with the use of rates for the corresponding type. In the absence of gross tonnage of floating objects, calculation is made according to conditional volumetric capacity of floating objects, estimated in cubic meters, by multiplying three vessel's dimensions - overall length, overall breadth and depth overall indicated in vessel's documents, with coefficient 0.35. 

     Harbor dues from lighter carrier conducting cargo operations with lighters, are calculated with the total gross tonnage of the lighters discharged when calling at seaports of Astrakhan and Olya, and loaded prior to departure from the corresponding seaport.


     Harbor dues rates are not charged from the following vessels:

  • training, simulation training vessels, and training and production vessels used for educational activities;
  • vessels carrying out government supervisory and control functions;
  • warships (including warships under foreign flags) and military support vessels;
  • vessels intended for the protection and preservation of the marine environment not used for commercial purposes;
  • vessels intended for search and rescue operations not used for commercial purposes.

     Harbor dues rates, except pilotage dues, are not charged from the following vessels:

  • icebreakers;
  • scientific and research vessels;
  • small boats;
  • pleasure boats no longer than 20 m;
  • sport sailing ships;
  • vessels transporting persons between roads and berths of the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya, with maximum capacity of 500 kW;
  • vessels carrying out operations on servicing and supply of vessels, port infrastructure facilities of the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya and operating in the water area of one seaport or adjacent water areas of the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya;
  • vessels passing sea trials.

     For payment by vessels listed in paragraphs 1.11 and 1.12 (except subparagraph 5) of Order of FAS Russia No. 223/16 dated 10.03.2016, harbor dues rates are applied if the vessels carry out operations with cargo and passenger servicing, as well as towage between seaports, without adjacent water areas.


     Harbor dues rates, except pilotage dues and navigation dues regarding VTS, are not applied to the following vessels:

  • vessels coming from the sea to outer roads of the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya, on the approaches to the respective seaports and exiting from them to the sea, without performing any operations on the roads;
  • vessels calling at the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya per force, due to threat of safety of the vessel, life or health of the crew and passengers, without performing of operations with cargo and passenger servicing in the relevant seaport;
  • vessels calling at the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya for emergency repairs without performing  of cargo operations and passenger servicing in the respective seaports.

     For vessels repeatedly calling at the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya, after leaving the relevant seaport under decision of the port authorities or for carrying out compass deviation, harbor dues, except pilotage dues, shall not be applied.

     Russian vessels of the fishing fleet proceeding to the internal sea waters, territorial sea, exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf of the Russian Federation and back without calling at foreign ports, pay harbor dues in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya at the rate for coastal navigation.

     Russian vessels engaged in fishing in the inland waters, territorial sea, exclusive economic zone, continental shelf of the Russian Federation, the purpose of which is delivering water catches of biological resources, fishing and other products produced from them, for processing or sale in the territory of the Russian Federation, pay harbor dues (except for seaport water area transport security dues) in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya at the coastal navigation rates with coefficient 0.3.

     Russian vessels up to 35.0 m long, carrying out coastal fishery in the internal sea waters and territorial sea of the Russian Federation shall be exempt from payment of harbor dues in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya.

     Russian vessels performing fishing in the areas where Russian international treaties in the field of fishing and protecting biological resources and delivering them to the territory of the Russian Federation for the purpose of the subsequent realization and processing are in effect, pay harbor dues (except for seaport water area transport security dues) in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya with the coefficient 0.9.

     Russian vessels, which are equipped with facilities to store catches in live, fresh or cooled state and perform fishing in inland sea waters, in territorial waters, in an exclusive economic zone, in the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, in the areas where Russian international treaties in the field of fishing and protecting biological resources and in the open area of the World Ocean the purpose of which is to deliver catches of water biological resources in live, fresh or cooled state for subsequent realization and processing to the territory of the Russian Federation are in effect, pay harbor dues in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya at the rates of coastal shipping with the coefficient 0.3.

     When transporting (towing) between the seaports of the Russian Federation, Russian ships (composite floating objects, including rafts) proceeding from inland waterways (regions of the Russian Federation rivers) to the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya (including transiting through the seaports), and back, pay harbor dues at the coastal shipping rates.

     Passenger ro-ro ships and ro-ro ships with passenger certificate pay harbor dues at the rates and rules applicable to ro-ro ships.


     Vessels servicing navigational aids in order to ensure navigational safety are exempt from all dues in the seaport of Astrakhan.

     Vessels proceeding from inland waterways to the seaport of Olya and back to the inland waterways are exempt from all harbor dues in the seaport of Astrakhan.

     For calculation of all types of dues in the seaports of Astrakhan, gross tonnage of vessels and other floating objects with dimensions exceeding  the established by Compulsory regulations in the seaport of Astrakhan, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 74 dated 22.03.2012 is multiplied by a coefficient 5.

     For calculation of all types of dues in the seaport of Olya, gross tonnage of vessels and other floating objects with dimensions exceeding established by the Compulsory regulations in the seaport of Olya, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 222 dated 11.07.2012, is multiplied by coefficient 5.

     Russian fishing vessels, and also vessels listed in paragraph 1.11 of Order of the FAS of Russia No. 223/16 dated 10.03.2016, operating in water areas of the Volga-Caspian Seaway Canal and adjacent to it water objects (distributaries, tributaries), not calling at the seaport of Olya and not proceeding to the Astrakhan Sea Road and back.

     The given harbor dues rates are basic, to which the coefficients specified in this Regulation are applied. When several coefficients are applied to vessel, they are sequentially multiplied.


Canal Dues


     Canal dues are charged from vessels for navigation on the canal and when calling at the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya, and departing from the seaports, or transiting through the seaports water areas.

     Passenger vessels pay canal dues in full in the seaport of Astrakhan and Olya, once during calendar year at first port call at the corresponding seaport and departure from it.

     From the second port call at the seaport of Astrakhan or Olya, passenger vessels pay canal dues with coefficient 0.25 to the established rates for each port call at the corresponding seaport and departure of vessel from the seaport.

     When calculating canal dues from vessels calling at the seaport of Astrakhan, without performing cargo and passenger operations, transiting through the seaport, except for cases provided in paragraphs 1.12 and 1.14 of Order No. 223/16 of the FAS of Russia dated 10.03.2016, coefficient 0.5 is not applied.

     Canal dues in the seaport of Olya are charged from tug and tows according to the sum of gross tonnage of all the constituent elements of floating objects during one voyage, only for exit and departure to (from) the seaport where loading and unloading operations are carried out. If towing vessel, due to objective circumstances, cannot deliver more than one towing object to berth at the same time, canal dues are charged from the tug for entry and exit to/from the seaport of Olya only when towing the first object


Pilotage Dues

     Pilotage dues in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya are charged for vessel pilotage within a specified area of compulsory (optional) pilotage of vessel calling at the seaport, departing from the seaport, navigating within the seaport water area or transiting through the corresponding seaport (hereinafter – pilotage) and for each pilot operation specified in paragraph 5.4 of Order No. 223/16 dated 10.03.2016 of the FAS Russia which starts/ends with pilotage.

     The boundaries of compulsory and optional pilotage areas, and the procedure for the provision of pilotage services by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Astrakhan Branch in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya are specified in section “Pilotage services of the Astrakhan Branch”.

     In accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 555 dated 15.12.2020 (amended on 16.12.2021, on 08.06.2022, on 16.12.2022, on 14.06.2023on 18.12.2023, on 18.06.2024) pilotage dues in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya do not include payment for transport means used for delivery and removal of pilot from vessel. Services for the delivery and removal of pilots from vessels in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya are carried out by the Astrakhan Branch in accordance with the procedure for the provision of crew vessels and tariffs for services for the provision of crew vessels of the Astrakhan Branch.

     Pilotage dues for pilotage are paid for each mile. Incomplete mile is considered complete.

     Pilotage dues are paid for each independent pilotage operation, including:

          1) anchoring, mooring at mooring buoys;

          2) unanchoring, unmooring from mooring buoys;

          3) mooring at berth;

          4) unmooring from berth;

          5) docking/undocking of vessel.

     For pilotage between berths, berth and road, and back pilotage dues are paid according to the pilotage rates for each mile. Incomplete mile is counted as a full mile

     For vessels (except passenger vessels), operating on the lines opened in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, coefficient 0.8 is applied to the rates of pilotage dues.

     For the calculation of the amount of pilotage dues, gross tonnage of small, sport sailing, pleasure vessels is determined according to the provisions of paragraph 1.7 of Order No. № 223/16 dated 10.03.2016 of the FAS Russia.

     In accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 555 dated 15.12.2020 (amended on 16.12.2021, on 08.06.2022, on 16.12.2022on 14.06.2023on 18.12.2023, on 18.06.2024) for calculating the amount of pilotage dues in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya, a vessel with a gross tonnage of up to 2,000 is considered equal to a vessel with a gross tonnage of 2,000.

     When shifting vessel alongside the berth with a pilot aboard, the pilotage dues are paid for operation with coefficient 0.5.

     Upon refusal from services of pilot called on vessel, 50 % of the pilotage dues for pilotage and operation, due for the service for which the pilot was called, shall be paid.

     Vessels carrying out operations on servicing and supply of vessels in the water areas of the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya and approaches to them, including the inner and outer roads, infrastructure facilities of the seaport, using the services of a pilot, pay pilotage dues according to the coastal navigation rates.

     Pilotage dues in the seaport of Olya are charged from tug and tows according to the sum of gross tonnage of all the constituent elements of floating objects during one voyage only for exit and departure to(from) the seaport where loading and unloading operations are carried out. If towing vessel, due to objective circumstances, cannot deliver more than one towing object to berth at the same time, canal dues are charged from the tug for entry and exit to/from the seaport of Olya only when towing the first object.

     In accordance with the order of FSUE "Rosmorport" dated 15.12.2020 No. 555 (amended on 16.12.2021, on 08.06.2022, on 16.12.2022on 14.06.2023on 18.12.2023, on 18.06.2024) for the calculation of pilotage dues in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya, the gross tonnage of vessels and other floating objects with dimensions exceeding those established by the Compulsory Regulations in the seaport of Astrakhan, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 22, 2012 No. 74 "On approval of the Compulsory Regulations in the seaport of Astrakhan", and the Compulsory Regulations in the seaport of Olya, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 11.07.2012 No. 222 "On the approval of the Compulsory Regulations in the seaport of Olya", multiplied by a factor of 5.

     In accordance with FSUE "Rosmorport" order No. 555 dated December 15, 2020 (amended on 16.12.2021, on 08.06.2022, on 16.12.2022on 14.06.2023on 18.12.2023, on 18.06.2024) pilotage dues in the seaport of Olya in the area of ​​optional pilotage, determined by the order of the Ministry of Transport Russia dated 11.07.2012 No. 222 "On approval of the Compulsory Regulations in the seaport of Olya", paid with a coefficient of 2.

     In accordance with FSUE "Rosmorport" order No. 555 dated December 15, 2020 (amended on 16.12.2021, on 08.06.2022, on 16.12.2022on 14.06.2023on 18.12.2023, on 18.06.2024) pilotage dues during the period of icebreaker assistance in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya, established by orders of the captains of the corresponding seaports, paid with a coefficient of 1.3.


Navigation Dues


     Navigation dues are charged for entry to the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya and vessel’s departure from the corresponding seaport. For vessels, transiting through the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya, navigation dues are charged at the rate of navigation dues related to the VTS.

     Information on the seaports Astrakhan VTS and coverage area boundaries and the procedure for the provision of navigation services by the Astrakhan Branch with the use of vessel traffic systems can be found in section “Navigation Services of the Astrakhan Branch”.

     Vessels, except for passenger ones, not operating on the lines opened in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, during successive loading or unloading in several Russian seaports during one voyage before entering the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya, pay navigation dues in full at the first port call, and when entering the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya for additional loading or unloading, pay navigation dues with coefficient 0.5 to the established rates of navigation duties in the respective seaport.

     Passenger vessels pay navigation dues in each seaport of call once per a calendar year at the navigation dues rate, when entering the seaport and the departing from the corresponding seaport for the first time.

     From the second entering to the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya, passenger vessels pay navigation dues at the rate of the navigation dues related to VTS for each vessel’s port call and departure from the corresponding port.

     For vessels (except passenger vessels), operating on the lines opened in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, a coefficient 0.8 is applied to the rates of navigation dues.

     Vessels listed in paragraph 1.14 of Order No. 223/16 dated 10.03.2016 of the FAS Russia, pay navigation dues at the rate of navigation dues related to VTS for each call at the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya and the departure from the corresponding port.

     The following vessels are exempt from payment of navigation dues in the seaport of Astrakhan:

  • within the boundaries of Streletskoye vil. - 0 km of the Volga-Caspian Marine Shipping Canal, entering the seaport of Astrakhan water area from adjacent water bodies (distributaries, tributaries), exiting from the seaport of Astrakhan water area to adjacent water bodies (distributaries, tributaries);
  • passing the seaport of Astrakhan water area from adjacent water bodies (from one distributary to another).

     Navigation dues in the seaport of Olya are charged from tug and tows according to the sum of gross tonnage of all the constituent elements of floating objects during one voyage only for exit and departure to(from) the seaport where loading and unloading operations are carried out. If the towing vessel, due to objective circumstances, cannot deliver more than one towing object to berth at the same time, canal dues are charged from the tug for entry and exit to/from the sea port Olya only when towing the first object.


Icebreaking Dues


     Icebreaking dues are charged for call at the seaports of Astrakhan or Olya and departure from the seaport or transiting through the corresponding seaport water area.

     Information on procedure of provision of icebreaking services by the Astrakhan Branch can be found in section “Icebreaking services of the Astrakhan Branch”.

     For vessels (except passenger vessels), operating on the lines opened in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, coefficient 0.8 is applied to the rates of pilotage dues.

     Icebreaking dues rates are not applied to the following vessels:

  • vessels with Arc7 ice class according to the classification of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping or relevant classes of other classification societies, navigating independently, without icebreaker escort;
  • passenger vessels.

     The following vessels are exempt from payment of icebreaking dues:

  • in the seaport of Astrakhan vessels arriving from the seaport of Olya, and vice versa, in the seaport of Olya - vessels arriving from the seaport of Astrakhan;
  • in the seaport of Astrakhan vessels, arrived in the seaport from inland waterways and going back.

     The following vessels are exempt from payment of icebreaking dues in the period from March 1 to November 30 in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya:

  • vessels proceeding from the Caspian Sea to inland waterways and back, not performing cargo operations in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya;
  • fishing vessels.

     In the period of December 1 to February 28, vessels calling at the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya with Ice3 ice class (according to the classification of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping or respective classes of other classification societies) and higher pay Icebreaking dues with coefficient 0.75 to the established rates.

     Icebreaking dues in the seaport of Olya are charged from tug and tows according to the sum of gross tonnage of all the constituent elements of floating objects during one voyage only for exit and departure to(from) the seaport where loading and unloading operations are carried out. If towing vessel, due to objective circumstances, cannot deliver more than one towing object to berth at the same time, canal dues are charged from the tug for entry and exit to/from the seaport Olya only when towing the first object.

Lighthouse Dues


     Lighthouse dues are charged for call at the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya and the exit of the vessel from the seaports or transiting through the corresponding seaports water area.

     Vessels arriving in the seaport of Astrakhan from inland waterways and going back to the inland waterways in river ports, pay lighthouse dues with coefficient 0.5.

     The following vessels are exempt from payment of lighthouse dues in the seaport of Astrakhan:

  • within the boundaries of Streletskoye vil. - 0 km of the Volga-Caspian Marine Shipping Canal, entering the seaport of Astrakhan water area from adjacent water bodies (distributaries, tributaries), exiting from the seaport of Astrakhan water area to adjacent water bodies (distributaries, tributaries);
  • passing the seaport of Astrakhan water area from adjacent water bodies (from one distributary to another).


Ecological Dues


     Collection of ecological dues in the seaport of Astrakhan is carried out after approval by FSUE “Rosmorport” of temporary ecological dues rates charged by FSUE “Rosmorport” in accordance with Order No. 387 dated 31.10.2012 before establishing ecological dues rates in prescribed manner by a state regulatory body in the seaport of Astrakhan, or in accordance with order of a state regulatory body on the approval of rates of ecological dues in the seaport of Astrakhan which comes into force.

Water area transport security dues


     Seaports of Astrakhan and Olya water area transport security dues are charged for call in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya and exit of vessel from the seaports, or transiting through the corresponding seaport water area.

     Water area transport security dues charged for the services rendered by the Astrakhan Branch in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya are not applied to:

     - Russian vessels engaged in fishing in the inland waters, territorial sea, exclusive economic zone, continental shelf of the Russian Federation, the purpose of which is delivering water catches of biological resources, as well as fish and other products produced from them, for processing or sale in the territory of the Russian Federation;

     - Russian vessels performing fishing in the areas where Russian international treaties in the field of fishing and protecting biological resources and in the open area of the World Ocean and delivering them to the territory of the Russian Federation for the purpose of the subsequent realization.

     Vessels arriving in the seaport of Astrakhan from inland waterways and going back to the inland waterways to river ports, pay the seaport of Astrakhan water area transport security dues with coefficient 0.5.

     Vessels exempt from payment of Astrakhan water area transport security dues:

  • within the boundaries of Streletskoye vil. - 0 km of the Volga-Caspian Marine Shipping Canal, entering the seaport of Astrakhan water area from adjacent water bodies (distributaries, tributaries), exiting from the seaport of Astrakhan water area to adjacent water bodies (distributaries, tributaries);
  • passing the seaport of Astrakhan water area from adjacent water bodies (from one distributary to another).

     Vessels proceeding from inland waterways to the seaport of Olya and going back to the inland waterways are exempt from payment of Astrakhan water area transport security dues.

     Russian fishing vessels and vessels listed in paragraph 1.11. Rules for application of harbor dues in the Russian Federation seaports, approved by Order of the FTS of Russia No. 223/16 dated 10.03.2016 (as amended and augmented), operating in the water area the Volga-Caspian Marine Shipping Canal and the adjacent water bodies (sleeves, tributaries), not calling at the seaport of Olya and not going to the Astrakhan Sea Road and back are exempt from payment of the water area transport security dues in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya.

     The seaport of Olya water area transport security dues are charged from tug and tows according to the sum of gross tonnage of all the constituent elements of floating objects during one voyage only for exit and departure to(from) the seaport where loading and unloading operations are carried out.

     If the towing vessel, due to objective circumstances, cannot deliver more than one towing object to berth at the same time, canal dues are charged from the tug for entry and exit to/from the seaport Olya only when towing the first object.

     To calculate the water area transport security dues, gross tonnage of vessels and other floating objects the dimensions of which surpass those specified in the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Astrakhan and Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Olya, is multiplied by coefficient 5. 


3. Procedure of Harbour Dues Payment to the FSUE “Rosmorport” Astrakhan Branch


     Harbour dues charged by the Astrakhan Branch in seaports of Astrakhan and Olya can be paid by shipowners, shipowner's agents and other persons authorized by the shipowner in accordance with the terms of the standard agreement for the provision of services to ensure navigation and stay of vessels in seaports and on approaches to him (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement).

     The agreement is concluded by its acceptance, including without signing by the parties, and is equivalent to an agreement signed by the parties.

     Acceptance is considered to be any written notification by the shipowner (the shipowner's agent, other authorized person of the shipowner) about the vessel's entry into the seaport, sent in accordance with the mandatory regulations in force in the relevant seaport, or the commission of implied actions aimed at obtaining the services of the enterprise in connection with the entry/ departure and stay of the vessel in the seaport, passage through the waters of the seaport in transit.

     Acceptance of an offer for the provision of pilotage services in accordance with the Agreement is considered to be the submission of an application by the shipowner (shipowner's agent, other authorized person of the shipowner) for the provision of this type of service.

     Additional information on procedure of the Contract conclusion can be obtained in the Astrakhan Branch by phone: +7 (8512) 58-48-12 (Monday to Friday 08:00 to 17:00, Moscow time, lunch break 12:00 to 13:00) or filing a request by fax: +7 (8512) 58-57-76 or email: mail@ast.rosmorport.ru

     To pay harbour dues, a shipowner or his legal representative shall send copies of the documents confirming the shipowner's agent or other person authorized to represent the shipowner, certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the organization, and application for an invoice for payment of port dues by fax: +7 (8512) 58-48-12, or in scanned form by email: mail@ast.rosmorport.ru

     It is recommended to send a duly executed request three days before the vessel calls at the seaports of Astrakhan or Olya.

     The application will be considered by the Astrakhan Branch within a day and an invoice for payment of port dues will be sent to the email address of the shipowner (shipowner's agent, other authorized person of the shipowner) or through the electronic document management system in the form of Appendix No. 2 to the Agreement, which must be paid in accordance with terms of the Agreement. Payment documents must indicate the invoice number issued by the Astrakhan Branch. The Astrakhan Branch sends the original invoice for payment of port dues by mail or hand it over by courier to the following address: Kaptain Krasnov st. 31, Astrakhan, Astrakhan region, Russia, 414016;

     For failure to transfer or transfer in full by the shipowner (shipowner's agent, other authorized person of the shipowner) of port dues before the vessel leaves the seaports of Astrakhan or Olya, the Astrakhan Branch is entitled to apply to the captains of the respective seaports for refusal to allow vessel to leave the seaports of Astrakhan or Olya. Seaport in accordance with subparagraph 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 80 of the Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation.


II. Tariffs for other services rendered by the Astrakhan Branch in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya


Icebreaking Services


     The Astrakhan Branch provides additional icebreaking services of individual icebreaker escort with the use of Kapitan Chechkin, Kapitan Bukaev and Kapitan Metsayk icebreakers to all interested organizations.


Tariffs for Additional Icebreaker Services


Icebreaker Name Tariff for one hour of using the icebreaker, RUB per hour (VAT excluded) Tariff for one hour of using the icebreaker, RUB per hour (VAT included)
Kapitan Chechkin 114,728
Kapitan Bukayev
Kapitan Metsayk


     When calculating the cost of additional icebreaking services, the actual operating time of icebreakers in minutes, with time in minutes subsequently converted into hours, is taken into account. Time in hours is calculated with 3 decimal places.


     Terms of rendering and payment for icebreaking services rendered by the Astrakhan Branch with the use of Kapitan Chechkin, Kapitan Bukaev and Kapitan Metsayk icebreakers  are determined by the provisions of the contract for services concluded under the established procedure, specified in section “Icebreaking Services of the Astrakhan Branch.”


Towing Services

     The Astrakhan Branch provides towage services related to mooring operations and other types of vessels relocation in the water areas of the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya, as well as services on marine towing of vessels along the Volga-Caspian Sea Shipping Canal from the seaport of Astrakhan to the Caspian Sea water area –44º30'N north during summer navigation and to the ice edge during winter navigation.


Tariffs for Towing Services


Icebreaker Name Tariff for one hour of towage services, RUB per hour (VAT excluded) Tariff for one hour of towage services, RUB per hour (VAT included)
Kapitan Chechkin 114,728
Kapitan Bukayev
Kapitan Metsayk

     When calculating the cost of towage services, the actual operating time of icebreakers in minutes, with time in minutes subsequently converted into hours, is taken into account. Time in hours is calculated with 3 decimal places.


     Terms of rendering and payment for towage services rendered by the Astrakhan Branch with the use of Kapitan Chechkin, Kapitan Bukaev, Kapitan Metsaik icebreakers  are determined by the provisions of the contract for services concluded under the established procedure, specified in section “Towage Services of the Astrakhan Branch.”

Services on the provision of crew boats


     The Astrakhan Branch renders services on provision of crew boats in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya.

     a) tariffs for services on the provision of crew boats in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya for the purpose of delivering to the vessel (removing from the vessel) crew members, a sea agent (representatives of a sea agent, shipowner), documents, cargo or goods:


Seaports of Astrakhan and Olya


Vessel name

Tariff, rub/hour (VAT excluded)

Tariff, rub/hour (VAT included)

In motion

At anchorage

In motion

At anchorage


4,507 2,286 5,408.4 2,743.2

Boomerang 1

8,653 4,354 10,383.6 5,224.8

Boomerang 2

Lev Tretyakov

6,966 5,535 8,359.2 6,642


7,745 4,883 9,294 5,859.6

      b) tariffs for services on the provision of crew boats in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya for the purpose of delivering (taking off) pilots to the vessel:


(VAT excluded)
(VAT included)
The cost of one operation for the delivery or removal of one pilot to a vessel located on roadsteads No. 4 and No. 5 of the water area of the seaport of Astrakhanrub/operation8,77110,525.20
The cost of delivery or removal of one pilot to a vessel located on roadsteads No. 6 and No. 7 of the water area of the seaport of Astrakhanrub/hour10,56812,681.60
The cost of one operation for the delivery or removal by the icebreaker of the Astrakhan Branch of FSUE "Rosmorport" of one pilot to a vessel located on roadsteads No. 4 and No. 5 of the water area of the seaport of Astrakhan during the winter navigation periodrub/operation22,94627,535.20
The cost of one operation for the delivery or removal of one pilot to the place of embarkation / disembarkation of the pilot at 145,5 km of the Volga-Caspian Sea Shipping Canalrub/operation13,21915,862.80
The cost of one operation for the delivery or removal of one pilot to the place of embarkation / disembarkation of the pilot at 188 km of the Volga-Caspian Sea Shipping Canalrub/operation39,65847,589.60
The cost of one operation for the delivery or removal of one pilot by the icebreaker of the Astrakhan Branch of FSUE "Rosmorport" to the place of embarkation/disembarkation of the pilot at km 188 of the Volga-Caspian Sea Shipping Canal during the winter navigation periodrub/operation48,51158,213.20

     When calculating the cost of services on the provision of crew boats at the hourly tariff rate, the actual time of work of vessels in minutes is taken into account, with the subsequent conversion of minute time into hourly time. Time in hours is taken into account with two decimal places.
     The actual operating time of crew boats is calculated from the time when the crew boat starts to move from the operational berth in the seaport of Astrakhan to provide the service specified in the vessel's log book, until the end of the provision of services - the time the crew boat returns to the mooring place to the operational berth in the seaport of Astrakhan, specified in vessel's logbook.
     The actual working time of crew boats for the delivery or removal of a pilot to vessels in roadsteads No. 6 and No. 7 is calculated from the time the crew boat starts moving from the operational berth in the seaport of Astrakhan to provide the service indicated in the vessel's logbook until the end of the provision services - the time of the crew boat's return to the mooring place at the operational berth in the seaport of Astrakhan, indicated in the vessel's logbook.
     The operation of delivering a pilot to a vessel includes taking the pilot onto the crew boat (during the winter navigation period, to the icebreaker) at the operating berth, delivering and disembarking the pilot to the vessel, returning the crew boat to the operating berth. During the winter navigation period, the operation of delivering a pilot to a vessel is completed by disembarking the pilot from the icebreaker onto the vessel.
     The operation to remove the pilot from the vessel includes the departure of the crew boat from the operational berth, the approach to the vessel and the acceptance of the pilot on the crew boat, its delivery to the operational berth. During the winter navigation period, the operation to remove the pilot from the vessel includes taking the pilot on board the icebreaker from the vessel and delivering him to the operational berth.

     The conditions for the provision and payment for the services of the Astrakhan Branch for the provision of crew boats are determined by the provisions of the contract for the provision of relevant services, concluded in the prescribed manner, specified in the section "Crew Boats Services of the Astrakhan Branch".


Ice Advisory Services


     The Astrakhan Branch renders ice advisory services on a contractual basis by providing recommendations and advice to shipmasters on safe navigation of vessels of all types either in the ice convoys escorted by icebreakers or separately proceeding in ice conditions within the Northern part of the Caspian Sea.


     The price of services of an ice advisor is 976.50 RUB (excluding VAT) or 1,171.80 RUB (including VAT) for one hour of work of an ice advisor. The price includes cost of delivery of the ice advisor on board the ship by the Astrakhan Branch icebreaker. When calculating the final cost of the ice service, the advisor takes into account the actual time of operation in minutes, with subsequent conversion of time in minutes into hours. Time in hours is calculated with 3 decimal places.


     Terms of rendering and payment for the services of ice advisors of the Astrakhan Branch are determined by the provisions of the contract for services concluded under the established procedure, specified in section “Ice Advisory Services of the Astrakhan Branch.”


Radio Communication Services

     The Astrakhan Branch provides its subscribers with radio communication services in the directions from ship to shore and from shore to ship when ship is in the water area of the Volga-Caspian Marine Shipping Canal in the coverage area of the coast UHF and MF/HF radio stations of the Astrakhan Branch.


     Information about the cost of telecommunication services provided by the Astrakhan Branch is attached.


     Terms of rendering and payment for the Astrakhan Branch radio communication services are determined by the provisions of the contract for  services concluded under the established procedure, specified in  section “Radio Communication Services of the Astrakhan Branch”.


Services on Provision of Communication Channels


     The Astrakhan Branch renders services on provision of channels of digital radio relay communication lines to all concerned organizations in the area of the Volga-Caspian Sea Shipping Canal (hereinafter — VCSSC) from the city of Astrakhan to the island on the 145 km of VCSSC. 


The cost of provision of one digital communication channel  for use


Cost of usage of one digital communication channel, RUB per month

Channel length up to 50 km

Channel length up to 100 km

(VAT excluded)

(VAT included)

(VAT excluded)

(VAT included)






     Terms of rendering and payment for services of the Astrakhan Branch for the provision of communication channels are determined by the provisions of the contract for services concluded under the established procedure, specified in section “Services for Provision of Communication Channels of the Astrakhan Branch”.

Berth Assignment Services

     The Astrakhan Branch renders services of providing berths for vessel safe mooring without carrying out loading and unloading operations in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya.

     Tariffs on berth assignment services in the seaport of Astrakhan

Berth name Tariff per one line meter,
Rub per 1 hour, VAT excluded
Tariff per one line meter, 
Rub per 1 hour, VAT included 
Operational berth

     Tariffs on berth assignment services in the seaport of Olya

Berth name Tariff per one line meter, 
Rub per 1 hour, VAT excluded
Tariff per one line meter, 
Rub per 1 hour, VAT included
Berth No. 5а 7.54 9.05
Berth No. 10 8.68 10.42
Berth No. 10а 8.09 9.71
Berth No. 10b6.89 8.27

     The time of mooring is calculated in hours and minutes from the date of berthing a vessel to the moment of its unmooring.

     The time of mooring in minutes is translated into hours rounded to two digits.

     The cost of vessel berthing is calculated by the way of multiplying the tariff by the time of mooring and the maximum length of a vessel. The maximum length of a vessel is determined according to ship’s documents.

     The similar applies to the cost of a vessel mooring in the seaport of Astrakhan unmoored by the second board to another berthing vessel in the seaport of Astrakhan.

     When a vessel is moored in the seaport of Olya on the second side (lag), a coefficient of 0.5 is applied to the tariff rates for the service of providing space at the branch berths for mooring vessels.

     Service and payment terms established by the Astrakhan Branch to provide berths for vessel mooring in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya are determined by provisions of a contract for rendering relevant services that has been signed subject to the established procedures. This information is specified in the section “Astrakhan Branch Berth Assignment Services”.


Water Bunkering Services


     The Astrakhan Branch renders water bunkering services for the vessels at the operational berth in the seaport of Astrakhan.


     The price for water bunkering services for a vessel is 270 RUB (excluding VAT) and 324 RUB (including VAT) per 1 ton of water.

     In addition to the price for bunkering  services, the duration of the vessel stay at the berth is payable in the amount of 6.53 RUB (excluding VAT) and 7.84 RUB (including VAT) per hour for 1 meter of quay wall.

     The actual duration of the vessel stay is calculated based on the time of the vessel being bunkered in minutes with subsequent conversion of the time in minutes into hours with 3 decimal places.

     The final amount of the extra charge to the price of bunkering services is calculated based on the maximum length of the vessel moored broadside to the berth and the actual time of the ship being bunkered at the berth. The maximum length of the vessel is determined in accordance with the measurement certificate of the vessel.


     Terms of rendering and payment for the water bunkering services of the Astrakhan Branch  are determined by the provisions of the contract for services concluded under the established procedure, specified in  section “Water Bunkering Services of the Astrakhan Branch.”


Dredging Services


     In off-season (winter) period the Astrakhan Branch renders dredging services in the Caspian Sea on contractual basis to all interested organizations.

     The cost of dredging works performed by the Astrakhan Branch is calculated in accordance with the state estimate standards of underwater construction and diving operations (part 44 of volumes FER-2001, GESN-2001), approved by the orders No. 253 dated November 17, 2008 and No. 528 dated November 8, 2011 of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, included in the Federal register of estimate standards.

     Terms of rendering and payment for the dredging services of the Astrakhan Branch are established by the provisions of the contract for services, concluded under the procedure, specified in section “Dredging Services of the Astrakhan Branch.”


Geodesic and Hydrographic Services


     The Astrakhan Branch on a contractual basis preforms mapping of bottom relief in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya.

     The cost of geodesic and hydrographic works of the Astrakhan Branch is calculated based on the agreed scope of work on the basis of “Reference book of basic prices on engineeing surveys for construction, issue 4, 2000.” Engineering and Hydrographic Works Engineering and hydrometeorological surveys in the rivers. UDC 624., approved by the Department of Scientific Research and Design and Survey Operations (letter No. 5-11/91 dated September 26, 2000), taking into account indexes of change of cost of works for the current time period.

     Terms of rendering and payment for geodesic and hydrographic works of the Astrakhan Branch are determined by the clauses of the contract for provision of the relevant services, concluded according to the established procedure specified in section “Geodesic and Hydrographic Services of the Astrakhan Branch”.

Services on Provision of Motor Vehicles for Transporting Pilots to Vessels


     The Astrakhan Branch provides services on transportation of the branch’s pilots to/from vessels in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya using motor vehicles of the Astrakhan Branch or engaged organizations.


     Tariffs for the services on transportation of a pilot to a vessel using a motor vehicle in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya


     Seaports of Astrakhan and Olya

Motor vehicle Tariff, Rub
per 1 hour
(VAT excluded)
Tariff, Rub
per 1 hour
(VAT included)
motor vehicles of the Astrakhan Branch within the boundaries of the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya 1,247.00 1,496.40
motor vehicles of engaged organizations within the boundaries of the seaport of Astrakhan 1,042.00 1,250.40


     The actual time of work of the Astrakhan Branch's motor vehicles is calculated from the time the vehicle moves off the pilot station in the seaport of Astrakhan to provide the service specified in the application, until the end of providingthe services – the time the vehicle returns to the parking lot at the pilot station in the seaport of Astrakhan.

     The actual time of work of the motor vehicles engaged by the branch when transporting a pilot to the vessel is calculated from the time the vehicle moves off the pilot station in the seaport of Astrakhan to provide the service specified in the application, until the end of providing the services – the time the pilot disembarks at the berth in the seaport of Astrakhan. The actual time of work of the motor vehicles engaged by the branch when delivering a pilot from a vessel is calculated from the time the pilot gets into the motor vehicle, engaged by the branch, at the berth in the seaport of Astrakhan until the time of transportation of the pilot to the pilot station in the seaport of Astrakhan.

     When calculating the cost of the Astrakhan Branch services on transporting pilots using the branch's vehicles or the vehicles engaged by the branch, the actual time of work of the motor vehicles is counted in minutes with the subsequent conversion of time in minutes into hours.

     Time in hours is counted with two decimal places.


     Tariffs for the services on transportation of a pilot to/from the vessel to/from the seaport of Olya using a motor vehicle engaged by the branch


Motor vehicle Tariff, Rub per operation
(VAT excluded)
Tariff, Rub per operation
(VAT included)
motor vehicle of engaged organizations on transportation of a pilot to the vessel from the pilot station in the seaport of Astrakhan to the seaport of Olya or removing a pilot from the vessel in the seaport of Olya and transporting a pilot to the pilot station in the seaport of Astrakhan 5,194.00 6,232.80


     Transportation of a pilot to/from the vessel by motor vehicles of engaged organizations to/from the seaport of Olya is calculated per operation.

     The operation of transporting a pilot to the vessel includes getting the pilot into the vehicle at the pilot station in the seaport of Astrakhan and transporting him to the berth in the seaport of Olya.

     The operation of removing a pilot from the vessel includes getting the pilot into a vehicle at the berth in the seaport of Olya and transporting him to the pilot station in the seaport of Astrakhan.


     Terms of rendering and payment for the Astrakhan Branch services on transportation of the branch’s pilots to/from vessels using motor vehicles are determined by the clauses of the contract for provision of the relevant services, concluded according to the established procedure specified in section “Services on Provision of Motor Vehicles for Transporting Pilots to Vessels”.


III. Contact information


     Additional information on the procedure of harbour dues payment to the FSUE “Rosmorport” Astrakhan Branch in the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya can be obtained:

     by phone (Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 18:00, Astrakhan time, lunch break from 13:00 to 13:45):

     +7 (8512) 58-48-21

     or by filing a request by fax: +7 (8512) 58-57-76 or email: mail@ast.rosmorport.ru.