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Arkhangelsk Branch News

Kapitan Chaadaev Icebreaker Takes Part in EMERCOM Emergency Exercises

On 15 September 2015 Kapitan Chaadaev icebreaker of the Arkhangelsk Branch took part in emergency exercises arranged by the Head Department of the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry in the Arkhangelsk Region, which included first aid provision, search and rescue of people in the arctic area. The exercises were held under the V International conference for provision of security and sustainable growth of the Arctic Region, preservation of ecosystems and the lifestyle traditional for the indigenous population of the Arctic.

Facilities of aviation and sea salvage vessels of EMERCOM and companies of the Arkhangelsk Region were used in the exercises – more than 20 pieces overall.

Various technics of firefighting on-board and rescue of people have been practiced. In particular, according to the exercises scenario fire would burst out in Kapitan Chaadaev engine-room and the vessel would run aground. Several people were thrown overboard, one of them seriously injured. Firemen were delivered to the deck in a helicopter and immediately joined firefighting. Rescuers parachuted into the water, got people out of water to the helicopter in a special basket assisted by salvage boats that had already come by the vessel. In the same time marine salvage boats began firefighting on board of the vessel. After firefighting operation was finished, breakdown vessel was towed to Arkhangelsk seaport.

Deputy Minister of Russian Emergency Situations Ministry Aleksandre Chupriyan appraised highly the exercises having noticed well-cooperated actions of EMERCOM rescue unit and departments, authorities and other organizations.