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Arkhangelsk Branch News

Winter Navigation in Arkhangelsk Seaport Opened

In accordance with Regulation of the Master of Arkhangelsk seaport dated 06.11.2014 No. 04/1-04/37 winter navigation in the Arkhangelsk waters in 2014-2015 is declared opened starting from 0:00 a.m. on 10 November 2014.  
Information on the terms of icebreaker escort in Arkhangelsk seaport and the White Sea will be announced additionally.  

With the winter navigation opening in Arkhangelsk seaport navigation of small and sports vessels is prohibited, also limitations for all types of vessels without ice strengthening class come in force.

Expecting the winter navigation opening the Arkhangelsk Branch is finalizing the set of administrative and technical measures on navigation equipment and ice-breaking fleet preparation to the winter season.

Съемка буя у мостаIn order to ensure navigation safety in Arkhangelsk seaport during winter navigation the Arkhangelsk Branch installed buoys of year-round use in number of 42 pieces mostly at turning points of the main navigation pass for visual orientation before the ice canal is established.     

Within the marine equipment modernization at “Dikson”, “Kapitan Kosolapov” and “Kapitan Chadaev” ice-breakers of the Arkhangelsk Branch up-to-date satellite communications systems VHF, Navtex, INM-C and Safety Net are installed, which allow to receive meteorological and navigational information from navigation areas in better quality, including ice and weather charts and also to maintain non-stop two-way communication with the headquarters of ice operations and controller's office of the Arkhangelsk Branch.             

By the opening of the icebreaker escort in Arkhangelsk seaport all the 4 ice-breakers of the Arkhangelsk Branch with the power of 4 to 9 MW will be ready to ensure icebreaker escort for the vessels calling at Arkhangelsk seaport.
For information:
As the result of winter navigation in 2013-2014 the Arkhangelsk Branch has provided 95 vessels with icebreaker escorts for calling at the seaport and for 103 vessels leaving the seaport. The average length of the icebreaker escorts has reached 200 sea miles.