- execution of a range of technological and organizational steps to enable reception of sea and river cargo supplied in the framework of the arrangement of the South and Tambey gas-condensate deposit;
- construction of a seaport and a liquid natural gas plant from 2014 till 2018;
- functioning of the seaport along with the operation of the South and Tambey gas and condensate deposit
Construction of Sabetta Seaport is divided into two stages:
Stage I: construction of the preliminary period facilities:
a) Facility No. 1:
Approaching canal:
- length: 4 km ;
- width: 420 m;
- seabed level: -12 m,
including the turning point with 446 meters in diameter and the estimated bottom level of -12 m, and a construction pit for unloading of pontoons with the following dimensions: 189 mto 254 m and the estimated bottom level of -23,5 m.
b) Facility No. 2
Water area of the future auxiliary berths:
- estimated bottom level at berth No. 1.1: -5 m;
- estimated bottom level at berth No. 1.2: -5 m;
- estimated bottom level at berth No. 2.1: -5.1 m;
- estimated bottom level at berth No. 2.2: -5.1 m;
- estimated bottom level at berth No. 3.1: -12 m;
- estimated bottom level at berth No. 3.2: -12 m;
- estimated bottom level at berth No. № 4: -7.1 m
c) Facility No. 3
Coastal aids to navigation including the front and back gate signs with the length of 20 m and 25 m respectively.
d) Facility No. 4
Control-correcting station (GPS differential correction station + GLONASS) with the following specifications:
- bandwidth: 283.5 - 325.0 kHz;
- output power: 750 Wt;
- antenna: T-shaped
- working temperature: from – 30°C to + 55°C;
- station operational range: 200 miles.
Stage 2: construction of the main facilities of the seaport.
The documentation is being drafted.
- dredging at facility No. 1 performed in the amount of 83,344.3 cubic meters in the area with the length of 3.4 km along the canal axis limited by the fathom lines of 7 and 12 meters (according to Baltic System of Heights 1977) and the width of 240 meters, up to the seabed line of -12 meters (according to Baltic System of Heights 1977).
- bottom mapping of the dredging area at the approaching canal and the berths water area with the total area size of 766 hectares performed.
- dredging at facility No. 1 performed in the amount of 1,023,863.2 cubic meters in the area with the length of 3.4 km along the canal axis limited by the fathom lines of 7 and 12 meters (according to Baltic System of Heights 1977) and the width of 240 meters, up to the seabed line of -12 meters (according to Baltic System of Heights 1977).
- bottom mapping of the dredging area at the approaching canal, in the mouth of the Sabetta-Yakha River, at the berth water area and in the temporary soil storage area with the total size of more than 6.7 hectares performed.
- dredging at facility No. 1 performed in the amount of 405,278.7 cubic meters in the area with the length of 3.4 km along the canal axis limited by the fathom lines of 7 and 12 meters (according to Baltic System of Heights 1977) and the width of 240 meters, up to the seabed line of -12 meters (according to Baltic System of Heights 1977).
- bottom mapping of the dredging area at the approaching canal, and in the temporary soil storage area with the total size of more than 3.7 hectares performed.